Fiend Intel is an activity in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, and one of many types of World Intel. It allows the party to battle enemies in combat assignments, set by Chadley's AI companion, MAI. The party must battle a number of fiends found around the region maps, and can complete additional combat objectives for extra party EXP.
Most Fiend Intel battles are more challenging versions of the enemies found throughout that region, and MAI reveals region lore during the battle. However, they are typically less challenging than the region's Classified Intel, which is more akin to a boss battle. Completing enough Fiend Intel in the region will unlock new Chadley Combat Simulator challenges.
Combat assignment | Enemies | Objectives |
Fiend Intel 1: Voracious and Venomous | Venorat x2 | |
Fiend Intel 2: Bearer of Grudges | Enmidunk x2 |
Fiend Intel 3: Keepers of the Burrow | Mi x3 | |
Fiend Intel 4: Wailing Weed | Mandrake x3 |
Fiend Intel 5: Picky Eater | Aggrevrikon x2 |
Fiend Intel 6: Voltaic Canine | Thunderclaw x2 |
Voracious and Venomous[]
Venorat is weak to Ice, which will pressure it. Equipping
Ice Materia and casting Blizzard will pressure it, and dealing damage shortly after will stagger it and make it an easy kill. Doing this should defeat the two venorats and complete all objectives.
Bearer of Grudges[]
Enmidunk is durable but slow, and its main threat comes from counterattacking as it sees red after taking elemental damage. It is weak to both Fire and ice, and casting Fire or Blizzard will pressure it. Its durability means it is ideal to then use an ability that increases stagger quickly, such as Cloud's Focused Thrust, Barret's Focused Shot, or Tifa's Focused Strike. Staggering one quickly gives the chance both to defeat it more quickly and cuts off its chance to counterattack while seeing red.
Keepers of the Burrow[]
Mis are imbued either with fire or ice, which affects both their attacks and their elemental weakness. They are not particularly durable, but their attacks have a large area-of-effect, and must be avoided in between attacks. Casting Fire or Blizzard depending on which they are weak to will pressure them, and inflicting damage quickly or using a stagger-boosting ability can quickly stagger and defeat it.
Wailing Weed[]
Mandrakes themselves have low durability, and are weak to fire. Stopping them from using Quick Nap requires keeping them knocked back by attacks to prevent them from using it, or simply defeating them quickly. Cloud's melee attacks in Punisher Mode are a good way of keeping them constantly under attack, and casting Fire or even Fira can defeat (and stagger) them quickly.
Picky Eater[]
Aggrevrikons are agile, have strong melee attacks, and can inflict Toad. Despite their appearance, they are weak to fire. As such, having multiple party members with
Fire Materia or
Fire and Ice Materia equipped is important so that one can cast fire if the other is a toad. Casting Fire or Fira is an effective way to pressure and stagger them, at which point relentless attacks should defeat them.
Voltaic Canine[]
Thunderclaw are agile and durable enemies who can deal great damage if allowed to get their attacks off, and do not have an elemental weakness. They are pressured by inflicting negative status effects, meaning inflicting Poison by casting Bio (
Poison Materia) will pressure them, opening them to be staggered.
Junon Region[]
Combat assignment | Enemies | Objectives |
Fiend Intel 1: Cacophonic Corvid | Fonadu x1 |
Fiend Intel 2: Zemze Breaks | Whymzelett x2 |
Fiend Intel 3: Scorched Earth | Lavalisk x4 |
Fiend Intel 4: Weather the Storm | Stormwing x4 |
Cacophonic Corvid[]
Fonadu is a large durable flying enemy. As such, Barret or Aerith for ranged attacks, or Tifa for synergy skills that can launch her in the air, are ideal. It is weak to Wind, but fonadu is pressured by dodging its Death from Above attack, which it will use after sustaining some damage. Performing a dodge roll (especially with an agile party member such as Tifa, Red XIII, or Yuffie) as it swoops to the ground will avoid the attack, pressure it, at which point it can be staggered and defeated quickly.
