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One of the Pleiad's seven. Through the power of fantasy, he can take your mind on truly frightful flights. His greatest shame: the name on his left wing is spelled wrong. (Points to you if you've already spotted it!)

Diabolos is a character in World of Final Fantasy. He is one of a group of powerful Mirages, known as the Pleiad's Seven.




Who's Who[]

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)
Notes: One of the Pleiad / Devilish good looks? / Master of dreams and fantasy / Decidedly icky personality
A Series Regular
Among the members of the Pleiad, Diabolos is the most recent newcomer to FINAL FANTASY. Still, that genie-in-a-bottle trick was memorable enough to land him a spot beside the legends. Don't be surprised if he pops up in more games.
A Wily Adversary
Diabolos slips between the cracks of fantasy and reality to invade your dreams—seeing your greatest fears and your darkest desires, altering your memories, and destroying you from the inside out. His methods are sly, cunning...hard to spot until it's too late. He's one adversary that no one wants to face.
The towns targeted by Diabolos during the Pleiad's reign of terror were the most chilling to behold in the aftermath; their buildings remained intact with hardly a scratch, but the mental suffering he inflicted reduced them to ghost towns all the same.
Night Hungers
What motivates this terror of terrors to cause so much hurt? Well, the diabolos in Grymoire strengthen their own dreamworlds by dominating the dreams of others, feeding off of their victims in order to grow and thrive. Some of the diabolos nurture happy thoughts and quiet dreams, simply sampling them and leaving the dreamers intact. Others, however, delight in the taste of nightmares—they're apparently delicious—and work to fill their victims' thoughts with horrors before robbing them of their dreams and their sanity.
When Diabolos was still one of the Dyad's Servants, Reynn and Lann did their best to cure him of his malevolent tastes. With a little encouragement (okay, mostly hard discipline), Diabolos managed to become slightly less nasty than he once was. Still, he reverted to his original dark tactics with Shelke, and it fell on the twins to once again step forward and give him a stern slap on the wrist.


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Base stats[]

Mirage Board spaces[]

Active Ability SP Required
Fire 2
Bravery 2
Poison Nails 2
Gravija 2
Ultimate Terror 5
Nightmare 5
Passive Ability SP Required
Nightmarish Lore 3
Nightmaretouch 3
Miscellaneous Spaces
Blank Space SP Required
Blank Space 2
Blank Space 2
Blank Space 2
Mirajewel SP Required
Resist Sleep Mirajewel 4
Miscellaneous Information
SP Total SP
Mirage Board 76
Level Requirement Level
Mirage Board Mastery 57



Diabolos is the Greek word for "devil". It has entered many languages to mean devil, such as Diabolus (Latin), Diavolo (Italian), Diablo (Spanish), Diable (French), and Diabo (Portuguese). Diabolos actually means "accuser" or "slanderer" and could also be connected to the Greek word diabolous, which means "divider" (which befits Diabolos's affinity with the gravity element in the Final Fantasy series), but eventually the general word Diabolos became the specific name of the entity. In the original Greek rendering, it was used to refer to the Christian Devil (The New Testament was written in Greek). Devil is the English translation of Diabolos and in Christian belief, this being is the embodiment of evil.

The concept of the Devil is believed to originate in Zoroastrianism with Angra Mainyu (also known as Ahriman) as well as from the Judaic Satan in the Book of Job in the Old Testament. Their Satan was merely the "devil's advocate", an angel who acted as a skeptic and whom God allowed to afflict Job with suffering. Satan is Hebrew for "prosecutor/accuser" or "adversary".

The concept of the summon Diabolos in Final Fantasy may be connected to the Jinn in Islamic mythology, similar to Ifrit. The djinn were the origins of genie myths and were spirits or ghosts made of fire or smoke. They were said to grant wishes.
