Cloud Strife: No way! That thing's just a machine.
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Douse yourself in nectar-water near the destination.
Survey the designated location and slay any akanthai that appear.
Speak with Chloris.
Every Rose script
Everyone certainly seems content to allow their familiars to wander about unattended of late. I must say, it's become something of a distraction─I've been attempting to prune this bush for ages. Who is responsible for you?
Azem, you say? In that case, I suppose some degree of independence is to be expected.
Hm... I take it you're the resilient sort as well?
That's wonderful to hear! The akantha population around the Wonders is in need of culling, you see.
The appropriate number of specimens has been moved to the Hungering Gardens─a far more suitable habitat─but the remainder need be cut down ere they harm the local environment.
You can attract one by applying this nectar-water to yourself. Perhaps over by the beacon to the northeast─we should hate for the creature to lumber over here and mistake anyone else for a tasty snack, after all.
You are an assertive one, aren't you? No matter─if I know Azem, your curiosity will get the better of you soon enough.
Simply pour the nectar-water and allow the scent to draw an akantha to you. ...And slay it, of course. Do not forget that bit.
<sniff> Ah, the scent of nectar-water and fresh-cut vines. You did as I asked!
'Tis much appreciated. The akanthai grow and propagate quickly─too quickly, as I have learnt.
Their short life cycle makes them an excellent source of fertilizer in woodland areas. I had hoped this factor would be enough to keep their population in check, but it appears that without natural predators, they proliferate so fast as to smother the local flora.
Moving them to the Gardens will do for the moment, but I must find the means to make them less invasive as a species, lest they be deemed unsuited to this world. I couldn't bear to see that happen to my darlings!
...Oh, did I neglect to mention that I am the creator of the akantha concept?
A great many of those who research the creations in Elpis submit our own concepts from time to time, you know. It would be wasteful not to put the knowledge we gain from our observations to use.
...Just as it would be wasteful to allow my darlings to be sent to Lethe. I will make this concept work, I promise you that.