Zemze Breaks[]
Whymzelett are slow but durable enemies, weak to ice damage. To stop them from performing Soothing Breeze, one must inflict enough damage while they are casting it, which will also pressure it and leave it open to stagger. As such, it is best to fill ATB on party members with ice materia (preferably two or three party members have the materia equipped) to cast Blizzard or Blizzara when they begin casting Soothing Breeze, followed up either with decent damage or with a second cast of Blizzard, should be enough to stop them doing so. As long as ATB charges are available to cast when needed, it should be easy to prevent them completing the cast before ultimately defeating them.
Scorched Earth[]
Lavalisks are small, agile enemies which are weak to ice. It is best to aim Blizzard or Blizzara spells to try to hit multiple at once if possible, providing an easy way to pressure and then stagger them. If not possible to hit multiple at the same time, simply bringing party members with ice materia equipped so each can defeat the lavalisks as fast as possible should be sufficient.
"Chocobo Intel: Birds of the Mountain" must be completed first to reach this Fiend Intel.
Weather the Storm[]
Stormwings are flying enemies that are weak to wind. Bringing Wind Materia to cast Aero to pressure them at which point they will fall to the ground. Staggering them at this point while they are vulnerable (preferably using stagger-boosting abilities) will provide an easy means to defeat them in the time limit.
Corel Region[]
Combat assignment | Enemies | Objectives |
Fiend Intel 1: Hit the Squids | Shankhalopod x3 |
Fiend Intel 2: Seahorsing Around | Heliopora Terpsicolt x3 |
Fiend Intel 3: Top of the Pecking Order | Saberhawk x3 |
Fiend Intel 4: Death from Below | Duneworm |
Fiend Intel 5: Fish out of Water | Bladefin x3 |
Fiend Intel 6: Unholy Union | Silver Chimera x2 |
Hit the Squids[]
Shankhalopods are agile enemies that are invulnerable to basic attacks when hidden in their shells, but can be forced out of them with stronger abilities. Outside their shells, they are not durable. They are weak to fire and can be pressured by fire-based attacks, meaning casting Fire, then staggering them while pressured, and defeating them quickly will complete all combat objectives.
Seahorsing Around[]
Heliopora terpsicolts are agile and make use of strong spin attacks, during which they are incredibly durable, but are vulnerable at all other times. Dodging their Leech attack will pressure them, but they are weak to ice, meaning casting Blizzard or Blizzara and then staggering them quickly is the best move. Their spin attacks must be avoided or guarded against, as they can deal heavy damage.
Top of the Pecking Order[]
Saberhawks are flying enemies whose Thunderpeck attack can stun and deal strong damage. They are weak to fire and fire-based will pressure them. This can be used not only for combat objectives, but also to interrupt their attacks; as such, keeping ATB charges available and equipping materia on all party members to cast Fire often is an effective way of dealing with them.
Death from Below[]
Duneworm is a more challenging opponent which is invulnerable when buried in the sand and can use Swallow, which will take a party member out of battle if not dodged. Swallow can be avoided by dodge rolling (or using Yuffie's Brumal Form) just before it lands on the party member. Duneworm is weak to ice, and can be pressured by dealing enough ice damage to it.
Using Elemental Materia paired with ice materia is very effective at defeating it within the time limit due to its durability, while a well-timed cast of Blizzara should do the trick to pressure and then stagger it. Though dealing sufficient damage during Swallow will also pressure it, it is ideal to avoid Swallow in the first place.
Fish out of Water[]
Bladefins are fast enemies which have low durability, but as with duneworm, are invulnerable when buried beneath the sand. They can be pressured by attacking them when they jump from the sand (basic attacks should suffice), at which point they will fall off-balance and can be staggered. It is best to save unique abilities for when they have fallen off-balance so as not to waste ATB charges and to take advantage of their vulnerable state.
