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List of the passive abilities that can be learned by characters from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles.

Crystal Strength
I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX - X - XI - XII - XIII - XIV - XV - FFT - 0 - FFCC - WO - FFO


Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
Field Burst Unlocks the S1 ability "Field Burst". Default None
Mighty Field Burst Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Field Burst. STR 05 10CP
Smash Attack Up Slightly raises ATK for 1 turn when inflicting Knock Back. STR 10 05CP
Charged Field Burst Field Burst use +1. STR 15 10CP
Energy Gain Unlocks the S2 ability "Energy Gain". STR 20 None
Charged Energy Gain Energy Gain use +1. STR 25 15CP
Debuff Attack Up Slightly raises ATK when an enemy is debuffed. STR 30 10CP
Break Bonus Up Slightly raises Break Bonus upon inflicting Break. STR 35 10CP
Mighty Energy Gain Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Energy Gain. STR 40 10CP
BRV Initiative Slightly raises SPD when BRV is at least 50% MAX BRV. STR 45 10CP
Crystal Bearer Slightly raises INT BRV, MAX BRV, ATK, DEF if HP is MAX at start of last wave. STR 50 20CP
Smash Attack Speed Up Moderately raises ATK, SPD for 5 turns when inflicting Knock Back. STR 54 05CP
Field Burst Extension Field Burst use +2.

When using Field Burst:

  • Becomes group attack.
  • BRV attack hit count becomes 3; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Moderately increased BRV damage when attacking single target.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 120%.
  • All targets: 5 turns SPD Down I.
  • Self: 10 turns MAX BRV Up II.
  • Triggers additional HP attack on target after use.

After using Field Burst:

  • BRV Attack becomes BRV Attack+ (grants party BRV based on own ATK after BRV attack; turn rate+) for 10 turns.
STR 55 15CP
Debuff Boost Up Moderately raises MAX BRV while an enemy is debuffed. STR 58 05CP
Energy Gain Extension When using Energy Gain:
  • BRV attack hit count becomes 4; tremendously increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%.
  • Delays target 1 turn.
STR 60 15CP
All BRV Rejuvenate Unlocks the AA ability "All BRV Rejuvenate". STR 65 None
Destruction Brilliance Slightly raises MAX BRV, ATK. STR 68 05CP
All BRV Rejuvenate Extension When using All BRV Rejuvenate:
  • Slight boost to BRV granted based on own MAX BRV.
STR 70 15CP


Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
Crystal Power Unlocks the S1 ability "Crystal Power". Default None
Mighty Crystal Power Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Crystal Power. STR 05 10CP
Critical Power Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with critical hits. STR 10 05CP
BRV Guard Up Field Burst use +1. STR 15 10CP
Rela Crystal Unlocks the S2 ability "Rela Crystal". STR 20 None
Mighty Rela Crystal Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Rela Crystal. STR 25 10CP
Break Bonus Up Slightly raises Break Bonus upon inflicting Break. STR 30 10CP
Charged Crystal Power Crystal Power use +1. STR 35 10CP
Buff Boost Up Slightly raises MAX BRV with active buffs. STR 40 10CP
Charged Rela Crystal Rela Crystal use +1. STR 45 15CP
Twins' Bonds Slightly raises INT BRV, MAX BRV, ATK, DEF while Chelinka's Prayer active. STR 50 20CP
Chelinka's Prayer Attack Speed Up Slightly raises ATK, largely raises SPD while Chelinka's Prayer active. STR 54 05CP
Crystal Power Extension Crystal Power use +2.

When using Crystal Power:

  • Becomes group attack; deals proportionate HP damage to each target.
  • BRV attack hit count becomes 4; largely increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Moderately increased BRV damage when attacking single target.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 180%.
STR 55 15CP
Chelinka's Prayer Base Attack Up Moderately raises INT BRV, ATK while Chelinka's Prayer active. STR 58 05CP
Rela Crystal Extension Rela Crystal use +1.

