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Elephim is a character and summonable vision from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.

Elephim's Trust Master reward is the Elephim's Dress.



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5★ - No. 1137:

The queen of the fairies who once upon a time lived in a forest. Although fairies are creatures naturally blessed with magic, Elephim was more talented with it than most. Although many have claimed to have met her in the flesh, there is little proof of any such encounters ever taking place. Regardless, the kind and beautiful smile her vision portrays seems as if straight out of a fairy-tale.

6★ - No. 1138:

The queen of the fairies who once upon a time built a small community of fairies and sprites in a forest. Elephim loved humans, and really enjoyed helping them in their time of need. However, tales about her also say that once one of them betrayed her trust, they would be forever cursed by endless calamities.

7★ - No. 1139:

An old friend of Mediena, and the queen of the long gone fairies and sprites. Although humans initially couldn't hold a candle to the fairies' skills, they learned how to use magic little by little, which made Elephim very happy as she watched them grow nearly as proficient as her. Always overly gracious and determined to help others to the point of appearing meddlesome, she seems to rub Mediena the wrong way.

Entries for different versions of Elephim.



Elephim's stats at her highest levels are as follows (with no passive abilities taken into account), along with the maximum amount of stat points that can be increased through pot-enhancements:



Elephim can equip the following weapons: Dagger, Staff, Rod, Harp, Whip, Mace.

She can equip the following armor: Hat, Clothes, Robe.

She can equip accessories.

Limit Bursts[]

Awakening Materials[]


