Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

Dragon is an enemy from Final Fantasy VII fought in a scripted battle during a flashback, in the area of Mt. Nibel where Materia Keeper resides, and in the final round of the Battle Square during the time Tiny Bronco is available. When fought in the Battle Square its stats are enhanced with double the regular HP and its Attack and Magic Attack are increased by 25%.

A Dragon attacks Cloud and Sephiroth in Cloud's flashback, but Sephiroth will kill it in two strokes. Sephiroth implies that the Dragon was the result of the Nibel Reactor malfunctioning. The scripted dragon battle in Cloud's flashback, like the final battle Sephiroth, uses an abridged version of Sephiroth's theme "Those Chosen by the Planet" as the battle theme.



# Formation
292 Dragon
293 Dragon
295 Dragon
599 Dragon


Inside 292 (event)
Mt. Nibel (present)
Cave Infrastructure 599
North Mako Cave 599
South Mako Cave 599
Battle Square (with Tiny Bronco available)
Group A - Battle 8 599
Group B - Battle 8 599


Dragon is the strongest random enemy on Mt. Nibel, and could be considered something of a mini-boss with its powerful attacks and high HP. They are not immune to poisoning, which can be useful considering their high HP. A Gold Armlet can be stolen from it, and it has a 75% chance of using its Flame Thrower ability, which can be learned as an Enemy Skill. Dragon Fang also has a high critical rate, able to cause over 700 damage on characters in the front row.

The Dragon gives plenty of gil, EXP, and AP when beaten.


An easy way to defeat this opponent is to use L4 Suicide.

AI script[]

AI: Main
   1/4 Chance:
      Choose Random Opponent
      Use <Dragon Fang> on Target
   3/4 Chance:
      Choose Random Opponent
      Use Flamethrower on Target

Other appearances[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Dragon FFVII from FFBE enemy sprite
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A dragon is a legendary creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, which is featured in the myths of many cultures.

Related enemies[]
