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Dragoons can jump to avoid enemy attacks and strike when they least expect it.


The Dragoon is an Advanced Job in Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin, and is available after unlocking the corresponding nodes in the Lancer and Marauder Job Trees. In addition, it is available to Sophia after clearing the "Memories of Wind" main mission. Leveling this job is required unlock the Liberator and Breaker expert jobs.

Dragoon is a heavy-damage dealing job capable of clearing HP and break gauges alike with ease and evading enemy attacks with its signature Jump job action. This job serves as a good means of a precision-focused playstyle that benefits from targeting enemy weaknesses and can still provide ample MP in combat. To aid in this playstyle, the Dragoon's passives include Soul Shielding MP recovery, additional damage in targeting weaknesses, and the unique ability to soul burst from any action ability outside of Lightbringer provided the player meets the Dragon's Might Affinity requirement.


Job Action[]

Ability MP Cost Description Movie
100 [Attack Type: Pierce SOPFFOPierce]
[Stat Bonus: Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]
Leap high into the air, then descend quickly and deal piercing damage.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
SOP Jump

The Dragoon's job action is the signature Jump ability, causing the player character to leap into the air and descend quickly to deal heavy piercing damage. This action is good for evading enemy attacks, although it is weak on its own. Upon obtaining the job's mastery ability, this action can even strike enemy from a great distance away similar to the Lancer.

Command Ability[]

Ability Job Points MP Cost Required Ability to Unlock Description Movie
5 100 Backstab Recover HP and MP whenever exploiting an enemy's weakness for a certain amount of time. SOP Lancet

The Dragoon obtains the Lancet support ability, which causes the player to recover HP and MP whenever exploiting an enemy's weaknesses upon activation. This ability is great for most jobs as it's MP building stacks with other skills and spells to create a feedback loop in MP management, so long as the player is targeting an enemy's weakness by magic or physical means.

Combo Abilities[]

Ability Type Job Points MP Cost Required Ability to Unlock Description Movie
Backstab SOPFFO
Lance Combo 3 100 Dragoon Affinity +10% [Attack Type: Pierce SOPFFOPierce]
[Stat Bonus: Strength Stat SOPFFOStrength]
Impale an enemy on your spear with a piercing attack that knocks enemies back.

[Link 1 Ability]
Can be set to R1>R2.
SOP Backstab
Vanquish SOPFFO
Lance Combo 7 100 Run Through [Attack Type: Pierce SOPFFOPierce][Element: Thunder SOPFFOLightning]
[Stat Bonus: Strength Stat SOPFFOStrength/Intellect Stat SOPFFOIntellect]
Assail an enemy with multiple lightning-imbued attacks.

[Link 2 Ability]
Can be set to R1>R1>R2.
SOP Vanquish
Aerial Break SOPFFO
Aerial Break
Lance Combo 7 100 Run Through [Attack Type: Strike SOPFFOStrike][Element: Thunder SOPFFOLightning]
[Stat Bonus: Strength Stat SOPFFOStrength/Intellect Stat SOPFFOIntellect]
Leap high into the air and strike enemies with a lightning-based attack.

[Link 3 Ability]
Can be set to R1>R1>R1>R2.
SOP Aerial Break

Combo Effects[]

Ability Job Points Required Ability to Unlock Description
Lance Buff SOPFFO
Crippling Strike
7 Lancet [Weapon Type: Lance]
[Charged Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to Hold R1>R2.

Increases break damage dealt.
Lance Buff SOPFFO
Run Through
5 Jump Mastery [Weapon Type: Lance]
[Forward Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to Left stick up + R1 (Weapon Skill) > R2.

Greatly reduces the enemy's max break gauge on impact.

Despite the Dragoon having access to the three heavy weapons of the game, the greatsword, axe, and lance, it is recommended that the player character equips the Lance, as it compounds with Jump's piercing nature and receives the most bonuses from the Dragoon's combos to increase break damage and greatly reduce max break gauges.