When using Rela Crystal:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 5; largely increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%.
  • Granted buff duration +2.
  • Adds Holy Enchant effect to Chelinka's Prayer.
  • Triggers additional HP attack after use.

When using BRV Attack+:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 2; slightly increased cumulative BRV damage.
STR 60 15CP
Base Boost Unlocks the AA ability "Base Boost". STR 65 None
Shatter Brilliance Slightly raises INT BRV, MAX BRV. STR 68 05CP
Base Boost Extension When using Base Boost:
  • Slight raised INT BRV boost.
  • Slight raised MAX BRV boost.
STR 70 15CP
Crystal Power (C) Unlocks the Call ability "Crystal Power (C)". STR 75 None
Full HP Advance (C) When using call ability while HP at MAX:
  • Marginally raises limit that stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV for 3 turns.
STR 78 05CP
Enhanced Crystal Power (C) Boost to Call ability "Crystal Power (C)". STR 80 None


Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
Light of the Crystal Unlocks the S1 ability "Light of the Crystal". Default None
Light of the Crystal Attack Up After using Light of the Crystal:
  • Slightly raises ATK for 1 turn.
STR 05 10CP
Chain Bonus Deals slightly more BRV damage when using chain attacks. STR 10 05CP
Buff Attack Up Slightly raises ATK with active buffs. STR 15 10CP
Crystal Generation Unlocks the S2 ability "Crystal Generation". STR 20 None
Crystal Generation BRV Gain After using Crystal Generation:
  • Slightly raises BRV.
STR 25 10CP
Buff Speed Up Slightly raises SPD with active buffs. STR 30 10CP
Charged Light of the Crystal Light of the Crystal use +1. STR 35 10CP
Buff Boost Up Slightly raises MAX BRV with active buffs. STR 40 10CP
Charged Crystal Generation Crystal Generation use +1. STR 45 15CP
Living Out Eternity Slightly raises MAX BRV, SPD while Light of the Crystal buff active. STR 50 20CP
Buffed Attack Boost Up Moderately raises MAX BRV, ATK with active buffs. STR 54 05CP
Light of the Crystal Extension When using Light of the Crystal:
  • Slight boost to BRV granted based on own MAX BRV.

When using Tranquil Light:

  • Moderate boost to BRV granted based on own ATK.

When using Hurl Staff:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 2; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 120%.
STR 55 15CP
All Buff Boost Speed Slightly raises party's MAX BRV, SPD with active buffs. STR 58 05CP
Crystal Generation Extension When using Crystal Generation:
  • Moderate boost to BRV granted based on ATK, extended to party.
STR 60 15CP
All BRV Rejuvenate Unlocks the AA ability "All BRV Rejuvenate". STR 65 None
Destruction Resonance Slightly raises party's MAX BRV, ATK. STR 68 05CP
All BRV Rejuvenate Extension When using All BRV Rejuvenate:
  • Slight boost to BRV granted based on own MAX BRV.
STR 70 15CP
Crystal Generation (C) Unlocks the Call ability "Crystal Generation (C)". STR 75 None
Full HP Boost All (C) When using call ability and own HP at MAX:
  • Marginally raises party's MAX BRV for 6 turns.
STR 78 05CP
Enhanced Crystal Generation (C) Boost to Call ability "Crystal Generation (C)". STR 80 None


Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
Bash Unlocks the S1 ability "Bash". Default None
Mighty Bash Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Bash. STR 05 10CP
Break Bonus Up Slightly raises Break Bonus upon inflicting Break. STR 10 10CP
Buff Attack Up Slightly raises ATK with active buffs. STR 15 10CP
Holystrike Unlocks the S2 ability "Holystrike". STR 20 None
Mighty Holystrike Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Holystrike, Holyrastrike. STR 25 10CP
Buff Speed Up Slightly raises SPD with active buffs. STR 30 10CP
Charged Bash Bash use +1. STR 35 10CP
Break Boost Up Slightly raises MAX BRV for 1 turn upon inflicting Break. STR 40 10CP
Charged Holystrike Holystrike use +1. STR 45 10CP
People of Harmony Slightly raises MAX BRV, ATK while Crystal Caravan active. STR 50 20CP
Buff Boost Up Moderately raises MAX BRV with active buffs. STR 54 05CP
Bash Extension When using Bash:
  • Grants party BRV based on own ATK, before BRV attack.
  • BRV attack hit count becomes 5; tremendously increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%.

