Final Fantasy Wiki

The unit is unable to act, though it can still move. Remove with Esuna.

Description (The War of the Lions)

Disable, also known as Don't Act on the PS version, is a status in Final Fantasy Tactics that makes a unit unable to act, evade, or use reaction abilities, including Shirahadori and Reflexes. At the end of an AT, a unit with Disable will have their CT decremented as if they had acted. Disable lasts for 24 ticks. Its counterpart is Immobilize, which prevents movement but not taking action.


Ability Arm Shot (Snipe), Celestial Stasis (Astrology), Disable (Spellblade), Hesitation (Mystic Arts), Wind Slash (Geomancy)
Weapon Spellbinder

Enemy abilities[]

Ability Description Enemy
Bewitching Gaze Ahriman
Fowlheart Adrammelech, Cúchulainn, Zalera


Accessory Guardian Bracelet, Onion Gloves
Armor Cachusha, Ribbon, Thief's Cap


Ability Dragon's Gift (Dragon), Purification (Martial Arts)
Spell Dispelna (Holy Magick), Esuna (White Magick)
Weapon Eight-fluted Pole removes Disable to a target on hit
Monster ability Choco Esuna