Job Passives[]

Ability Job Points Required Ability to Unlock Description
Dragoon Affinity SOPFFO
Dragoon Affinity +10%
1 Jump Increases dragoon job affinity.
Passive SOPPFO
Soul Shield MP Recovery +12.5%
3 Dragoon Affinity +10% Increases MP recovery from a successful soul shield.
Passive SOPPFO
Lightbringer Duration +14.6%
9 Crippling Strike Increases duration of lightbringer.
Passive SOPPFO
Soul Shield MP Recovery +19.9%
11 Lightbringer Duration +14.6% Increases MP recovery from a successful soul shield.
Passive SOPPFO
Physical Damage +2.9%
9 Crippling Strike Increases physical damage dealt.
Passive SOPPFO
Lightbringer Duration +4.6%
1 Jump Increases duration of lightbringer.
Dragoon Affinity SOPFFO
Dragoon Affinity +15%
2 Lightbringer Duration +4.6% Increases dragoon job affinity.
Jump Mastery SOPFFO
Jump Mastery
3 Lightbringer Duration +4.6% Hold R2 to move forward while jumping.
Dragoon Affinity SOPFFO
Dragoon Affinity +25%
7 Run Through Increases dragoon job affinity.
Passive SOPPFO
Physical Damage +2.9%
9 Vanquish Increases physical damage dealt.

Job Unlocks[]

These nodes lead to the following Expert Jobs/Job Classes:

Ability Type Required Ability to Unlock Description
Liberator SOPFFO
New Job: Liberator
Job Unlock Physical Damage +2.9% Partial unlock for the Liberator Job. Also requires a similar ability in the Warrior Job Tree.
Breaker SOPFFO
New Job: Breaker
Job Unlock Physical Damage +2.9% Partial unlock for the Breaker Job. Also requires a similar abilities in the Samurai and Berserker Job Trees.
Dragoon Evocation SOPFFO
New Class: Holy Dragoon
Class Unlock All Dragoon tree abilities Unlocks the Evocation Class for Dragoon, Holy Dragoon . Only available in the Trials of the Dragon King DLC
Dragoon Ultima SOPFFO
New Class: Deist Dragoon
Class Unlock All Dragoon tree abilities Unlocks the Ultima Class for Dragoon, Deist Dragoon . Only available in the Trials of the Dragon King DLC

Class Trees[]

Introduced in the Trials of the Dragon King DLC, These classes are unlocked after visiting Bahamut's Cave and completing the "A Token of Courage and Strength" conversation with Bahamut and the abilities thereof can be bought by using Rat Tails which are accumulated by completing missions on the Bahamut difficulty onward and purchasing them from the Bahamut Exchange Shop via Dragon Treasures:

Dragoon Evocation SOPFFO
Holy Dragoon[]
Ability Type Rat Tails Required Ability to Unlock Description
Hyper Jump
Job Action All Dragoon tree abilities Jump
[Class Change Effect: Evocation]
Can now be activated while evading. In addition, fills the break gauge on activation.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Agility Up SOPFFO
Agility +7
Passive 2 Hyper Jump Increases agility.
Passive SOPPFO
HP +200
Passive 6 Agility +7 Increases HP by 200.
Spirit Up SOPFFO
Spirit +6
Passive 8 HP +200 Increases spirit.
Master Points Up SOPFFO
Dragoon Master Points +3
Passive 13 Spirit +6 Increases dragoon master points acquired.
Passive SOPPFO
Status Ailment Resistance +18.0%
Passive 8 HP +200 Increases resistance to status ailments.
Intellect Up SOPFFO
Intellect +5
Passive 10 Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Increases intellect.
Ruinous Tactic
Combo Ability Effects 16 Intellect +5 [Weapon Type: Axe]
[Forward Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to Left stick up + R1 (Weapon Skill) > R2.

Greatly reduces the enemy's max break gauge on impact.
Strength Up SOPFFO
Strength +7
Passive 2 Hyper Jump Increases strength.
Passive SOPPFO
Break +160
Passive 6 Strength +7 Increases break by 160.
Luck +6
Passive 8 Break +160 Increases luck.
Stamina Up SOPFFO
Stamina +5
Passive 10 Luck +6 Increases stamina.
Gallant Greataxe
Combo Ability Effects 16 Stamina +5 [Weapon Type: Axe]
[1st Link]

Enhances abilities set to R1>R2.

