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Final Fantasy Wiki

List of the passive abilities that can be learned by characters from Final Fantasy Type-0.

Crystal Strength
I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX - X - XI - XII - XIII - XIV - XV - FFT - 0 - FFCC - WO - FFO


Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
Cure Unlocks the S1 ability "Cure". Default None
Cure BRV Gain Slightly raises BRV upon using Cure. STR 05 10CP
Critical Hit BRV Gain Slightly raises BRV upon unleashing a critical BRV attack. STR 10 05CP
Charged Cure Cure use +1. STR 15 15CP
Swap Turns Unlocks the S2 ability "Swap Turns". STR 20 None
Swap Turns BRV Gain Slightly raises BRV upon using Swap Turns. STR 25 10CP
Quick Swap Turns Slightly raises turn rate for Swap Turns. STR 30 10CP
Quick Cure Slightly raises turn rate for Cure. STR 35 10CP
Greater Rejuvenate Slightly recovers more HP with heals. STR 40 10CP
Charged Swap Turns Swap Turns use +1. STR 45 05CP
Suzaku's Mercy 50% of HP recovered in excess of MAX HP shared with allies.

Recovery limit: 10% of ally's MAX HP.

STR 50 20CP
Buff Attack Up Slightly raises ATK with active buffs. STR 54 05CP
Cure Extension When using Cure:
  • Slight boost to HP recovered based on MAX HP.
  • Slight boost to HP recovered based on ATK.
  • Grants target BRV based on own MAX BRV.
  • 5 turns ATK Up II becomes 10 turns Devoted Heart (grants ATK Up effect, HP Regen effect to party).
STR 55 15CP
HP Attack All Slightly raises party's ATK while own HP at least 50% of MAX. STR 58 05CP
Swap Turns Extension When using Swap Turns:
  • Slight boost to BRV granted based on ATK.
  • Slight MAX BRV Up boost.
  • Granted buff duration +3.
  • Does not add to turn count; does consume turn during summoning, support.

After using Swap Turns:

  • HP Attack becomes HP Attack+ (grants allies BRV based on HP damage dealt) for 5 turns.
STR 60 15CP
All Swap BRV Unlocks the AA ability "All Swap BRV". STR 65 None
Destruction Resonance Slightly raises party's MAX BRV, ATK. STR 68 05CP
All Swap BRV Extension When using All Swap BRV:
  • Adds effect that slightly raises party's stolen BRV limit for 5 turns.
STR 70 15CP
Cure (C) Unlocks the Call ability "Cure (C)". STR 75 None
Full HP Attack All (C) When using call ability while HP at MAX:
  • Marginally raises party's ATK for 6 turns.
STR 78 05CP
Enhanced Cure (C) Boost to Call ability "Cure (C)". STR 80 None


Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
Rapid Bullets Unlocks the S1 ability "Rapid Bullets". Default None
Ability Attack Bonus Slightly increases BRV damage dealt during ability chain.
  • Also applies to abilities changed from BRV Attack, HP Attack.
STR 05 10CP
Mighty Rapid Bullets Moderately increases BRV damage dealt with Rapid Bullets, Rapid Bullets+. STR 10 10CP
Critical Speed Up Slightly raises SPD for 1 turn upon unleashing a critical hit. STR 15 05CP
Reload Unlocks the S2 ability "Reload". STR 20 None
Initiative Slightly raises SPD for 3 turns at start of each wave. STR 25 10CP
Reload BRV Gain Moderately raises BRV upon using Reload. STR 30 15CP
Target Legs Low chance of inflicting 3 turns SPD Down I with BRV ATK.
  • Also applies to abilities changed from BRV Attack.
STR 35 15CP
Charged Rapid Bullets Rapid Bullets use +1. STR 40 10CP
Reload Attack Up Slightly raises ATK for 3 turns upon using Reload. STR 45 10CP
Perseverance When BRV is at least 50% MAX BRV, Break is avoided and BRV drops to 1. STR 50 15CP
Buffed Attack Boost Up Moderately raises MAX BRV, ATK with active buffs. STR 54 05CP
Rapid Bullets Extension Rapid Bullets use +2.

When using Rapid Bullets, Rapid Bullets+:

  • MAX BRV Up duration +2.
  • 5 turns slight boost to ATK Up.

When using Rapid Bullets:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 3; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 120%.
  • Triggers additional HP attack after use.

When using Rapid Bullets+:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 4; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%.
STR 55 15CP
Last Boost Up Moderately raises MAX BRV if HP is MAX at start of last wave. STR 58 05CP
Reload Extension Reload use +2.

