Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

Doom is a status in Final Fantasy X that will display a countdown over the victim's head. After each turn they take, the counter will decrease by 1 until it hits 0, when the target will be inflicted with instant death. While the number of turns needed varies for enemies, all party members will have 5 turns before instant death. Doom cannot be cured by any spell or item (though characters can have immunity to it), and only disappears if the afflicted character dies or the battle ends before the counter hits 0.


Ability Doom (Ronso Rage)
Item Candle of Life

Enemy abilities[]

Ability Description Enemy
Chaos Inflicts Confusion, Doom, and Curse to one target. Coeurlregina
Doom Inflicts Doom to one target. Can be learned as a Ronso Rage. Ghost, Wraith
Mega-Graviton Reduces HP by 43.75% Max HP (75% when used by Left Arm) and inflicts Doom, Slow, Sleep, Darkness, and Silence to the party. Dark Anima, Dark Cindy, Dark Mindy, Dark Sandy, Left Arm


The player cannot protect against Doom.


Doom cannot be cured.


Immune Guado Guardian (Seymour fight), Sahagin (Baaj Temple), Sahagin Chief, Sinscale (S.S. Liki), All aeons (final battle), Anima, Braska's Final Aeon, Chocobo Eater, Crane, Dark Aeons, Evrae, Evrae Altana, Extractor, Geneaux's Tentacle, Geosgaeno, Mortibody, Mortiorchis, Mortiphasm, Negator, Oblitzerator, Penance, Sanctuary Keeper, Seymour, Seymour Flux, Seymour Natus, Sinspawn Ammes, Sinspawn Geneaux, Sinspawn Gui, Spectral Keeper, Tros, Ultima Weapon, Yu Pagoda