Enuo is a secret boss in the Advance and the 2013 Matrix Software versions of Final Fantasy V. He is fought at the end of the Sealed Temple, in the farthest reaches of the Lethe Court area. Defeating him awards the Necromancer job.
Defeating Enuo in the 2013 mobile/Steam version earns the "The Void" achievement.
The battle has two phases. The first phase has Enuo and his left and right hands, but only Enuo himself can be targeted and damaged. The hands act independently of Enuo and follow their own AI scripts. When Enuo's first form runs out of HP, Enuo's second form takes its place and the hands are removed.
The first form is vulnerable to slow and stop statuses, but with his high Magic Evasion (120%), neither Slow nor Stop spells will ever hit.
Enuo's first form relies mainly on damage dealing spell casts, with a mixture of elemental and non-elemental attacks. His Dark Arts attacks may also inflict some status ailments, such as stop and sap. The left hand charges up for two turns before attacking on its third turn. It can use Grand Cross to deal status ailments to the party and Giga Flare for powerful non-elemental party damage. The right hand focuses mainly on buffing Enuo's main body while debuffing the party and applying status ailments.
Upon losing 60,000 HP, Enuo will switch to his second form, losing the hidden arms and stop and slow vulnerabilities. Enuo gains inherent protect and shell. This is accompanied with the text "The power of the Void is increasing!" Enuo's second form has higher speed and attacks more ferociously.
The second form attacks with Dimension Zero, a powerful single target physical attack that deals 1.5x his normal physical damage, cannot be dodged, ignores defense and inflicts sap. He also uses Almagest frequently, alongside of other high level magic spells, his Dark Arts and the level-based Blue Magic spells.
While in his second form, Enuo alternates counter reactions between White Hole and Danse Macabre with Reaper's Sword and Hurricane.
AI script[]
Phase 1 Main Body
- Firaga / Blizzaga / Thundaga
- Aeroga / Aqua Breath / Bio
- Flare / Holy / Meteor
- Drain Touch / Deep Freeze / Meltdown
React on Death:
- Display Text: "The power of the Void is increasing!"
- Reveal Phase 2
Phase 1 Left Hand
- Nothing
- Start vibration animation, Nothing
- Stop vibration animation, Grand Cross
- Nothing
- Start vibration animation, Nothing
- Stop vibration animation, Giga Flare
Phase 1 Right Hand
While only Left Hand and Right Hand alive (i.e., if main body's death react didn't trigger):
- Display Text: "The power of the Void is increasing!"
- Reveal Phase 2
- Double action:
- Double action:
- Double action:
- Target single enemy with active buff status, Berserk / Pond's Chorus / Nothing
- Target single enemy with active buff status, Demon Eye / White Hole / Nothing
Phase 2
- Start vibration animation, double action:
- Dimension Zero / Meteor / Almagest
- Dimension Zero / White Hole / Maelstrom, stop vibration animation
- Flare / Holy / Delta Attack, start vibration animation
- Almagest / Almagest / Grand Cross, stop vibration animation
- Drain Touch / Deep Freeze / Meltdown
- Level 3 Flare / Level 4 Graviga / Level 5 Death, start vibration animation
- Dimension Zero, stop vibration animation
React on HP damage and if Counter flag is set:
- Unset Counter flag
- White Hole / Danse Macabre / Nothing
React on HP damage and if Counter flag is unset:
- Set Counter flag
- Reaper's Sword / Hurricane / Nothing
During the first form, while spells will not inflict slow and stop status, Slow Cannon from the Cannoneer's !Combine skillset works, as does Deep Freeze's stop effect if the Necromancer class or !Dark Arts Lv2 have been hacked into the game, though neither will last long due to Enuo's Heavy type.
It is best to use single-target attacks, such as Holy, Flare, or even regular attacks if the player has the strongest weapons, such as Apocalypse, Murakumo, or Ultima Weapon if Neo Shinryu has already been defeated. Damage can be boosted using "Dragon Power" mix on the attacker.
The background changing color foreshadows Enuo casting the dreadful spells Meltdown or Deep Freeze. While these attacks cannot be reflected onto the boss, damage can still be avoided with the reflect effect.
After losing enough HP, Enuo loses his untargetable arms. This is the perfect time to use Flare Spellblade along with Rapid Fire.