When using Reload:

  • Moderate boost to own BRV increased based on ATK.
  • Grants allies BRV based on own ATK.
  • Trigger-Happy duration +6.
  • Triggers 2-hit ranged BRV attack + HP attack after use.

While Trigger-Happy active:

  • BRV Attack becomes BRV Attack+ (BRV attack hit count becomes 2; largely increased cumulative BRV damage).
STR 60 15CP
BRV Up Attack Up Unlocks the AA ability "BRV Up Attack Up". STR 65 None
Tenacity Brilliance Slightly raises own INT BRV, ATK. STR 68 05CP
BRV Up Attack Up Extension When using BRV Up Attack Up:
  • Slight raised ATK boost.
STR 70 15CP


Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
Burst Unlocks the S1 ability "Burst". Default None
Charged Burst Burst use +1. STR 05 10CP
BRV Attack Up Slightly raises ATK when BRV is at least 50% MAX BRV. STR 10 10CP
Break Speed Up Slightly raises SPD for 1 turn upon inflicting Break. STR 15 05CP
Spiral Combo Unlocks the S2 ability "Spiral Combo". STR 20 None
Mighty Spiral Combo Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Spiral Combo, Great Spiral Combo, Great Spiral Combo+. STR 25 10CP
Break Bonus Up Slightly raises Break Bonus upon inflicting Break. STR 30 10CP
Mighty Burst Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Burst, Mega Burst, Mega Burst+. STR 35 10CP
BRV Initiative Slightly raises SPD when BRV is at least 50% MAX BRV. STR 40 10CP
Charged Spiral Combo Spiral Combo use +1. STR 45 10CP
Spiral's End Slightly raises ATK with full card stock. STR 50 20CP
Card Stock Speed Up Moderately raises SPD while card stock 1 or greater. STR 54 05CP
Burst Extension When using Burst, Mega Burst:
  • 6 turns slight boost to MAX BRV Up.

When using Burst:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 2; tremendously increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Triggers additional HP attack after use.

When using Mega Burst:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 4; tremendously increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%.
  • Self: 6 turns 1 level of Suzaku's Trump Card (limit 5).
  • Does not remove cards from stock.
  • Triggers additional HP attack after use.
  • Higher turn rate.

While Suzaku's Trump Card active:

  • BRV Attack becomes BRV Attack+ (BRV attack hit count becomes 5; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage).

With 3 cards in stock and 5 levels of Suzaku's Trump Card active:

  • Mega Burst becomes Mega Burst+ (BRV attack hit count becomes 8; tremendously increased cumulative BRV damage; stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 180%)
  • BRV Attack+ becomes BRV Attack++ (tremendous BRV damage boost).
STR 55 15CP
Ability Attack Bonus Slightly increases BRV damage dealt during ability chain.
  • Also applies to abilities changed from BRV Attack, HP Attack.
STR 58 05CP
Spiral Combo Extension When using Spiral Combo, Great Spiral Combo:
  • BRV attack becomes group attack.
  • Moderately increased BRV damage when attacking single target.

When using Spiral Combo:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 2; tremendously increased cumulative BRV damage.

When using Great Spiral Combo:

  • Tremendous BRV damage boost.
  • Slight ATK Up boost, duration +2.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 120%.
  • Deals 20% HP damage to non-targets.
  • Self: 6 turns 1 level of Suzaku's Trump Card (limit 5).
  • Does not remove cards from stock.

While Suzaku's Trump Card active:

  • HP Attack becomes HP Attack+ (additional 3-hit group magic BRV attack before HP attack).<br

With 3 cards in stock and 5 levels of Suzaku's Trump Card active:

  • Great Spiral Combo becomes Great Spiral Combo+ (BRV attack hit count becomes 10; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage; stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%; deals 50% HP damage to non-targets).
  • HP Attack+ becomes HP Attack++ (Moderate BRV damage boost; moderately increased BRV damage when attacking single target; stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%; high turn rate).
STR 60 15CP
Attack Up Unlocks the AA ability "Attack Up". STR 65 None
Destruction Resonance Slightly raises party's MAX BRV, ATK. STR 68 05CP
Attack Up Extension When using Attack Up:
  • Slight raised ATK boost.
STR 70 15CP
Spiral Combo (C) Unlocks the Call ability "Spiral Combo (C)". STR 75 None
Break Hit Boost Up (C) When using call ability:
  • Slightly raises party's MAX BRV for 6 turns after inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break.
STR 78 05CP
Enhanced Spiral Combo (C) Boost to Call ability "Spiral Combo (C)". STR 80 None


Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
Blizzard ROK Unlocks the S1 ability "Blizzard ROK". Default None
Charged Blizzard ROK Blizzard ROK use +1. STR 05 10CP
Break Bonus Up Slightly raises Break Bonus upon inflicting Break. STR 10 10CP
Mighty Blizzard ROK Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Blizzard ROK, Blizzara ROK. STR 15 05CP
Triple Slip Unlocks the S2 ability "Triple Slip". STR 20 None
Triple Slip BRV Gain Slightly raises BRV upon using Triple Slip. STR 25 10CP
Critical Hit BRV Gain Slightly raises BRV upon unleashing a critical BRV attack. STR 30 05CP
Charged Triple Slip Triple Slip use +1. STR 35 15CP
Buff Speed Up Slightly raises SPD with active buffs. STR 40 10CP
Charge & Dodge Dodge Up Slightly raises evasion rate with active Charge & Dodge buff. STR 45 10CP
Unwavering Courage Evading enemy attack triggers counterattack (2-hit Ice magic BRV attack + HP attack; increases BRV by 30% of HP damage dealt). STR 50 20CP
Charge & Dodge Attack Boost Up While Charge & Dodge active:
  • Largely raises MAX BRV, moderately raises ATK.
STR 54 05CP
Blizzard ROK Extension Blizzard ROK use +5.

When using Blizzard ROK:

  • Becomes 4-hit group Ice magic BRV attack + single-target HP attack; slightly increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 120%.

When using Blizzara ROK:

  • Becomes 4-hit group Ice magic BRV attack + single-target HP attack; slightly increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%.
  • All targets: 1 turn Lock.
STR 55 15CP
Focused Attack BRV damage × 1.6 when attacking single target with group attack. STR 58 05CP
Triple Slip Extension Triple Slip use +2.

When using Triple Slip:

  • Large boost to BRV increased based on INT BRV.
  • Marginal turn rate boost with Charge & Dodge.
  • Moderate evasion rate boost with Charge & Dodge.
  • Adds effect of Ice Enchant to Charge & Dodge.
  • Instant turn rate.
  • Does not add to turn count; does consume turn during summoning, support.

With active buff:

  • BRV Attack becomes BRV Attack+ (BRV attack hit count becomes 2; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage).
  • HP Attack becomes HP Attack+ (2-hit ranged BRV attack + HP attack).

While Charge & Dodge active:

  • BRV Attack+ becomes Charged Shot (2-hit ranged BRV attack + HP attack; largely increased cumulative BRV damage; slightly increased BRV damage with critical hits; stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 120%; increases BRV by 30% of HP damage dealt; turn rate+).
  • HP Attack, HP Attack+ becomes Wide Shot (2-hit group ranged BRV attack + single-target HP attack; slightly increased BRV damage with critical hits; stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 120%; deals 20% HP damage to non-targets).
STR 60 15CP
Blizzard Shot Unlocks the AA ability "Blizzard Shot". STR 65 None
Shatter Brilliance Slightly raises INT BRV, MAX BRV. STR 68 05CP
Blizzard Shot Extension When using Blizzard Shot:
  • Adds effect of Ice Enchant to self.
STR 70 15CP
Triple Slip (C) Unlocks the Call ability "Triple Slip (C)". STR 75 None
Break Hit Attack Up (C) When using call ability:
  • Slightly raises ATK for 6 turns after inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break.
STR 78 05CP
Enhanced Triple Slip (C) Boost to Call ability "Triple Slip (C)". STR 80 None


Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
Snakebite & Lash Unlocks the S1 ability "Snakebite & Lash". Default None
Mighty Snakebite & Lash Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Snakebite & Lash. STR 05 10CP
Break Boost Up Slightly raises MAX BRV for 1 turn upon inflicting Break. STR 10 10CP
Initiative Slightly raises SPD for 3 turns at start of each wave. STR 15 10CP
Elementalash Unlocks the S2 ability "Elementalash". STR 20 None
Mighty Elementalash Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Elementalash. STR 25 10CP
Debuff Attack Up Slightly raises ATK when an enemy is debuffed. STR 30 10CP
Charged Snakebite & Lash Snakebite & Lash use +1. STR 35 10CP
Debuff Boost Up Slightly raises MAX BRV while an enemy is debuffed. STR 40 10CP
Charged Elementalash Elementalash use +1. STR 45 10CP
Eyes on Everything Slightly raises INT BRV, MAX BRV, ATK, DEF while an enemy is afflicted with Snakebite. STR 50 20CP
Debuff Attack Speed Up Slightly raises ATK, SPD while an enemy is debuffed. STR 54 05CP
Snakebite & Lash Extension Snakebite & Lash use +1.