Increases break damage dealt.
Passive SOPPFO
Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0%
Passive 10 Luck +6 Increases magic vulnerability resistances.
Master Points Up SOPFFO
Dragoon Master Points +3
Passive 15 Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% Increases dragoon master points acquired.
Dragoon Ultima SOPFFO
Deist Dragoon[]
Ability Type Rat Tails Required Ability to Unlock Description
Boost Jump
Job Action All Dragoon tree abilities Jump
[Class Change Effect: Ultima]
Strengthens attack type, bypassing enemy resistances and making weaknesses easier to exploit. The greater distance you jump, the more damage you will deal.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Agility Up SOPFFO
Agility +7
Passive 2 Boost Jump Increases agility.
Passive SOPPFO
HP +200
Passive 6 Agility +7 Increases HP by 200.
Spirit Up SOPFFO
Spirit +6
Passive 8 HP +200 Increases spirit.
Master Points Up SOPFFO
Dragoon Master Points +3
Passive 13 Spirit +6 Increases dragoon master points acquired.
Passive SOPPFO
Status Ailment Resistance +18.0%
Passive 8 HP +200 Increases resistance to status ailments.
Intellect Up SOPFFO
Intellect +5
Passive 10 Status Ailment Resistance +18.0% Increases intellect.
Greatsword Buff SOPFFO
Winning Strategy
Combo Ability Effects 16 Intellect +5 [Weapon Type: Greatsword]
[Forward Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to Left stick up + R1 (Weapon Skill) > R2.

Greatly reduces the enemy's max break gauge on impact.
Strength Up SOPFFO
Strength +7
Passive 2 Boost Jump Increases strength.
Passive SOPPFO
Break +160
Passive 6 Strength +7 Increases break by 160.
Luck +6
Passive 8 Break +160 Increases luck.
Stamina Up SOPFFO
Stamina +5
Passive 10 Luck +6 Increases stamina.
Greatsword Buff SOPFFO
Fierce Struggle
Combo Ability Effects 16 Stamina +5 [Weapon Type: Greatsword]
[Charged Attack Link]

Enhances abilities set to [Hold Attack]>R2.

Increases break damage dealt.
Passive SOPPFO
Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0%
Passive 10 Luck +6 Increases magic vulnerability resistances.
Master Points Up SOPFFO
Dragoon Master Points +3
Passive 15 Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% Increases dragoon master points acquired.
Lance Buff SOPFFO
Focused Thrust
Combo Ability Effects 16 Elemental Vulnerability Resistance +40.0% [Weapon Type: Lance]
[Parry Link]

Enhances abilities set to After Parry: R2.

Guarantees a critical hit.

Job Affinity bonuses[]

Most weapons and items of clothing have a certain percentage of Job Affinity for a certain job. By combining them together and raising this percentage, the character may not only gain extra EXP to that Job, but also unlock abilities and bonuses to their stats. The bonuses for the Dragoon Job Affinity are:

Name Job Ability Percentages Description
Dragoon's Wisdom I 20% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Dragoon's Wisdom II 30% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Target Weakness Bonus I 50% Increases break damage dealt when targeting enemy weaknesses by 5.9%
Dragoon's Wisdom III 80% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Target Weakness Bonus II 120% Increases break damage dealt when targeting enemy weaknesses by 9.8%
Dragoon's Wisdom IV 160% Increases the corresponding stat(s).
Dragon's Might 250% Enemies defeated by an action ability will be finished with a soul burst.
Sovereign of the Skies 400% Increases attack speed while lightbringer is active.
Memories of a Coward Redeemed 600% Recover HP and MP whenever exploiting an enemy's weakness.
Also enhances the effects of Dragoon's Wisdom.
Dragoon's Essence 800% Enhances the effects of Dragoon's Wisdom, and also boosts stats based on your affinity.


The Dragoon is a one of the more versatile jobs that can lead to more break-oriented damage towards your enemies with its abundance of piercing damage, innate MP regeneration through its affinity bonuses, and general agility through the Jump ability for dodging attacks and targeting specific enemies on the field. It serves as a powerhouse damage dealer of the game's jobs as it has the most build potential.


