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Squall is a noble warrior with the pride of a lion. He is on his lonely path when he sees his comrades under attack by the manikins. But to him, perhaps they are not comrades at all. They may be mere strangers accidentally born in the same world. Without any hesitation, he plunges into battle.


Destiny Odyssey VIII, titled The Lion Stalks the Savannah or Resolve for Seclusion, is a storyline in Dissidia Final Fantasy and its prequel. This storyline follows Squall's search for his crystal and has a difficulty rating of three stars.


Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)

After saving Zidane and Bartz from a tight spot, Squall rejects their offer to join their party and continues on alone. Before they go, Bartz gives him a chocobo feather as a good luck charm, and promises to get it back from him later before running after Zidane. Squall continues on, wondering why Bartz would entrust such a valued possession to someone else. During a break in the fighting, Cosmos appears to him and asks if he doubts his decision to reject their invitation. Squall claims that the sympathy of others is just a burden to him, but says it wouldn't be a bad idea to know he has someone to watch out for him. Cosmos assures him he made the right choice, as he must face his chosen enemy alone to claim his Crystal. Squall agrees and keeps going, not knowing Cosmos is secretly Ultimecia in disguise.

As Squall continues on, Kuja appears before him, wishing to capture him as bait to lure Zidane to him. Squall mocks Kuja and the two fight. Squall wins, and Kuja departs, realizing that a lone fighter like Squall isn't what he needs. Squall worries about what Kuja has planned for Zidane and Bartz, but decides to prioritize finding his Crystal over them and continues to search for Ultimecia. As he travels Squall senses the presence of light approaching and encounters the Warrior of Light. The Warrior asks why Squall insists on traveling alone when their enemies are united, but Squall refuses his help. The two battle and Squall prevails, telling the Warrior he and his friends can still support each other without being together. The Warrior realizes he has misjudged Squall's relationship with his allies and departs, telling him eventually their paths will all become one.

Cosmos appears before Squall again and reveals herself as Ultimecia, taunting Squall's determination for leaving Zidane and Bartz behind to Kuja's whims. She accuses Squall of being selfish and not caring for or trusting them, and challenges him to show her the strength that has carried him this far. Squall lowers his weapon, and Ultimecia departs, believing him too afraid to fight, and invites him to find her again when he has the courage. Squall disagrees though and follows her. At her castle, Squall tells Ultimecia he has come to fulfill his promise and defeat her to rejoin his friends. Garland appears and tells Squall he and Ultimecia shall battle him together. Squall is undeterred, when Zidane tackles Garland to the side and tells Squall to leave Garland to him. Squall battles Ultimecia and prevails, the Sorceress fading. Zidane runs up to him afterward and tells him Bartz has been captured. Squall tells him they'll rescue Bartz together, and his Crystal appears as he admits Bartz is his friend. The Chocobo feather reacts to the Crystal's appearance and sends a beam of light into the air, and the two set off to follow the light to find Bartz.

Spoilers end here.

Level Bonus[]

DP First Prize Second Prize
0 100 gil 10 PP
1 300 gil 20 PP
2 600 gil 30 PP
3 1,000 gil 50 PP
4 PuPu 80 PP
5 Flametongue 120 PP
6 Icebrand 200 PP
7+ Rosetta Stone 300 PP


Destiny Odyssey VIII-1[]

1 Delusory Knight   Phantasmal Girl
3 DFF Start   Transient Lion   Capricious Thief Opens when Capricious Thief at F3 is defeated Stigma of Chaos
5 Ephemeral Vision   Transient Witch Revolver
"A lone soldier, devoted only to duty. But there are several lights that guide him..."

In this stage there appears to be only one battle piece, however many more will appear as Squall defeats it. All subsequent stages in this storyline follows this general pattern. The player begins with 5 Destiny Points.

To finish the stage with the most DP, move to C4 and defeat the Transient Lion at C3, then the Ephemeral Vision that spawns at C5 in a chain. This spawns the Transient Witch at E5, which when defeated spawns the Capricious Thief at F3. Defeating him will open the path to the Stigma of Chaos, allowing the player to finish with three DP. Alternatively, the player can defeat the Transient Lion without fighting the Ephemeral Vision, then move to D1 and chain the Delusory Knight at C1 and the Phantasmal Girl at E1 to spawn the Capricious Thief. Either way results in the player ending with three DP max.