When using Snakebite & Lash:

  • Tremendous BRV damage boost.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%.
  • 8 turns slight boost to MAX BRV Up.
  • Triggers additional HP attack after use.
  • Higher turn rate when inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break.
STR 55 15CP
Debuffed Attack Boost Up Slightly raises MAX BRV, ATK while an enemy is debuffed. STR 58 05CP
Elementalash Extension Elementalash use +1.

When using Elementalash:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 3; tremendously increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 120%.
  • Self: 8 turns ATK Up I.
  • Higher turn rate when inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break.

BRV Attack becomes BRV Attack+ (2-hit Fire Ice Thunder melee BRV attack; moderately increased BRV damage; extra damage to targets afflicted with Snakebite; increases target's active Snakebite level by 1) with active buff.

STR 60 15CP
Debuff Attack Up Unlocks the AA ability "Debuff Attack Up". STR 65 None
Destruction Brilliance Slightly raises MAX BRV, ATK. STR 68 05CP
Debuff Attack Up Extension When using Debuff Attack Up:
  • Slight boost to raised ATK when attacking debuffed targets.
STR 70 15CP
Elementalash (C) Unlocks the Call ability "Elementalash (C)". STR 75 None
Mighty Debuff (C) When using a call ability that includes BRV attack:
  • Slightly increases BRV damage dealt while debuffed enemy present.
STR 78 05CP
Enhanced Elementalash (C) Boost to Call ability "Elementalash (C)". STR 80 None


Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
Concerto Unlocks the S1 ability "Concerto". Default None
Concerto Attack Up After using Concerto:
  • Slightly raises ATK for 1 turn.
STR 05 10CP
Initiative Slightly raises SPD for 3 turns at start of each wave. STR 10 10CP
Critical Hit BRV Gain Slightly raises BRV upon unleashing a critical BRV attack. STR 15 05CP
Dissonant Sonata Unlocks the S2 ability "Dissonant Sonata". STR 20 None
Mighty Dissonant Sonata Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Dissonant Sonata. STR 25 10CP
Buff Attack Up Slightly raises ATK with active buffs. STR 30 10CP
Charged Concerto Concerto use +1. STR 35 15CP
Buff Boost Up Slightly raises MAX BRV with active buffs. STR 40 10CP
Charged Dissonant Sonata Dissonant Sonata use +1. STR 45 10CP
Unremitting Earnesty Slightly raises party's INT BRV, ATK while own HP is at least 50% of MAX. STR 50 20CP
Buff Base Speed All Slightly raises party's INT BRV, SPD with active buffs. STR 54 05CP
Concerto Extension Concerto use +1.

When using Concerto:

  • Slight boost to BRV granted based on MAX BRV.

While Note active:

  • Slightly raises own SPD.
  • HP Attack becomes HP Attack+ (increases BRV based on MAX BRV before HP attack; grants party BRV based on HP damage dealt, party's Note total).
STR 55 15CP
Buff Attack Boost All Slightly raises party's MAX BRV, ATK with active buffs. STR 58 05CP
Dissonant Sonata Extension Dissonant Sonata use +2.

When using Dissonant Sonata:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 5; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%.
  • Triggers additional HP attack on target after use.

While Crescendo active:

  • BRV Attack becomes BRV Attack+ (BRV attack hit count becomes 2; slightly increased cumulative BRV damage; grants party BRV based on own MAX BRV; BRV damage boosted based on party's Note total).
STR 60 15CP
All Magic Attack Unlocks the AA ability "All Magic Attack". STR 65 None
Tenacity Resonance Slightly raises party's INT BRV, ATK. STR 68 05CP
All Magic Attack Extension When using All Magic Attack:
  • Adds effect that slightly raises party's stolen BRV limit.
STR 70 15CP


Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
Earthquake Unlocks the S1 ability "Earthquake". Default None
Mighty Earthquake Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Earthquake, Earthquake+. STR 05 10CP
Debuff Attack Up Slightly raises ATK when an enemy is debuffed. STR 10 10CP
Initiative Slightly raises BRV upon unleashing a critical BRV attack. STR 15 05CP
Homerun Swing Unlocks the S2 ability "Homerun Swing". STR 20 None
Mighty Homerun Swing Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Homerun Swing, Homerun Swing+. STR 25 10CP
Break Boost Up Slightly raises ATK with active buffs. STR 30 10CP
Charged Earthquake Earthquake use +1. STR 35 15CP
Buff Speed Up Slightly raises SPD with active buffs. STR 40 10CP
Charged Homerun Swing Homerun Swing use +1. STR 45 10CP
Super-Strong Space Case Slightly raises MAX BRV, ATK while an enemy is debuffed. STR 50 20CP
Buff Attack Speed Up Slightly raises ATK, moderately raises SPD with active buffs. STR 54 05CP
Earthquake Extension When using Earthquake, Earthquake+:
  • Inflicts 4 turns DEF Down I.

