A heavily-armored imperial guard dog. Pounces in to attack the party.
The Fidor is an enemy in Final Fantasy VI fought on the Narshe Cliffs . They can be dangerous when fighting alone, as their special attack Pounce can deal high damage. It is recommended to take Fidors out first.
Stats [ ]
Other information
Delivers Critical Hits when in Imp status. The party cannot
escape .
Other information
Delivers Critical Hits when in Imp status. The party cannot
escape .
Other information
Delivers Critical Hits when in Imp status. The party cannot
escape .
[Slot 1 (
87.5%( Applies when successful; success based on users' level, doubles with Thief's Bracer .) )]
Fenix Down [Slot 2 (
12.5%( Applies when successful; success based on users' level, doubles with Thief's Bracer .) )]
AI script [ ]
If monster is by itself: Pounce (100%)
Attack Turns:
1st Turn: Battle (66%) or Pounce (33%)
Other appearances [ ]
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Related enemies [ ]