  • Break Damage. Extremely high spike damage potential.
  • Targeting Weaknesses. Dragoon is able to target an enemy's weakness innately and draw MP from them.
  • Agility. One of the highest Agility growths in the game and compounds well with its Strength stat, leading do great general and break damage.


  • Low defenses. The Dragoon won't survive long while under heavy damage.
  • Replaceability. At high levels, it is far easier and more efficient to use the Breaker job for its absurd Strength damage and use of the same weapons.


The Dragoon gives an equal amount of stat growth toward Strength and Agility, providing great physical damage and great critical damage.

Job Stat Rating and Growth by Level
Stat Rating Lvl 1 Lvl 30 Lvl 55 Lvl 80 Lvl 99 Lvl 120 Lvl 135 Lvl 150+
HP C 1355 1788 1933 2046 2140 2269 2359 2449
Strength A 19 22 34 34 34 34 34 34
Agility B 17 20 32 32 32 32 32 32
Stamina D 15 18 28 28 28 28 28 28
Intellect D 15 18 28 28 28 28 28 28
Spirit D 15 18 28 28 28 28 28 28
Luck C 16 18 30 30 30 30 30 30

Recommended Subjobs[]

Hunter SOPFFOHunter[]

Hunter is an excellent support job for any physical job, especially those that deal in Agility. Analyze is helpful to bolster your attacks for the Dragoon's damage output by further bypassing resistances. This can also aid in MP management should the Dragoon have the Lancet support ability at the ready.

Ninja SOPFFONinja[]

Ninja is the most common support job for any job. Utsusemi is helpful to avoid any attack when the Duelist gains the greatest enmity or in case they need to Provoke enemies to save other party members, making it very useful when tackling higher level enemies who can kill with one attack.

Monk SOPFFOMonk[]

Monk probably remains the most popular support job at any level. The Monk's stats compliment Dragoons well and provide a moderate boost in total HP and means of quick attacks in melee combat. In addition, the Monk's Focus ability is useful for total damage output and damage mitigation.

Red Mage SOPFFORed Mage[]

Red Mage synergises well with the Dragoon for its capacity for both physical and magic damage in addition to MP mitigation. The Dragoon's evasive playstyle compliments the Red Mage's stationary job action well and provide a boost in powerful attacks paired with the job's buffs with extensive durations.

Recommended Weapon Abilities[]

SOP Lance Equip Icon

Ability MP Cost Description Required Weapon/Affinity
Wild Thrust
Wild Thrust SOPFFO
100 [Attack Type: Pierce SOPFFOPierce]
[Stat Bonus: Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]
Assail foes with multiple piercing attacks that send them flying.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Any Lance
Rising Rocket
Rising Rocket SOPFFO
100 [Attack Type: Slash SOPFFOSlash]
[Stat Bonus: Strength Stat SOPFFOStrength/Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]
Leap high into the air with a slash, knocking enemies back.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Wind Spear
Dragon Whisker

Spear Master Affinity
Coup De Grâce
Coup De Grâce SOPFFO
100 [Attack Type: Pierce SOPFFOPierce]
[Stat Bonus: Strength Stat SOPFFOStrength/Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]
Leap high into the air and then pierce the earth with your lance. High critical bonus.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Wind Spear
Dragon Whisker

Spear Master Affinity
Nightfall SOPFFO
200 [Attack Type: Strike SOPFFOStrike]
[Stat Bonus: Strength Stat SOPFFOStrength/Stamina Stat SOPFFOStamina]
Strike the enemy repeatedly with your lance, knocking them down.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Blitz Lance
Radiant Lance

Spear Master Affinity
Dragon Claws
Dragon Claws SOPFFO
100~ [Attack Type: Slash SOPFFOSlash]
[Stat Bonus: Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]
Spin around, slashing any enemies caught by your weapon. Hold R2 for successive attacks.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Heavy Lance
Dragoon Lance