Unholy Union[]
Silver chimeras are durable enemies with strong melee and ranged attacks. Their most ranged attack is Aquatic Beam, but they will pressure themselves when using it. They are weak to fire. Guarding against Aquatic Beam and casting Fira, or using other attacks, will help pressure them. Throughout the battle, it is ideal to equip a party member with elemental and fire (or fire and ice materia) paired, so as to defeat them quicker given their high durability.
Gongaga Region[]
Combat assignment | Enemies | Objectives |
Fiend Intel: A Croaking Chorus | Pastel Amphidex x3 |
Fiend Intel: Mean Green Mother | Brumeflower x3 |
Fiend Intel: Shake the Earth | Grandhorn Warden x2 |
Fiend Intel: Maddened by Mako | Savage Grandhorn x1 |
Fiend Intel: A Two-Pronged Assault | Maloceros x1 |
Fiend Intel: Reactor Royalty | Fulvum Varanus x2 |
A Croaking Chorus[]
Pastel amphidexes are enemies whose Toadfrog Tune attack will inflict Toad on party members, meaning the green mist must be avoided. Non-controlled party members will do this alone, but for players, either controlling an agile party member (such as Tifa, Yuffie, or Cait Sith) and dodging, or a ranged party member (Barret or Aerith) and keeping a distance, will help. Pastel amphidexes are weak to ice, and using ice attacks will pressure and eventually stagger them more easily.
Mean Green Mother[]
Brumeflowers are enemies who start off small, but increase in size with their Growth Spurt ability. Speed here is important not just for time limit, but to prevent the reaching their final form. This means it is best to take advantage of area-of-effect attacks to hit multiple at once, and Cloud's Punisher Mode attacks serve as a great means of doing so.
Shake the Earth[]
Grandhorn wardens are durable, strong, but slow enemies, whcih mostly rely on counterattacking when guarding. Using powerful, targeted offensive abilities while guarding (such as Cloud's Braver, Tifa's Divekick, or Barret's Charging Uppercut) will pressure them, leaving them vulnerable to then be staggered and defeated. Tifa is also effective in this battle to use her Unbridled Strength abilities and increase their stagger bonus damage to defeat them quickly within the limit.
Maddened by Mako[]
Savage grandhorn is an even stronger grandhorn variant. The same tactics as in "Shake the Earth" against grandhorn wardens apply (using strong offensive attacks while guarding to pressure them, increasing its bonus stagger damage with Tifa), but it is even more durable and can deal more damage, making it important to have many means of healing the party.
A Two-Pronged Assault[]
Maloceros is a large and durable enemy, which is mobile in its attacks but all its attacks deal melee damage. It is weak to fire. To interrupt it while it is using Concentrate, simply cast fire-based spells repeatedly with other party members. Ensure an ATB charge is ready on each party member for when it uses Concentrate. Doing this will make it easier to stagger it.
Reactor Royalty[]
Fulvum varanuses are fast enemies which attack in melee range. To pressure them, while they are charging Ambush, strong, targeted abilities (such as Cloud's Braver, Tifa's Divekick, or Barret's Charging Uppercut) should be used, interrupting them and preventing them from getting off this attack.
Cosmo Canyon Region[]
Combat Assignment | Enemies | Objectives |
Fiend Intel 1: Wizards of the Waste | Sahagin Warrior x3 |
Fiend Intel 2: Fury Takes Flight | Drohdroh x3 |
Fiend Intel 3: Guardian of Gold | Shirdal x1 |
Fiend Intel 4: Too Hot to Handle | Pyrowire x3 |
Fiend Intel 5: The Shapeless Assassin | Bashfulisk x4 |
Fiend Intel 6: Forgotten Toys | Elder Golem x1 |
Wizards of the Waste[]
Sahagin warriors are mobile enemies who use sweeping spear attacks. They are weak to ice, and thus, using ice spells is an effective way of pressuring them to then stagger and defeat them quickly. When they inflict Petrify to turn party members to stone, healing this with Esuna (meaning one member needs
Cleansing Materia), or resisting it with accessories, can be enough, but often times it is simply sufficient to defeat them quickly before petrify can morph anyone.
