Low-level earth spirits. Originally benevolent spirits, magic has twisted them to evil.
In-game description
Earth Elemental is an enemy from Vagrant Story.
Type A
Type B
Type A[]
Cast Luft Fusion on Ashley and Degenerate on the Earth Elemental. Attack it with either an Edged or Blunt weapon on any body part. It can use the Vulcan Lance spell so buffing Ashley's armor (using Gnome Emeralds and Dao Moonstones) will be a good idea.
Type B[]
The same strategy used for the Boss Earth Elemental still holds. At later stages, or on second playthrough, they become easy and do not even require this strategy.
elemental is a mythic being described in occult and alchemical works from around the time of the European Renaissance and particularly elaborated in the 16th century works of Paracelsus.