Battle Piece
Manikin-Cecil Name Delusory Knight Arena Order's Sanctuary
Level 2 HP 399 Attack 11 Defense 4
Luck 11 Bravery 55 Summon None
Weapon None Hand Cracked Shield
Head Charred Helm Armor Rusted Armor
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Valiant Blow, Gravity Ball
HP Attacks Soul Eater
DP Chance None Notes Appears when Transient Lion at C3 is defeated. Defeat to make Phantasmal Girl at E1 appear.
Battle Piece
Manikin-Squall Name Transient Lion Arena Order's Sanctuary
Level 1 HP 338 Attack 10 Defense 4
Luck 10 Bravery 49 Summon None
Weapon None Hand Cracked Shield
Head Charred Helm Armor Rusted Armor
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Upper Blues, Heel Crush
HP Attacks None
DP Chance None Notes Defeat to make Delusory Knight at C1 and Ephemeral Vision at C5 appear.
Battle Piece
Manikin-Tidus Name Ephemeral Vision Arena Order's Sanctuary
Level 1 HP 338 Attack 11 Defense 4
Luck 10 Bravery 49 Summon None
Weapon None Hand Cracked Shield
Head Charred Helm Armor Rusted Armor
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Sonic Buster, Wither Shot (midair)
HP Attacks Spiral Cut
DP Chance None Notes Appears when Transient Lion at C3 is defeated. Defeat to make Transient Witch at E5 appear.
Battle Piece
Manikin-Terra Name Phantasmal Girl Arena Old Chaos Shrine
Level 2 HP 399 Attack 13 Defense 4
Luck 11 Bravery 55 Summon None
Weapon None Hand Cracked Shield
Head Charred Helm Armor Rusted Armor
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Fire, Blizzara (midair)
HP Attacks Flood
DP Chance Inflict Break within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes Appears when Delusory Knight at C1 is defeated. Defeat to make Capricious Thief appear at F3.
Battle Piece
Manikin-Ultimecia Name Transient Witch Arena Old Chaos Shrine
Level 2 HP 399 Attack 13 Defense 3
Luck 11 Bravery 101 Summon None
Weapon None Hand Cracked Shield
Head None Armor Rusted Armor
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Knight's Blade (midair)
HP Attacks Shockwave Pulsar (midair)
DP Chance None Notes Appears when Ephemeral Phantom at C5 is defeated. Defeat to make Capricious Thief appear at F3.
Battle Piece
Manikin-Zidane Name Capricious Thief Arena Order's Sanctuary
Level 2 HP 1,061 Attack 10 Defense 4
Luck 11 Bravery 55 Summon None
Weapon None Hand Cracked Shield
Head Charred Helm Armor None
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Scoop Art (ground), Storm Impulse
HP Attacks Tidal Flame
DP Chance Win without taking damage for +1 DP. Notes Appears when Phantasmal Girl at E1 or Transient Witch at E5 is defeated. Defeat to unlock locked area at G3
Treasure Chest
First Contents Revolver Subsequent Contents
Other Information Spawns when Transient Lion at C3 is defeated.
Locked Area
Unlock Condition(s) Defeat Capricious Thief at F3

Destiny Odyssey VIII-2[]

1 Fallacious Tree   Capricious Thief Purple Drop
3 DFF Start   Delusory Knight   Fallacious Wanderer   Defeat Transient Witch at C5 Stigma of Chaos
5 Bahamut Attain a two-star completion bonus Transient Witch     Potion
"No matter how faint, when given a small clue... There is nothing to do but accept one's fate."

This stage is similar to the previous one. Be aware that the Strange Battle Piece encountered here starts with an exceptionally high bravery, and an HP attack can defeat Squall in a single hit. The player begins with five Destiny Points.

Earning the most DP from this stage requires careful consideration of where Battle Pieces spawn. Move to C1 and engage the Fallacious Tree at B1, causing the Capricious Thief to appear at D1 immediately after in a chain. Defeating it causes the Delusory Knight at C3 and the Fallacious Wanderer at E3 to appear, allowing the player to move down to D3 and chain the two of them and earn two more DP for a total of six. This spawns the Transient Witch at C5, defeating it opens the locked area blocking the path to the Stigma of Chaos, allowing the player to finish the stage with four DP.

