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Cid Pollendina: Oh, shut up and help me remodel the Divine Intel page!
Please expand this article into a full one. The following tasks need to be completed:
  • descriptions and/or images of locations of sanctuaries.

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Divine Intel is an activity in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, and one of many types of World Intel. It involves finding various sanctuaries dedicated to the summoned entities. After a sanctuary is found and analyzed, the battle with the summoned entity in the Chadley Combat Simulator becomes easier, and the summon becomes more powerful.

Each region has three sanctuaries dedicated to its summoned entity. Analyzing them involves approaching them and completing a quick button rhythm game to complete. Close by the sanctuaries are glowing roughly cube-shaped rocks that can be broken which will guide toward the sanctuaries, and their locations can also be revealed via Activation Intel. Many sanctuaries can be reached on foot, but a chocobo is often recommended or required.



Grasslands is home to sanctuaries for Titan. Each can be walked to aside from the beta sanctuary, which requires a chocobo to cross the swamplands.

Sanctuary Revealed by Location
Titan Sanctuary α Activation Intel 2: Eastern Seaboard Tower On the road north of Activation 2: Eastern Seaboard Tower.
Titan Sanctuary β Activation Intel 3: Swamplands Tower Within the swamplands to the west of Abandoned Dock after climbing; requires chocobo.
Titan Sanctuary γ Activation Intel 6: Wastelands Tower Southwest of Activation Intel 6: Wastelands Tower.

Junon Region[]

Junon Region has sanctuaries for Phoenix. These will require the mountain chocobo to scale walls to reach the sanctuaries.

Sanctuary Revealed by Location
Phoenix Sanctuary α Activation Intel 1: Seabreeze Tower North of Gabe's Ranch; requires chocobo to scale the wall.
Phoenix Sanctuary β Activation Intel 4: Piedmont Tower Northeast of the region, north of Crow's Nest; requires chocobo to scale walls.
Phoenix Sanctuary γ Activation Intel 5: Prospect Tower Found just below Crow's Nest. Must complete "When Words Won't Do" sidequest first to access Crow's Nest.

Corel Region[]

Corel Region has sanctuaries for Alexander. Though Alexander can be fought upon reaching Costa del Sol, not all of the sanctuaries can be reached at first, and some require the Buggy.

Sanctuary Revealed by Location
Alexander Sanctuary α Activation Intel 2: Seashell Coast Tower Found west of Jules's Training Gym and in a cave. Requires chapter 7, "Those Left Behind".
Alexander Sanctuary β Activation Intel 4: Riverside Tower Found in the desert, towards the cranes south of the Corel Desert, and requires a series of grappling jook jumps to reach the cave. Requires Buggy in chapter 9, "The Planet Stirs".
Alexander Sanctuary γ Activation Intel 5: Stonearch Tower

Gongaga Region[]

Gongaga Region has sanctuaries for Kujata.

Sanctuary Revealed by Location
Kujata Sanctuary α Activation Intel 1: Midriver Isle Tower
Kujata Sanctuary β Activation Intel 3: Verdant Plateau Tower
Kujata Sanctuary γ Activation Intel 4: Gongaga Ruins Tower

Cosmo Canyon Region[]

Cosmo Canyon Region has sanctuaries for Bahamut Arisen.

Sanctuary Revealed by Location
Bahamut Arisen Sanctuary α Activation Intel 2: Crimson Earth Tower
Bahamut Arisen Sanctuary β Activation Intel 5: Spiritwastes Tower
Bahamut Arisen Sanctuary γ Activation Intel 6: Ancient Capital Tower

Nibel Region[]

Nibel Region has sanctuaries for Odin.

Sanctuary Revealed by Location
Odin Sanctuary α Activation Intel 1: Airstrip Tower
Odin Sanctuary β Activation Intel 3: Beach Hill Tower
Odin Sanctuary γ Activation Intel 4: Whitecap Reef Tower