While Crystal Caravan active:

  • BRV Attack becomes BRV Attack+ (BRV attack hit count becomes 2; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage; increases special effect Drop of Myrrh by 1 [limit 5]).
  • HP Attack becomes HP Attack+ (melee BRV attack + HP attack; increases special effect Drop of Myrrh by 1 [limit 5]; Soulshot takes priority over HP Attack+ while Drop of Myrrh level is 1 or greater).
STR 55 15CP
Buff Attack Speed Up Moderately raises ATK, SPD with active buffs. STR 58 05CP
Holystrike Extension When using Holystrike, Holyrastrike:
  • Slight boost to BRV increased based on ATK, extended to party.

When using Holystrike:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 2; tremendously increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 120%.
  • Deals 50% HP damage to non-targets.

When using Holyrastrike:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 6; tremendously increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%.
  • Deals 100% HP damage to non-targets.

When using Soulshot:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 3; tremendously increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 120%.
  • Deals 20% HP damage to non-targets.
  • Increases special effect Drop of Myrrh by 1 (limit 5).

When using Soulshot+:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 4; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%.
  • Deals 50% HP damage to non-targets.
STR 60 15CP
Set Drop of Myrrh Unlocks the AA ability "Set Drop of Myrrh". STR 65 None
Tenacity Resonance Slightly raises party's INT BRV, ATK. STR 68 05CP
Set Drop of Myrrh Extension When using Set Drop of Myrrh:
  • Adds effect that slightly raises party's MAX BRV for 5 turns.
STR 70 15CP
Holyrastrike (C) Unlocks the Call ability "Holyrastrike (C)". STR 75 None
Break Hit Attack All (C) When using Call Ability and after inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break:
  • Marginally raises party's ATK for 6 turns.
STR 78 05CP
Enhanced Holyrastrike (C) Boost to Call ability "Holyrastrike (C)". STR 80 None


Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
Selkie Throw Unlocks the S1 ability "Selkie Throw". Default None
Mighty Selkie Throw Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Selkie Throw. STR 05 10CP
Buff Speed Up Slightly raises SPD with active buffs. STR 10 10CP
Critical Power Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with critical hits. STR 15 05CP
Hero Support Unlocks the S2 ability "Hero Support". STR 20 None
Mighty Hero Support Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Hero Support. STR 25 10CP
Buff Attack Up Slightly raises ATK with active buffs. STR 30 10CP
Charged Selkie Throw Selkie Throw use +1. STR 35 10CP
Back Attack Marginally increases BRV damage dealt when attacking an enemy not targeting self. STR 40 15CP
Charged Hero Support Hero Support use +1. STR 45 10CP
Informed Selkie Slightly raises party's MAX BRV, ATK while Selkie Soul active. STR 50 20CP
Buff Boost Speed Up Slightly raises MAX BRV, SPD with active buffs. STR 54 05CP
Selkie Throw Extension Selkie Throw use +2.

When using Selkie Throw:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 4; tremendously increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 120%.
  • Deals 50% HP damage to non-targets.
  • Selkie Soul duration +3.
  • Self: 6 turns ATK Up II.