Summon Bahamut Other Information None
Battle Piece
Manikin-Exdeath Name Fallacious Tree Arena Old Chaos Shrine
Level 1 HP 1,000 Attack 11 Defense 6
Luck 10 Bravery 49 Summon None
Weapon None Hand Cracked Shield
Head Charred Helm Armor None
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Sword Dance (ground)
HP Attacks Delta Attack (midair)
DP Chance None Notes Defeat to spawn Capricious Thief at D1
Special Locked Area
Unlock Condition(s) Attain a two-star completion bonus for this chapter
Battle Piece
Manikin-Cecil Name Delusory Knight Arena Pandaemonium
Level 1 HP 1,000 Attack 10 Defense 3
Luck 10 Bravery 49 Summon None
Weapon None Hand Cracked Shield
Head Charred Helm Armor None
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Valiant Blow, Gravity Ball
HP Attacks Soul Eater
DP Chance Keep foe from getting EX Cores for +1 DP. Notes Appears when Capricious Thief at D1 is defeated.
Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Ultimecia Name Transient Witch Arena Order's Sanctuary
Level 5 HP 580 Attack 16 Defense 6
Luck 12 Bravery 118 Summon None
Weapon None Hand Cracked Shield
Head None Armor Rusted Armor
Accessories Gaia Ring, Hyper Ring, Near Opponent x8
Bravery Attacks Knight's Blade (midair)
HP Attacks Shockwave Pulsar (midair)
DP Chance None Notes Appears when Delusory Knight at C3 is defeated
Battle Piece
Manikin-Zidane Name Capricious Thief Arena Order's Sanctuary
Level 4 HP 520 Attack 12 Defense 6
Luck 12 Bravery 67 Summon None
Weapon None Hand Cracked Shield
Head Charred Helm Armor Rusted Armor
Accessories Gaia Ring, Guardian Bangle, Far from Opponent x8
Bravery Attacks Scoop Art (ground), Storm Impulse
HP Attacks Tidal Flame
DP Chance Win within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes Appears when Fallacious Tree at B1 is defeated. Defeat to spawn Delusory Knight at C3 and Fallacious Wanderer at E3
Strange Battle Piece
Manikin-Bartz Name Fallacious Wanderer Arena Old Chaos Shrine
Level 5 HP 1 Attack 15 Defense 16
Luck 12 Bravery 2,478 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories Soul of the Destroyer, The Rotten
Bravery Attacks None
HP Attacks Wind Shear
DP Chance Get a Critical hit within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes Appears when Capricious Thief at D1 is defeated. Defeat to spawn treasure chest at F1
Treasure Chest
First Contents Purple Drop Subsequent Contents
Other Information Appears when Fallacious Wanderer at E3 is defeated
Other Information None
Locked Area
Unlock Condition(s) Defeat Transient Witch at C5

Destiny Odyssey VIII-3[]

1   Phantasmal Harlequin   Imaginary Champion   Defeat Transient Witch at E5   Bronze Bangle
3 Ephemeral Vision   DFF Start   Delusory Knight   Kuja
4     Potion
5 Bahamut [Auto]   Fallacious Wanderer   Transient Witch Defeat Phantasmal Harlequin at B1   Ether
"A grand dragon perched on a lofty summit... Its strength calls forth a new source of courage in the warrior."

In this stage the pattern in which the enemies spawn as they are defeated is more complex, making it difficult to chain enemies and conserve DP. The automatic version of Bahamut can be obtained here. The player begins with six Destiny Points. Squall fights Kuja at the end of the stage.

To earn the most DP, defeat both the Delusory Knight at E3 and the Ephemeral Vision at A3, spawning the Imaginary Champion at D1 and the Fallacious Wanderer at C5. At this time the player still has six DP. The player should now defeat the Fallacious Wanderer to spawn the Phantasmal Harlequin at B1, and defeat it to open the locked are at F5 - since the Imaginary Champion has not been defeated the Transient Witch at E5 and the Potion at G4 will not appear and the path is clear. The Imaginary Champion is the only Battle Piece in the stage to not give a DP bonus, so facing it is a waste of DP. This gives the player six DP, allowing them to move to the Chaos Piece and end the stage with five.

Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Tidus Name Ephemeral Vision Arena The Rift
Level 6 HP 1,303 Attack 16 Defense 17
Luck 13 Bravery 78 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head Charred Helm Armor None
Accessories Gaia Ring, Guardian Bangle, Far from Opponent x8
Bravery Attacks Sonic Buster, Hop Step (midair), Wither Shot (midair)
HP Attacks Spiral Cut
DP Chance Win without taking damage for +1 DP. Notes Defeat to spawn Imaginary Champion at D1
Summon Bahamut [Auto] Other Information None
Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Kefka Name Phantasmal Harlequin Arena Pandaemonium
Level 7 HP 702 Attack 18 Defense 17
Luck 13 Bravery 130 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor Rusted Armor
Accessories Gaia Ring, Guardian Bangle, Far from Opponent x8
Bravery Attacks Extra-Crispy Firaga (ground), Waggle-Wobbly Firaga (midair)
HP Attacks Hyperdrive
DP Chance Execute an EX Burst within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes Appears when Fallacious Wanderer at C5 is defeated. Defeat to unlock locked are at F5
Strange Battle Piece
Manikin-Bartz Name Fallacious Wanderer Arena Pandaemonium
Level 7 HP 1 Attack 17 Defense 18
Luck 13 Bravery 2,730 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories Soul of the Destroyer, The Rotten
Bravery Attacks
HP Attacks Wind Shear
DP Chance Win within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes Spawns when Delusory Knight at E3 is defeated. Defeat to spawn Phantasmal Harlequin at B1
Battle Piece
Manikin-Sephiroth Name Imaginary Champion Arena Pandaemonium
Level 2 HP 399 Attack 12 Defense 13
Luck 11 Bravery 55 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head Charred Helm Armor Rusted Armor
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Fervent Blow, Oblivion
HP Attacks Hell's Gate
DP Chance None Notes Appears when Ephemeral Vision is defeated. Defeat to spawn Transient Witch at E5.
Battle Piece
Manikin-Cecil Name Delusory Knight Arena Order's Sanctuary
Level 2 HP 1,061 Attack 11 Defense 12
Luck 11 Bravery 55 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head Charred Helm Armor None
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Valiant Blow, Gravity Ball
HP Attacks Soul Eater
DP Chance Inflict Break within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes Defeat to spawn Fallacious Wanderer at C5
Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Ultimecia Name Transient Witch Arena Old Chaos Shrine
Level 7 HP 702 Attack 18 Defense 16
Luck 13 Bravery 130 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor Rusted Armor
Accessories Gaia Ring, Hyper Ring, Near Opponent x8
Bravery Attacks Knight's Axe (midair)
HP Attacks Great Attractor
DP Chance None Notes Spawns when Imaginary Champion at D1 is defeated. Defeat to unlock locked area at F1.
Locked Area
Unlock Condition(s) Defeat Transient Witch at E5
Locked Area
Unlock Condition(s) Defeat Phantasmal Harlequin at B1
Other Information Spawns when Imaginary Champion at D1 is defeated.
Treasure Chest
First Contents Bronze Bangle Subsequent Contents
Other Information None
Hard Battle Piece
Kuja Render Name Kuja Arena The Rift
Level 9 HP 1800 Attack 21 Defense 21
Luck 14 Bravery 164 Summon None
Weapon Rod Hand None
Head None Armor Rod
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Ring Holy (midair), Burst Energy (midair)
HP Attacks Flare Star (midair)
DP Chance None Notes Defeat to complete the stage
Other Information None

Destiny Odyssey VIII-4[]

1 Rosetta Stone Attain a two-star completion bonus Fallacious Tree   Phantasmal Girl   Defeat False Stalwart at D3 Sun Blade
2 Potion    
3 Capricious Thief   False Stalwart   Transient Witch Defeat Transient Witch at F3 Warrior of Light
4 DFF Start     Geranium  
5   Phantasmal Harlequin   Transient Witch Ephemeral Phantom Leather Hat
"To others, the bonds of friendship are light as feathers. But he knows the weight of those chains..."

There are many enemies in this stage, but their placement makes chaining them much easier than before. The False Stalwart that opens the locked area before the boss is much stronger opponent than the normal Battle Pieces fought up until now. Squall fights the Warrior of Light at the end of the stage. The player begins with five Destiny Points.

To end the stage with the most DP, defeat the Capricious Thief at B3, then move to D5 and chain the Ephemeral Phantom at C5 with the Ultimate Battle Piece Transient Witch at E5. Move to E3 and defeat the False Stalwart at D3, causing the Transient Witch to appear at F3 in a chain. This gives the player eight DP, allowing them to move to the Cosmos Piece and end the stage with seven.