When using Earthquake:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 2; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 120%.
  • Inflicted Stun level +1.

When using Earthquake+:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 3; tremendously increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 200%.

With active buffs:

  • BRV Attack becomes BRV Attack+ (BRV attack hit count becomes 2; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage; Inflicts 4 turns 1 level of Stun [limit 5]).
STR 55 15CP
Debuffed Attack Boost Up Moderately raises own MAX BRV, slightly raises own ATK while enemy is debuffed. STR 58 05CP
Homerun Swing Extension When using Homerun Swing, Homerun Swing+:
  • Slight boost to BRV granted based on ATK.

When using Homerun Swing:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 2; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 120%.
  • Inflicted Stun level +1.

When using Homerun Swing+:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 3; tremendously increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 200%.

With active buffs:

  • HP Attack becomes HP Attack+ (increases BRV based on ATK before HP attack; inflicts 4 turns 1 level of Stun [limit 5]).
STR 60 15CP
Set Stun BRV Up Unlocks the AA ability "Set Stun BRV Up". STR 65 None
Destruction Brilliance Slightly raises MAX BRV, ATK. STR 68 05CP
Set Stun BRV Up Extension When using Set Stun BRV Up:
  • Adds effect that tremendously increases Critical Hit Rate, slightly boosts critical BRV damage for 3 turns.
STR 70 15CP
Homerun Swing+ (C) Unlocks the Call ability "Homerun Swing+ (C)". STR 75 None
Mighty Debuff (C) When using a call ability that includes BRV attack:
  • Slightly increases BRV damage dealt while debuffed enemy present.
STR 78 05CP
Enhanced Homerun Swing+ (C) Boost to Call ability "Homerun Swing+ (C)". STR 80 None


Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
Awakening Unlocks the S1 ability "Awakening". Default None
Mighty Awakening Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Awakening, Furious Blades, Furious Blades+. STR 05 10CP
Buff Speed Up Slightly raises SPD with active buffs. STR 10 10CP
Critical Power Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with critical hits. STR 15 05CP
Cyclone Drive Unlocks the S2 ability "Cyclone Drive". STR 20 None
Mighty Cyclone Drive Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Cyclone Drive. STR 25 10CP
Bonus Up All Marginally raises party's Break Bonus upon inflicting Break. STR 30 05CP
Charged Awakening Awakening use +1. STR 35 15CP
BRV Reprieve When BRV is at least 50% MAX BRV, Break is avoided and BRV drops to 1. STR 40 15CP
Charged Cyclone Drive Cyclone Drive use +1. STR 45 10CP
Dual-Wielding Star Pupil Slightly raises MAX BRV, ATK while Awakening buff active. STR 50 20CP
Awakening Attack Guard Up Moderately raises ATK, DEF while Awakening buff active. STR 54 05CP
Awakening Extension Awakening use +1.

When using Awakening:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 2; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Slight boost to raised MAX BRV, ATK from Awakening buff.
  • Triggers additional HP attack after use.

When using Furious Blades:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 4; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage.

While Awakening active:

  • BRV Attack becomes BRV Attack+ (BRV attack hit count becomes 2; largely increased cumulative BRV damage; higher turn rate).

When using Awakening, Furious Blades, BRV Attack+:

  • Furious Blades becomes Furious Blades+ (stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 120%; does not add to turn count; does consume turn during summoning, support; returns to Furious Blades after use) after inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break.
STR 55 15CP
Buff Base Boost Up Moderately raises INT BRV, slightly raises MAX BRV with active buffs. STR 58 05CP
Cyclone Drive Extension Cyclone Drive use +1.

