Drakengard, known as Drag-On Dragoon in Japan, is a sci-fi Japanese action role-playing game franchise published by Square Enix. A sub series, known as NieR, has had various collaborations with various games in the Final Fantasy series, starting with the release of NieR:Automata in 2017.
Connections to the Final Fantasy series[]
As host[]
- Noctis Lucis Caelum's sword, the Engine Blade appears as a secret weapon.
NieR Re[in]carnation[]
- Final Fantasy XIV collaboration event, released 10 May 2022.
- An original story featuring Emet-Selch penned by Natsuko Ishikawa, which includes a fight against Hades.
- Final Fantasy XIV job inspired costumes for certain characters.
- Weapon stories related to Final Fantasy XIV characters.
As guest[]
Final Fantasy XIV[]
- Characters from NieR:Automata appear as NPCs:
- The series of 24-player raids YoRHa:Dark Apocalypse is directly based on NieR:Automata with references to the Drakengard series.
- Soundtracks from NieR:Automata:
- "Significance - Nothing"
- "Vague Hope - Cold Rain"
- "Crumbling Lies - Front"
- "Alien Manifestation"
- "Song of the Ancients - Atonement"
- "Bipolar Nightmare" (incorrectly listed in-game as "The Sound of the End")
- "Weight of the World - Prelude Version"
- "Faltering Prayer - Dawn Breeze"
- "Voice of no Return - Guitar"
- "Amusement Park"
- "Fortress of Lies"
- "Grandma - Destruction"
- "End of the Unknown"
- "Broken Heart"
- "Voice of no Return - Normal"
- "The Color of Depression"
- "Widespread Illness"
- "Emil - Despair"
- "Mourning"
- "The Sound of the End"
- "The Sound of the End: 8bit"
- "Possessed by Disease"
- "Weight of the World - Instrumental Version"
- "City Ruins - Rays of Light"
- Soundtracks from NieR:
- "Torn from the Heavens/The Dark Colossus Destroys All - Medley Version"
- "Kainé - Final Fantasy Main Theme Version" (also includes segments of "Thirteenth Chapter ~ Closing" from Drakengard)
Final Fantasy XV[]
- Two soundtracks from NieR and NieR:Automata are available to play on the Regalia's music player.
Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]
War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]
- A month-long collaboration was issued featuring events based on NieR:Automata, including the following as units:
Theatrhythm series[]
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call[]
- Soundtracks from NieR available as DLCs:
- "Hills of Radiant Winds"
- "Shadowlord"
- "Song of the Ancients / Devola"
- "Kainé / Salvation"
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy All-Star Carnival[]
- Soundtracks from NieR and NieR:Automata available:
- "Song of the Ancients (Fate)"
- "Amusement Park"
- "A Beautiful Song"
- "Emil's Shop"
Theatrhythm Final Bar Line[]
- Soundtracks from NieR and NieR:Automata available:
- "Song of the Ancients / Devola"
- "Hills of Radiant Winds"
- "Kainé / Salvation"
- "Song of the Ancients / Fate"
- "Shadowlord"
- "Amusement Park"
- "A Beautiful Song"
- "Emil's Shop"
- "Dependent Weakling"
- "Weight of the World Kowaretasekainouta - Marina Kawano"
- "Fleeting Words / Outsider"