Exdeath's Soul is an enemy in Final Fantasy V fought in Sealed Castle. It is similar to the battle with Exdeath at the end of World 2.
This is one of the strongest enemies, as Exdeath's Soul can use powerful spells like Death and Banish along with the Reaper's Sword ability. Each of these attacks can kill a character in one hit. It is possible to run from this fight.
It is impossible to see the enemy's HP with Libra, Scan, or the bestiary.
For completion reasons the player can defeat this enemy with a Necromancer after defeating Enuo, to gain the Dark Arts magic, Dark Flare.
One strategy is to have a party member with the Red Mage's Dualcast ability and level 6 White Magic repeatedly dualcasting Holy. Another is to have a party member learn the Ranger's skill, Rapid Fire, and the Mystic Knight's ability, Spellblade: they should enchant their blade with Holy, and then repeatedly use Rapid Fire. Otherwise, it would be wise to use the Holy Lance and the Excalibur.
Each strategy can be strengthened further by having Mimes mimic what the party member is doing.
Musical themes[]
During the battle with Exdeath's Soul the theme from the Sealed Castle plays in most versions, rather than the usual battle theme.
This is changed in the Steam Pixel Remaster version, where the standard battle theme is heard. However, this does not apply to the PlayStation and Nintendo Switch versions of the Pixel Remaster.
Other appearances[]
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]
soul, in many religious, philosophical, psychological, and mythological traditions, is the incorporeal and, in many conceptions, immortal essence of a person, living thing, or object.