Treasure Chest
First Contents Rosetta Stone Subsequent Contents
Other Information
Special Locked Area
Unlock Condition(s) Attain a two-star completion bonus
Battle Piece
Manikin-Zidane Name Capricious Thief Arena Crystal World
Level 4 HP 1,182 Attack 12 Defense 14
Luck 12 Bravery 113 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Scoop Art (ground), Storm Impulse
HP Attacks Tidal Flame
DP Chance Keep foe from getting EX Cores for +1 DP. Notes Defeat to spawn Fallacious Tree at C1 and Phantasmal Harlequin at C5
Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Exdeath Name Fallacious Tree Arena The Rift
Level 8 HP 762 Attack 18 Defense 13
Luck 14 Bravery 116 Summon None
Weapon None Hand Cracked Shield
Head Charred Helm Armor Rusted Armor
Accessories Gaia Ring, Guardian Bangle, Far from Opponent x8
Bravery Attacks Sword Dance (midair)
HP Attacks Delta Attack (midair)
DP Chance None Notes Appears when Capricious Thief at B3 is defeated. Defeat to spawn Phantasmal Girl at E1 and False Stalwart at D3.
Other Information Appears when False Stalwart at D3 is defeated
Battle Piece
Manikin-Kefka Name Phantasmal Harlequin Arena The Rift
Level 4 HP 1,182 Attack 15 Defense 14
Luck 12 Bravery 113 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Extra-Crispy Firaga (ground), Waggle-Wobbly Firaga (midair)
HP Attacks Hyperdrive
DP Chance Win within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes Appears when Capricious Thief at B3 is defeated. Defeat to spawn Ephemeral Phantom at F5.
Expert Battle Piece
Manikin-Garland Name False Stalwart Arena Crystal World
Level 17 HP Varies*(2,506, 2,580) Attack Varies*(43, 44) Defense Varies*(38, 39, 41)
Luck 18 Bravery Varies*(241, 254) Summon None
Weapon Varies*(Battle Axe, Flame Lance, Tomahawk) Hand Varies*(Iron Shield, Iron Armlet)
Head Varies*(Mythril Helm, Winged Helm) Armor Varies*(Iron Armor, Chainmail)
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Round Edge, Lance Charge, Chain Cast, Bardiche, Twist Drill
HP Attacks Earthquake, Blaze (midair), Cyclone
DP Chance Win battle for +1 DP. Notes Appears when Fallacious Tree at C1 is defeated. Defeat to unlocked locked area at G1 and spawn Transient Witch at F3
Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Terra Name Phantasmal Girl Arena Pandaemonium
Level 9 HP 1,485 Attack 20 Defense 19
Luck 14 Bravery 95 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head Charred Helm Armor None
Accessories Gaia Ring, Guardian Bangle, Far from Opponent x8
Bravery Attacks Fire, Blizzara (midair)
HP Attacks Flood
DP Chance None Notes Appears when Fallacious Tree is defeated. Defeat to spawn Transient Witch at F3
Treasure Chest
First Contents Geranium Subsequent Contents
Other Information
Ultimate Battle Piece
Manikin-Ultimecia Name Transient Witch Arena Order's Sanctuary
Level 25 HP Varies*(3,280, 3,382) Attack 52 Defense 48
Luck 22 Bravery Varies*(337, 372) Summon None
Weapon Rod of Wisdom Hand Silver Bangles
Head Hairpin Armor Varies*(Silk Robes, Silken Shirt)
Accessories Gaia Ring, Guardian Bangle, Far from Opponent x8
Bravery Attacks Knight's Blade, Knight's Axe
HP Attacks Apocalypse, Great Attractor, Shockwave Pulsar
DP Chance Win battle for +2 DP. Notes Spawns after attaining a three-star completion bonus
Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Ultimecia Name Transient Witch Arena Old Chaos Shrine
Level 9 HP 1,485 Attack 20 Defense 18
Luck 14 Bravery 95 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head Charred Helm Armor None
Accessories Gaia Ring, Hyper Ring, Near Opponent (x8)
Bravery Attacks Knight's Axe
HP Attacks Great Attractor
DP Chance Get a critical hit within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes Spawns when Phantasmal Girl at E1 or False Stalwart at D3 is defeated. Defeat to unlock locked area at G3
Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Jecht Name Ephemeral Phantom Arena Pandaemonium
Level 3 HP 459 Attack 15 Defense 15
Luck 11 Bravery 107 Summon Magus Sisters
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor Rusted Armor
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Jecht Rush, Jecht Block (midair)
HP Attacks Jecht Blade
DP Chance None Notes Appears when Phantasmal Harlequin at C5 is defeated
Locked Area
Unlock Condition(s) Defeat False Stalwart at D3
Locked Area
Unlock Condition(s) Defeat Transient Witch at F3
Treasure Chest
First Contents Leather Hat Subsequent Contents N/A
Other Information Appears after defeating Phantasmal Harlequin at C5
Treasure Chest
First Contents Sun Blade Subsequent Contents N/A
Other Information None
Chaos Piece
WoLDissidiaModel Name Warrior of Light Arena Crystal World
Level 9 HP 2,034 Attack 25 Defense 25
Luck 15 Bravery 178 Summon Ifrit
Weapon Broadsword Hand None
Head Bronze Helm Armor Bronze Armor
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Dayflash, Ascension, Crossover, Rising Buckler, Shield Strike
HP Attacks Rune Saber (ground), Shield of Light (midair), Rune Saber (midair), Bitter End A, Bitter End B
DP Chance None Notes Defeat to complete the stage.

