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The Elemental Lords, also known as the Elemental Archfiends or the Elements, are bosses in Final Fantasy IV fought in the Giant of Babil. Prior to the fight, the Lords were revived by Zemus so they could give one last group attack upon Cecil Harvey and his party.

The bosses are fought one after the other. The order of the fight in most versions is Scarmiglione, Rubicante, Cagnazzo, then Barbariccia. The pixel remaster keeps the change from the 3D remake and has them fought in the same order as they were originally encountered: Scarmiglione, Cagnazzo, Barbariccia, and finally Rubicante.

In some versions, the Elemental Lords are susceptible to the second form glitch.







The first stage of the fight is easy. It is best to heal debuffs with Scarmiglione comes since it is likely for him to recast any debuffs the player has restored. He is still weak to Fire, so Ifrit or Firaga from Rydia and/or Firaga from Fusoya are good. Fusoya can also heal along with Rosa. He also still has the Cursed Elegy as a counter of physical attacks.

When up against Rubicante, the player can use the same strategies as in the first battle, except this time Fusoya replaces Kain—he works well as a second Black Mage (casting Blizzaga, for example) or as an additional White Mage if needed. If the player has completed the sidequest in the Feymarch and has access to Leviathan, they can use it here.

Against Cagnazzo, Cecil should attack, Edge should use Blitz, Fusoya and Rydia should use Thundaga, while Rosa uses Curaja.

Barbariccia resists physical attacks, but magical attacks harm her. Edge and Cecil have little to contribute offensively, so Rydia and Fusoya should focus on dealing out as much damage as they can while Cecil and Rosa focus on keeping everyone's health up. Barbariccia does not counter attacks as much, but she does attack more frequently than before. Though it is not mentioned in the bestiary, Holy magic is incredibly effective against her, so Fusoya can cast Holy.

Barbariccia is also unintentionally weak against Lightning. This bug is fixed in Advance port.

AI script[]


Turn 1 - Attack
Turn 2 - Attack
Turn 3 - Attack
Turn 4 - Attack

Turn 5 - Curse = Inflicts Curse on one random party member (Offense + Defense cut in half)


Turn 1 - Multi-Target Fira - Minor fire damage to whole party.

Turn 2 - Multi-Target Firaga - Moderate fire damage to whole party.

Turn 3 - Multi-Target Inferno - Heavy fire damage to whole party.


Turn 1 - Attack
Turn 2 - Attack
Turn 3 - Attack
Turn 4 - Attack

Turn 5 - Tsunami - Heavy Damage to whole party


Turn 1 - Stone Touch - Inflicts Gradual Petrify on one party member (May miss)

Turn 2 - Attack
Turn 3 - Attack

Turn 4 - Maelstrom - Inflicts HP Critical Status on the whole party regardless of current HP.