When using Cyclone Drive:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 6; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%.
STR 60 15CP
Awakening Longer Unlocks the AA ability "Awakening Longer". STR 65 None
Shatter Brilliance Slightly raises INT BRV, MAX BRV. STR 68 05CP
Awakening Longer Extension When using Awakening Longer:
  • Adds effect that slightly raises own ATK for 4 turns.
STR 70 15CP
Cyclone Drive (C) Unlocks the Call ability "Cyclone Drive (C)". STR 75 None
Critical Power (C) When using a Call Ability that includes BRV attack:
  • Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with critical hits.
STR 78 05CP
Enhanced Cyclone Drive (C) Boost to Call ability "Cyclone Drive (C)". STR 80 None


Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
Quickbolt Stance Unlocks the S1 ability "Quickbolt Stance". Default None
Mighty Quickbolt Stance Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Quickbolt Stance. STR 05 10CP
Ability Speed Bonus Slightly raises turn rate during ability chain.
  • Also applies to abilities changed from BRV Attack, HP Attack.
STR 10 10CP
Buff Boost Up Slightly raises MAX BRV with active buffs. STR 15 10CP
Last-Stand Rush Unlocks the S2 ability "Last-Stand Rush". STR 20 None
Mighty Last-Stand Rush Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Last-Stand Rush. STR 25 10CP
Break Bonus Up Slightly raises Break Bonus upon inflicting Break. STR 30 10CP
Charged Quickbolt Stance Quickbolt Stance use +1. STR 35 10CP
Buff Attack Up Slightly raises ATK with active buffs. STR 40 10CP
Charged Last-Stand Rush Last-Stand Rush use +1. STR 45 10CP
Righteous Martial Artist Slightly raises MAX BRV, ATK while Quickbolt active. STR 50 20CP
Buff Attack Speed Up Slightly raises ATK, SPD with active buff. STR 54 05CP
Quickbolt Stance Extension When using Quickbolt Stance:
  • BRV attack hit count becomes 2; tremendously increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 120%.
  • Quickbolt duration +4.

When using HP Attack+:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 2; largely increased cumulative BRV damage.

When using Lightspeed Jab:

  • Increases BRV based on ATK, before BRV attack.
  • BRV attack hit count becomes 2; largely increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 120%.
  • Inflicts 2 turns DEF Down III when inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break.

When using BRV Attack+:

  • Large BRV damage boost.
  • Lightspeed Jab becomes Lightspeed Jab+ after inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break (extends buffs by 1 turn; instant turn rate; does not add to turn count; does consume turn during summoning, support; returns to Lightspeed Jab after use).
STR 55 15CP
Buffed Attack Boost Up Moderately raises MAX BRV, slightly raises ATK with active buff. STR 58 05CP
Last-Stand Rush Extension When using Last-Stand Rush:
  • BRV attack hit count becomes 5; tremendously increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%.
  • Last Stand duration +4.
STR 60 15CP
BRV Up Buff Longer Unlocks the AA ability "BRV Up Buff Longer". STR 65 None
Destruction Brilliance Slightly raises MAX BRV, ATK. STR 68 05CP
BRV Up Buff Longer Extension When using BRV Up Buff Longer:
  • Adds effect that slightly raises own MAX BRV for 3 turns.
STR 70 15CP

Jack (FF TYPE-0)[]

Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
Ninja Slice Unlocks the S1 ability "Ninja Slice". Default None
Mighty Ninja Slice Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Ninja Slice. STR 05 10CP
Critical Power Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with critical hits. STR 10 05CP
Break Boost Up Slightly raises MAX BRV for 1 turn upon inflicting Break. STR 15 10CP
Lightning Flash Unlocks the S2 ability "Lightning Flash". STR 20 None
Mighty Lightning Flash Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Lightning Flash. STR 25 10CP
Back Attack Marginally increases BRV damage dealt when attacking an enemy not targeting self. STR 30 15CP
Charged Ninja Slice Ninja Slice use +1. STR 35 10CP
Buff Attack Up Slightly raises ATK with active buffs. STR 40 10CP
Charged Lightning Flash Lightning Flash use +1. STR 45 10CP
Positive Swordsman Slightly raises MAX BRV, ATK while Every Ounce of Strength active. STR 50 20CP
Buff Boost Speed Up Slightly raises MAX BRV, SPD with active buffs. STR 54 05CP
Ninja Slice Extension Ninja Slice use +1.

When using Ninja Slice:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 6; tremendously increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Moderately increased BRV damage with critical hits.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 180%.

While Every Ounce of Strength active:

  • BRV Attack becomes BRV Attack+ (BRV attack hit count becomes 2; largely increased cumulative BRV damage; triggers Deliverance when inflicting Break).
  • HP Attack becomes HP Attack+ (melee BRV attack + HP attack; triggers Deliverance when inflicting Break).
STR 55 15CP
Buffed Attack Boost Up Moderately raises MAX BRV, ATK with active buff. STR 58 05CP
Lightning Flash Extension Lightning Flash use +1.

