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Expeditions are the idle item farming mechanism in Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis. Active behind the scenes at all times, the player needs only to set up and configure each expedition mission to start collecting items. Expeditions are accessed via their eponymous menu option on the Home screen.

Expedition types[]


Players can purchase chocobos and send them on Chocobo Expeditions to collect items. Each chocobo is paired with a character when going on expeditions, and the chocobo will raise that character's EXP. Chocobos can be purchased with Chocobo Medals, and are ranked by letter according to the rate at which it collects items, gil, and EXP. Higher grades of chocobos take longer to gather items, but yield higher volumes of items gathered. Some expedition areas may require Mountain, River, or Sea chocobos and cannot be undertaken without the player being in possession of the correct type. One Field chocobo is automatically generated and assigned as the player progresses through the main story missions.


Players can also use the Highwind to gather materials once enough progress has been made. Over time, the airship will forage for all kinds of items, including parts for its own use and special collectible items that permanently boost party stats. By upgrading the airship's four main segments, the player can level-up the quality, quantity, and total carry capacity of collected items; this also increases the time needed to fill the airship completely. Also, at certain levels, the party can battle one or more predetermined enemies for additional one-time rewards. Special reward enemies such as Cactuars and Golden Bombs can be randomly encountered, granting superior loot when defeated.

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