Spear Master Affinity
Spear of Judgment
Spear of Judgment SOPFFO
100 [Attack Type: Pierce SOPFFOPierce][Element: Thunder SOPFFOLightning]
[Stat Bonus: Intellect Stat SOPFFOIntellect/Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]
Fling your lance at an enemy while backstepping, dealing piercing lightning damage.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Astos's Shade
Any Artifact or Relic Lance after clearing Floor 12

Spear Master Affinity
Trifecta SOPFFO
100 [Attack Type: Slash SOPFFOSlash/Pierce SOPFFOPierce/Strike SOPFFOStrike]
[Stat Bonus: Stamina Stat SOPFFOStamina/Strength Stat SOPFFOStrength]
A three-stage attack that hits an enemy with slash, pierce, and strike damage in quick succession.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Astos's Shade
Any Artifact or Relic Lance after clearing Floor 12

Spear Master Affinity

SOP Axe Equip Icon

Ability MP Cost Description Required Weapon/Affinity
Wheeling Thrust
Wheeling Thrust SOPFFO
200 [Attack Type: Slash SOPFFOSlash]
[Stat Bonus: Stamina Stat SOPFFOStamina]
Swing your weapon in a circle, dealing heavy damage and launching enemies into the air. Hold R2 to increase the attack's power.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Battle Axe

Axe Master Affinity
Fell Cleave
Fell Cleave SOPFFO
200 [Attack Type: Slash SOPFFOSlash]
[Stat Bonus: Stamina Stat SOPFFOStamina]
Swing your axe in a series of rapid circles. Hold R2 to increase the attack's power.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Battle Axe

Axe Master Affinity
Aerial Annihilation
Aerial Annihilation SOPFFO
200 [Attack Type: Strike SOPFFOStrike]
[Stat Bonus: Strength Stat SOPFFOStrength]
Fling your axe at the enemy in a series of striking attacks. Hold R2 to increase the attack's power.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Armageddon Axe
Any Artifact or Relic Axe after clearing Floor 12

Axe Master Affinity

SOP Greatsword Equip Icon

Ability MP Cost Description Required Weapon/Affinity
Tenebrous Blast
Tenebrous Blast SOPFFO
200 [Attack Type: Slash SOPFFOSlash]
[Stat Bonus: Strength Stat SOPFFOStrength/Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]
Leap at an enemy while spinning.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.

Greatsword Master Affinity
Twister SOPFFO
100 [Attack Type: Slash SOPFFOSlash]
[Stat Bonus: Strength Stat SOPFFOStrength/Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility]
Attack with a series of area effect slash attacks that cover a large distance.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.

Greatsword Master Affinity
Skybreaker SOPFFO
100 [Attack Type: Pierce SOPFFOPierce]
[Stat Bonus: Strength Stat SOPFFOStrength/Stamina Stat SOPFFOStamina]
Ready your weapon before lunging forward with a piercing attack. Hold R2 to increase the attack's power.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Barbarian's Sword

Greatsword Master Affinity
Rising Eden
Rising Eden SOPFFO
200 [Attack Type: Slash SOPFFOSlash]
[Stat Bonus: Agility Stat SOPFFOAgility/Strength Stat SOPFFOStrength]
Lunge forward and knock your enemy into the air with a slashing blow.

[Any Link]
Can be set to any link ability slot.
Lionheart's Sword
Knight of Cornelia
Any Artifact or Relic Greatsword after clearing Floor 12

Greatsword Master Affinity


"Dragoon" is the traditional name for a special soldier type in classical European warfare. Unlike in Final Fantasy, the original dragoons did not fight with lances, that being the job of "lancers"—a different soldier class. Dragoons were infantry that rode on horseback, but fought on foot. Originally they fought with a hand-held blunderbuss called the "dragon", giving them the name. The dragoons' arsenal expanded to include guns, sabres, and axes. During the Napoleonic Wars they became medium cavalry and reached the height of their popularity.

After the Napoleonic Wars, to make better use of the number of men the European military had, the dragoons were trained to use lances and lancers became obsolete. Thanks to the advances of modern warfare, dragoons lost their niche and modern dragoon units exist only for ceremonial purposes.