When using Lightning Flash:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 6; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Moderately increased BRV damage with critical hits.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 180%.
STR 60 15CP
Critical Power Boost Unlocks the AA ability "Critical Power Boost". STR 65 None
Power Brilliance Moderately raises ATK. STR 68 05CP
Critical Power Boost Extension When using Critical Power Boost:
  • Slight MAX BRV boost.
  • Slight boost to increased BRV damage dealt with critical hits.
STR 70 15CP
Ninja Slice (C) Unlocks the Call ability "Ninja Slice (C)". STR 75 None
Break Hit Attack Up (C) When using call ability:
  • Slightly raises ATK for 6 turns after inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break.
STR 78 05CP
Enhanced Ninja Slice (C) Boost to Call ability "Ninja Slice (C)". STR 80 None


Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
Raining Arrows Unlocks the S1 ability "Raining Arrows". Default None
Mighty Raining Arrows Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Raining Arrows, Raining Arrows (Charge 1), Raining Arrows (Charge 2). STR 05 10CP
Break Bonus Up Slightly raises Break Bonus upon inflicting Break. STR 10 10CP
Buff Attack Up Slightly raises ATK with active buffs. STR 15 10CP
Dynamite Arrow Unlocks the S2 ability "Dynamite Arrow". STR 20 None
Mighty Dynamite Arrow Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Dynamite Arrow, Dynamite Arrow (Charge 1), Dynamite Arrow (Charge 2). STR 25 10CP
Buff Speed Up Slightly raises SPD with active buffs. STR 30 10CP
Charged Raining Arrows Raining Arrows use +1. STR 35 10CP
Break Boost Up Slightly raises MAX BRV for 1 turn upon inflicting Break. STR 40 10CP
Charged Dynamite Arrow Dynamite Arrow use +1. STR 45 10CP
Erudite Archer Slightly raises MAX BRV, ATK while Accurate Arrow active. STR 50 20CP
Buff Attack Speed Up Slightly raises ATK, SPD with active buffs. STR 54 05CP
Raining Arrows Extension Raining Arrows use +2.

When using Raining Arrows, Raining Arrows (Charge 1):

  • BRV attack hit count to target increased by 2; largely increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%.

On next turn when Raining Arrows (Charge 1) not used:

  • Becomes Raining Arrows (Charge 2) (BRV attack hit count becomes 6; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage; slightly increased limit for stolen BRV that may exceed MAX BRV; special effect Arrow Shower duration +1; slight boost to BRV granted to self based on HP damage dealt; returns to Raining Arrows after use).

When Arrow Shower triggers:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 2; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 120%.
STR 55 15CP
Buff Attack Boost Up Moderately raises MAX BRV, slightly raises ATK with active buff. STR 58 05CP
Dynamite Arrow Extension Dynamite Arrow use +2.

When using Dynamite Arrow, Dynamite Arrow (Charge 1):

  • BRV attack hit count to target increased by 2; tremendously increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%.

On next turn when Dynamite Arrow (Charge 1) not used:

  • Becomes Dynamite Arrow (Charge 2) (tremendous BRV damage boost; slightly increased limit for stolen BRV that may exceed MAX BRV; deals 50% HP damage to non-targets; returns to Dynamite Arrow after use).

When Dynamite triggers:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 4; largely increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 120%.

While Accurate Arrow active:

  • BRV Attack becomes BRV Attack+ (grants party BRV based on own ATK; BRV attack hit count becomes 2; slightly increased cumulative BRV damage).
STR 60 15CP
Ability Recovery Attack Up Unlocks the AA ability "Ability Recovery Attack Up". STR 65 None
Power Brilliance Moderately raises ATK. STR 68 05CP
Ability Recovery Attack Up Extension When using Ability Recovery Attack Up:
  • Slightly boosts ATK Up.
STR 70 15CP
Dynamite Arrow (C) Unlocks the Call ability "Dynamite Arrow (C)". STR 75 None
Break Hit Attack Up (C) When using call ability:
  • Slightly raises ATK for 6 turns after inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break.
STR 78 05CP
Enhanced Dynamite Arrow (C) Boost to Call ability "Dynamite Arrow (C)". STR 80 None


Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
Primal Roar Unlocks the S1 ability "Primal Roar". Default None
Mighty Primal Roar Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Primal Roar. STR 05 10CP
Break Boost Up Slightly raises MAX BRV for 1 turn upon inflicting Break. STR 10 10CP
Buff Speed Up Slightly raises SPD with active buffs. STR 15 10CP
Whirling Lance Unlocks the S2 ability "Whirling Lance". STR 20 None
Mighty Whirling Lance Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Whirling Lance, Whirling Lance+. STR 25 10CP
Greater Rejuvenate Slightly recovers more HP with heals. STR 30 10CP
Charged Primal Roar Primal Roar use +1. STR 35 10CP
Buff Attack Up Slightly raises ATK with active buffs. STR 40 10CP
Charged Whirling Lance Whirling Lance use +1. STR 45 10CP
Reckless Lancer With at least 2 levels of Wild Roar active on self:
  • Slightly raises MAX BRV, ATK.
STR 50 20CP
Buff Boost Up Moderately raises MAX BRV with active buffs. STR 54 05CP
Primal Roar Extension When using Primal Roar:
  • Moderate boost to BRV granted based on ATK.
  • BRV attack hit count becomes 4; largely increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 180%.
  • Wild Roar, Wild Guard duration +4.

While Wild Roar active:

  • BRV Attack becomes Jump (grants party BRV based on own ATK; 3-hit group ranged BRV attack; moderately increased BRV damage when attacking single target; high turn rate).
  • HP Attack becomes High Jump (2-hit group ranged BRV attack + single-target HP attack; moderately increased BRV damage when attacking single target; deals 20% HP damage to non-targets).
STR 55 15CP
Buff Attack Speed Up Moderately raises ATK, SPD with active buffs. STR 58 05CP
Whirling Lance Extension When using Whirling Lance, Whirling Lance+:
  • BRV attack hit count becomes 6; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%
  • HP recovered in excess of MAX HP added to allies' HP, recovery limit: 30% of MAX HP
  • 8 turns 1 level of Wild Roar when attacking single target (limit 5); 8 turns 2 levels of Wild Roar when attacking 2 or more targets (limit 5).
STR 60 15CP
Boost Thrust Unlocks the AA ability "Boost Thrust". STR 65 None
Vigor Resonance Slightly raises party's MAX HP, MAX BRV. STR 68 05CP
Boost Thrust Extension When using Boost Thrust:
  • Slight MAX BRV Up boost.
STR 70 15CP


Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
Ice Blade Renzan Unlocks the S1 ability "Ice Blade Renzan". Default None
Mighty Ice Blade Renzan Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Ice Blade Renzan. STR 05 10CP
Break Bonus Up Slightly raises Break Bonus upon inflicting Break. STR 10 10CP
Buff Speed Up Slightly raises SPD with active buffs. STR 15 10CP
Multi Blizzaga MIS-II Unlocks the S2 ability "Multi Blizzaga MIS-II". STR 20 None
Mighty Multi Blizzaga MIS-II Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Multi Blizzaga MIS-II. STR 25 10CP
Debuff Attack Up Slightly raises ATK when an enemy is debuffed. STR 30 10CP
Charged Ice Blade Renzan Ice Blade Renzan use +1. STR 35 10CP
Buff Boost Up Slightly raises MAX BRV with active buffs. STR 40 10CP
Charged Multi Blizzaga MIS-II Multi Blizzaga MIS-II use +1. STR 45 10CP
Silent Commander Slightly raises MAX BRV, ATK while Quiet Instructor active. STR 50 20CP
Buff Attack Speed Up Slightly raises ATK, SPD with active buffs. STR 54 05CP
Ice Blade Renzan Extension Ice Blade Renzan use +2.

When using Ice Blade Renzan:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 7; largely increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%.

While Quiet Instructor active:

  • BRV Attack becomes BRV Attack+ (2-hit Ice melee BRV attack).
  • HP Attack becomes HP Attack+ (Ice melee BRV attack + HP attack).
STR 55 15CP
Buff Attack Boost Up Moderately raises MAX BRV, ATK with active buffs. STR 58 05CP
Multi Blizzaga MIS-II Extension When using Multi Blizzaga MIS-II:
  • BRV attack hit count becomes 6; tremendously increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%.
  • Hyōrō level +1.
STR 60 15CP
BRV Up Blizzard Slash Unlocks the AA ability "BRV Up Blizzard Slash". STR 65 None
Destruction Resonance Slightly raises party's MAX BRV, ATK. STR 68 05CP
BRV Up Blizzard Slash Extension When using BRV Up Blizzard Slash:
  • Adds effect that slightly raises own ATK for 3 turns.
STR 70 15CP


Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
