Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

An Esthar Soldier is an enemy in Final Fantasy VIII, fought by Laguna. They usually appear in groups, or accompanied by other Esthar weapons. The Esthar Soldier, like most human units, is weak to Poison.


Other appearances[]

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy[]

Soldiers wearing the chic, scientific suits made in the technologically advanced nation of Esthar. They were once feared as gods on the battlefield, but now that the war is over, they simply patrol the city.

Esthar Soldier's CollectaCard

The Esthar Soldier appears as an enemy.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call[]

The Esthar Soldier appears as an enemy in Battle Music Sequences.

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

FFRK Esthar Soldier FFVIII
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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

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Final Fantasy World Wide Words[]

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Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

Esthar Soldier appears in Final Fantasy Trading Card Game as Lightning-elemental Backup cards.


Related enemies[]