While Selkie Soul active:

  • BRV Attack becomes BRV Attack+ (BRV attack hit count becomes 2; greatly increased cumulative BRV damage; grants party BRV based on own MAX BRV).
  • HP Attack becomes HP Attack+ (grants party BRV based on own MAX BRV before attack; ranged BRV attack + HP attack).
  • BRV Attack becomes Selkie Chase (BRV) (reduces target's BRV to 0 if not afflicted with Break; grants party BRV based on own MAX BRV; target: 6 turns Fitted Enfeeblement) during chain attacks.
  • HP Attack becomes Selkie Chase (HP) (grants party BRV based on own MAX BRV; HP attack; target: 6 turns Fitted Enfeeblement) during chain attacks.
STR 55 15CP
Buff Attack Boost Up Moderately raises MAX BRV, ATK with active buffs. STR 58 05CP
Hero Support Extension When using Hero Support:
  • BRV attack hit count becomes 6; moderately increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%.
  • Slight boost to BRV granted to party based on HP damage dealt to target.
STR 60 15CP
Hero Support Recovery Attack All Unlocks the AA ability "Hero Support Recovery Attack All". STR 65 None
Ruin Resonance Slightly raises party's MAX BRV. STR 68 05CP
Hero Support Recovery Attack All Extension When using Hero Support Recovery Attack All:
  • Marginally boosts party's ATK Up.
STR 70 15CP
Hero Support (C) Unlocks the Call ability "Hero Support (C)". STR 75 None
Critical Boost All (C) When using call ability:
  • Marginally raises party's MAX BRV for 6 turns when dealing critical hit.
STR 78 05CP
Enhanced Hero Support (C) Boost to Call ability "Hero Support (C)". STR 80 None


Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
Comet Unlocks the S1 ability "Comet". Default None
Mighty Comet Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Comet. STR 05 10CP
Chain Bonus Deals slightly more BRV damage when using chain attacks. STR 10 05CP
Buff Speed Up Slightly raises SPD with active buffs. STR 15 10CP
Megaflare Unlocks the S2 ability "Megaflare". STR 20 None
Mighty Megaflare Slightly increases BRV damage dealt with Megaflare. STR 25 10CP
Debuff Attack Up Slightly raises ATK when an enemy is debuffed. STR 30 10CP
Charged Comet Comet use +1. STR 35 10CP
Buff Boost Up Slightly raises MAX BRV with active buffs. STR 40 10CP
Charged Megaflare Megaflare use +1. STR 45 15CP
Mysterious Yuke Slightly raises INT BRV, MAX BRV while Yukes' Hope active. STR 50 20CP
Buff Boost Up II Moderately raises MAX BRV with active buffs. STR 54 05CP
Comet Extension Comet use +2.

When using Comet:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 6; tremendously increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 150%.
  • Deals 50% HP damage to non-targets.
  • Turn Rate Down – Tribe of Wisdom extended to all targets.

While Yukes' Hope active:

  • BRV Attack becomes BRV Attack+ (reduces target's BRV to 1/2; increases BRV based on INT BRV).
  • HP Attack becomes HP Attack+ (reduces target's BRV to 3/4; increases BRV based on INT BRV; HP attack; grants allies BRV equivalent to 20% of HP damage dealt).
STR 55 15CP
Buff Attack Speed Up Moderately raises ATK, slightly raises SPD with active buffs. STR 58 05CP
Megaflare Extension Megaflare use +1.

When using Megaflare:

  • BRV attack hit count becomes 6; tremendously increased cumulative BRV damage.
  • Stolen BRV may exceed MAX BRV up to 180%.
STR 60 15CP
Ability Recovery BRV Regen All Unlocks the AA ability "Ability Recovery BRV Regen All". STR 65 None
Shatter Brilliance Slightly raises INT BRV, MAX BRV. STR 68 05CP
Ability Recovery BRV Regen All Extension When using Ability Recovery BRV Regen All:
  • Slight BRV Regen boost to party.
STR 70 15CP
Comet (C) Unlocks the Call ability "Comet (C)". STR 75 None
Mighty Debuff (C) When using a call ability that includes BRV attack:
  • Slightly increases BRV damage dealt while debuffed enemy present.
STR 78 05CP
Enhanced Comet (C) Boost to Call ability "Comet (C)". STR 80 None


Ability Description Crystal Strength CP
