Final Fantasy Wiki

Single slot. Dualcast is an special materia in Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- that allows Zack to cast two magic materia spells in one move. Dualcast is an extremely potent materia both for defensive and offensive purposes, doubling the effectiveness of magic materia.

Many materia in Crisis Core have their counterparts in Final Fantasy VII, but Dualcast was not present in the latter. The closest equivalents are W-Magic (that also worked with summons and was not restricted to the same spell being used twice) and Quadra Magic (which cast the adjacent materia's spell four times for half power each, effectively dealing double damage with a spell).


Because Dualcast does not exist on the Materia Fusion table, it can only be obtained in the "M9: Great Cavern of Wonders" series. It can be acquired earliest from a treasure chest in "M9-4-1: Genesis's Ambition", purchased from Net Shop Shade (found in "M9-5-4: Abnormal Power") and stolen from Makonoid (fought in "M9-5-1: Hojo's Monsters".


Dualcast causes a spell cast to be cast twice. It doubles a spell's MP cost, but does not their cast time. It does not work with Flare or Ultima.



Dualcast is very powerful combined with offensive magic materia, such as Graviga, Quake, and Energy. Each of these is a high-damaging spell, and Graviga can deal a guaranteed 99,999 HP damage against many enemies that is then doubled by Dualcast. Curaga's healing ability is also doubled by Dualcast in battle.

Dualcast should be paired with an accessory that reduces Zack's MP cost to zero, such as Soul of Thamasa or Genji Helm.

Materia Fusion[]

Dualcast does not exist in the fusion table, and fusing it with another materia will not retain its attributes. Therefore, it cannot be used in maxing stats, meaning the player must use the five other materia slots to max stats instead.
