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Enchanted Redoublement is a Red Mage Red Mage weaponskill from Final Fantasy XIV that deals heavy damage to a single target.


PvE version
Base mechanics
Combo Riposte Riposte (Enchanted Riposte Enchanted) → Zwerchhau Zwerchhau (Enchanted Zwerchhau Enchanted) → Redoublement Redoublement (Enchanted Redoublement Enchanted) → Verholy Verholy or Verflare VerflareScorch Scorch
  • Combo actions have increased effects or may only become available when used in the correct sequence
  • Combo will reset after completing the combo, after 15 seconds, or upon using certain actions
  • Riposte, Zwerchhau, and Redoublement can be used interchangeably with their Enchanted versions without breaking the combo
  • Verholy and Verflare can only combo from Enchanted Redoublement, not its unenchanted version
Formulae Base damage formula:

Where Potency can be 100 with no combo, or 470 with combo
Recast time formula:
PvP version
Base mechanics
Combo Enchanted Riposte Enchanted RiposteEnchanted Zwerchhau Enchanted ZwerchhauEnchanted Redoublement Enchanted RedoublementVerholy Verholy or Verflare VerflareScorch Scorch
  • Combo actions can only be used when executed in the correct sequence
  • Combo will reset after completing the combo, after 15 seconds, or upon using certain actions


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Patch history[]

Version Changes
Stormblood Added with 100 TP cost.
Combos had only a 12 second window to complete.
Shadowbringers TP cost removed with removal of TP system.
Combo window increased to 15 seconds.
PvP version
Version Changes
Stormblood Added with 2000 potency, 2.3 second recast, and 3-yalm range.
Combos had only a 12 second window to complete.
Patch 4.45 Potency increased to 2250.
Shadowbringers Potency reduced to 2000.
Recast increased to 2.4 seconds.
Range increased to 5 yalms.
Combo window increased to 15 seconds.