Final Fantasy Wiki
Succubus Kiss from FFV Advance

Succubus Kiss in Final Fantasy V (GBA).

Drain Kiss (ドレインキッス, Dorein Kissu?), also known as Succubus Kiss, Kiss, and Drainkiss, is a recurring ability in the Final Fantasy series.


Final Fantasy V[]

Drain Kiss is an ability used via the Mix command by mixing a Maiden's Kiss and a Turtle Shell. It functions like a more powerful Drain spell, absorbing HP from one target with a spell power of 255 (compared to Drain's 45).

Final Fantasy XI[]

Drainkiss is an enemy ability that deals dark damage to a single target with an additional Drain effect. It is used by the Leech.

The Final Fantasy Legend[]

Kiss is an ability that has 5 uses and has an attack power of 8 which damages one enemy while absorbing the damage dealt as HP. This ability is used by Vampire.

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

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