Final Fantasy Wiki

The Earth Elemental, also known as the Gnoma or EARTH, is an enemy in Final Fantasy, fought in the Cavern of Earth and Chaos Shrine. The Earth Elemental is weak to Fire, but resists most other magical attacks.


  1. Resists prior to pixel remaster.


Pixel remaster
Number Enemies Can flee? Musical theme Location Rate/1000
102 Earth Elemental x1 N Battle Cavern of Earth B1 Fixed
Cavern of Earth B2 Fixed
Cavern of Earth B3 Fixed
473 Earth Elemental x4 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B1 60
474 Earth Elemental x3 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B1 70
475 Earth Elemental x2 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B1 80
476 Earth Elemental x1 Y Battle Chaos Shrine B1 80
799 Earth Elemental x1 Y Battle Cavern of Earth B5 60
Other releases
Number Enemies Maximum Can flee? Ambush% Musical theme Location Rate/64
033 Earth Elemental x1 4 large N 4 Battle Cavern of Earth B1 Fixed
Cavern of Earth B2 Fixed
Cavern of Earth B3 Fixed
Cavern of Earth B5 1
161 Earth Elemental x2-4 4 large N 4 Battle Chaos Shrine B1 15

AI script[]

Action Probability
PR Other releases
Attack 96.15% 100%
Flee 3.85% Morale check[note 1]
Morale check
# Fear Morale Min flee level 100% flee level % at max level
0 200 0%
1 160 41 39.22%
2 120 21 46 100%
3 80 1 26 100%
4 40 1 6 100%
5 0 1 1 100%
  1. Earth Elementals will only make a Morale check in the NES release; other Morale-based releases prevent all Earth Elemental formations from fleeing.

Other appearances[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

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An elemental is a mythic being described in occult and alchemical works from around the time of the European Renaissance and particularly elaborated in the 16th century works of Paracelsus.

Gnoma is named after the mythological creature gnome, which is said to live underground and is the Earth Elemental in alchemy.

Related enemies[]
