The following is a list of Disciple of the Hand Quests in Final Fantasy XIV.
Leatherworker Quests[]
- Way of the Leatherworker
- My First Head Knife
- A Test of Technique
- Geva's Gambit
- Working Hells for Leather
- Aldgoat Everything
- Skin in the Game
- Toadskins of the Father
- Lead by Example
- Brand Loyalty
- Dissension in the Ranks
- Accept No Imitations
- Turndown Service
- By Your Bootstraps
- Perfect Pitch
- From the Hoplon to the Brume
- A Winter's Sale
- A Taxing Request
- Mounting Expectations
- The Value of Life
- The Trouble with Taxidermy
- True to Life
Carpenter Quests[]
- Way of the Carpenter
- My First Saw
- To Be the Wood
- Supplies for the Sick
- A Carpenter in Need
- The Lance's Lesson
- A Crisis of Confidence
- Between Captain and Conjurer
- Growing Apart
- Memento Mori
- Gone till the Sixth Astral Moon
- Saving Captain Gairhard
- Lance of a Lifetime
- A-hunting He Will Go
- Ministers of Grace Defend Him
- The Son Also Rises
- More Fierce than Fire
- Uncharted Territory
- The Game of Confidence
- A Lesson in Listening
- Live and Let Dine
- Tea Party Rules
Culinarian Quests[]
- Way of the Culinarian
- My First Skillet
- A Treat of Trout
- Dodo It Yourself
- On a Skewer Tip
- Releasing a Burden
- Winning Friends with Aldgoat
- The Chefsbane Cometh
- Of Cooks and Books
- Diplomacy of the Skillet
- A Taste of Home
- Revenge of the Chefsbane
- Wait on Me
- A Spoonful Less Sugar
- Looking for Some Hot Stuff
- Love Meat Tender
- The Spirit of Hospitality
- Flavors of the Far East
- Rice to the Occasion
- A Broth from the Brine
- Teach a Man to Make Fish
- The Way to a Father's Heart
Armorer Quests[]
- Way of the Armorer
- My First Doming Hammer
- From Thigh to Neck
- The Base Fundamentals
- One's Own Worst Critic
- An Armorer's Pride
- Showing Your Steel
- May the Best Armorer Win
- Pans of Steel
- Best of Three
- For the Good of the Guild
- Rivalry and Respect
- The Breaking of Blanstyr
- Light-headed
- Fancy Lancer
- The Reforging of Blanstyr
- The Pride of Vymelli
- Original Blanstyr
- Eastern Apprentice
- Forging with Scales
- Head-to-head Contest
- A Confluence of Style
Blacksmith Quests[]
- Way of the Blacksmith
- My First Cross-pein Hammer
- Hammer Time
- Riveting Ramblings
- The Business of Blacksmithing
- By the Sweat of Your Brow
- True as Steel
- As Iron Sharpens Iron
- Set Faezahr to Stun
- Forging Ahead
- Beauty and the Bardiche
- Waiting in the Winglet
- Forging Northwards
- Leave It to Fremondain
- The Good Fight
- Blade That Was Broken
- Integrity
- A Missive from the Far East
- The Client Is King
- Blood Ties
- The Missing Piece
- The Final Face-off
Weaver Quests[]
- Way of the Weaver
- My First Needle
- Once More unto the Breeches
- Alternative Applications
- Practical Needs
- Materia Concerns
- That Velveteen Dress
- Miner on a Mission
- Designed by Committee
- A Subtle Inquiry
- The Intervention
- A Miner Reborn
- The Social Knitwork
- Tomboy Foolery
- For Lover and Country
- Spinning the Truth
- Never Leave without a Good-bye
- When East Meets West
- The Butterfly Effect
- The Crane's Caveat
- A Geiko for All Seasons
- Send Me an Angel
Alchemist Quests[]
- Way of the Alchemist
- My First Alembic
- The Second Principle
- All of Your Beeswax
- For Fair Love
- The Arcanist's Tome
- Practical Alchemy
- Baleful Brews
- Cease and Assist
- Might Made Right
- Ultimate Alchemy
- Momentary Miracle
- Without a Trace
- Magic Marks the Spot
- From Hells
- Burden of Proof
- What Death Can Join Together
- Not Quite Dead Yet
- The Forbidden Blade
- Do Goldsmiths Dream of Gilded Sheep
- No Sin Unpunished
- A Love Beyond Lifetimes
Goldsmith Quests[]
- Way of the Goldsmith
- My First Chaser Hammer
- Gorgets Rising
- Throw Some Rings on It
- Objectively Speaking
- A Melding of the Minds
- Or Ever the Silver Cord Be Loosed
- Serendipity Now
- Mammets on Fire
- The Horns of the Green
- The Fox in the Hen House
- Jaded
- Form to the Formless
- Elegance and Artistry
- Double Trouble
- A Masterclass
- Two Hearts Beat as One
- A Royal Request
- Gemworks in Progress
- Blindsided
- The Perfect Tribute
- Sultana Dreaming