Fury Takes Flight[]
Drohdrohs attack with melee attacks and the more powerful Fury Bomber ability. For the objective of using a limit attack against them, aside from deliberately sustaining damage from Fury Bomber and having another party member heal them, staggering them all quickly with abilities (namely Cloud's Focused Strike) will build the gauge much faster. Limit Siphon Materia on the intended user can also help, alongside
Limit Support Materia on other party members, and relevant accessories
Transference Module,
Spectral Cogwheel,
Limit Booster, or
Enhanced Expeditionary Medal.
Guardian of Gold[]
Shirdal is a durable winged enemy that is weak to Lightning. As such, using spells from the
Lightning Materia or
Lightning and Wind Materia, is a good means both of dealing damage and quickly staggering it, especially given it will pressure itself after performing some attacks. Timing these spells, and stagger-boosting abilities, for when it is pressured will allow it to be staggered quickly, at which point it can be defeated.
Too Hot to Handle[]
Pyrowires are weak to ice, and pressured by ice attacks. Using ice spells, especially if timed to hit multiple at once, is the best means of pressuring them, to follow up with attacks to then stagger and defeat them quickly.
The Shapeless Assassin[]
Bashfulisks are agile enemies who can change their elemental affinity after hiding, and are pressured when their elemental weakness is hit. This begins with an ice weakness, so hitting them with ice spells and following up with stagger-boosting attacks from the start can be effective before they change, but it is ideal to have all types of spells available between the party members through materia equipped.
Forgotten Toys[]
Elder golem is a strong, durable, but slow enemy, which is weak to Wind. Its stagger gauge normally will not increase, but as the battle goes on and its energy is drained, it will pressure itself. Simply using normal attacks (especially wind-based attacks) and dodging and guarding against its own attacks will suffice, and as the fight goes on, normally after it uses Pummel, it will pressure itself. Throw all stagger-boosting attacks while it is pressured to then complete all combat objectives.
Nibel Region[]
Fiend Intel 2 and 4 require the chocobo from "Chocobo Intel: Feathered Waverunners" to reach thme.
Combat Assignment | Enemies | Objectives |
Fiend Intel 1: Roaring Flames | Pyretail x3 |
Fiend Intel 2: Gluttonous Devourer | Carnifex x4 |
Fiend Intel 3: Mako-Cursed Abomination | Marquis Valron x2 |
Fiend Intel 4: Stone-Cold Spitter | Suevite Disgorgon x1 |
Roaring Flames[]
Pyretails are agile and powerful enemies that are weak to fire. Casting fire spells will pressure them, making them quick to stagger. Only Fire or Fira should be needed, as it is not worth charging two ATB charges for Firaga for these enemies. Aside from this, guarding against their attacks, and particularly staying out of range of their flame attacks, is important.
Gluttonous Devourer[]
Carnifexes are small, agile enemies that are weak to ice. Using ice-based attacks will pressure them. Only Blizzard or Blizzara should be needed, as it is not worth charging two ATB charges for Blizzaga for these how many there are.
Mako-Cursed Abomination[]
Marquis valrons are a durable, powerful foes who heavily use Graviton to drain HP, or strong melee attacks. They are weak to ice, and so using ice-based spells will pressure them. Given their durability, Blizzaga may be worth charging to pressure them quickly, though Blizzara will suffice if cast by two party members in quick succession. Elemental materia should also be paired with ice materia on a party member's weapon for greater damage.
Stone-Cold Spitter[]
Sueve disgorgon is a durable but fast enemy, which resists fire and is weak to ice. It is not pressured by ice attacks however, as it can be pressured only by destroying its jaw which is vulnerable while it uses Petrifying Mist. Keep ATB charges for powerful attacks or strong ice spells ready for when this occurs, and until then, attack it while guarding its melee attacks and dodging its ranged attacks. When the jaw is destroyed and it is pressured, quickly stagger it and aim to defeat it during stagger, charging Blizzaga and party member's most powerful attacks.