Destiny Odyssey VIII-5[]

1 Rosetta Stone Defeat Fallacious Tree at C4   Mythril     Imaginary Champion
2   Phantasmal Harlequin   Transient Lion  
3 Defeat Phantasmal Harlequin at C2 Ultimecia Defeat any five enemies Ephemeral Phantom   DFF Start
4   Fallacious Tree   Guard Ring  
5 Potion Defeat Fallacious Wanderer at G5     Phantasmal Girl   Fallacious Wanderer
"A prideful will... Even if his words withhold the truth, a warrior shows his light through his actions."

As before, more enemies spawn as the player fights their way to the Chaos Piece. The placement and spawning patterns of the Battle Pieces will often force the player to chain several enemies at once. Unlike past stages where a specific enemy needed to be defeated to open the locked are blocking the end piece, in this stage defeating any five enemies will unlock it. At the end of the stage the player fights Ultimecia. The player begins with five Destiny Points.

To finish the stage with the most DP, defeat the Imaginary Champion at G1 first, then move to D2 and chain all three adjacent enemies to earn four DP, for a total of eight. Move to F5 and defeat the Fallacious Wanderer at G5, then the Phantasmal Girl that appears at E5. This defeats the minimum of five enemies need to unlock the locked area at C3, letting the player move to the Chaos Piece and end the stage with seven DP.

Treasure Chest
First Contents Rosetta Stone Subsequent Contents
Other Information None
Locked Area
Unlock Condition(s) Defeat Phantasmal Harlequin at C2
Other Information None
Locked Area
Unlock Condition(s) Defeat Fallacious Tree at C4
Battle Piece
UltimeciaDissidiaRender Name Ultimecia Arena Ultimecia's Castle
Level 14 HP 2,171 Attack 33 Defense 24
Luck 17 Bravery 280 Summon Lich
Weapon Guard Stick Hand None
Head Hairpin Armor Cotton Robes
Accessories Gaia Ring, Phoenix Down, HP = 1, Near Death, Near Loss
Bravery Attacks Knight's Blade, Knight's Axe, Knight's Arrow
HP Attacks Great Attractor, Shockwave Pulsar, Apocalypse
DP Chance None Notes Defeat to complete the stage
Locked Area
Unlock Condition(s) Defeat Fallacious Wanderer at G5
Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Kefka Name Phantasmal Harlequin Arena Crystal World
Level 12 HP 1,667 Attack 23 Defense 22
Luck 16 Bravery 159 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories Gaia Ring, Guardian Bangle, Far from Opponent x8
Bravery Attacks Extra-Crispy Firaga (ground), Waggle-Wobbly Firaga (midair)
HP Attacks Hyperdrive
DP Chance EX Burst within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes Spawns when Imaginary Champion at G1 is defeated. Defeat to unlock locked area at A3.
Locked Area
Unlock Condition(s) Defeat any five enemies
Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Exdeath Name Fallacious Tree Arena The Rift
Level 11 HP 1,606 Attack 21 Defense 24
Luck 15 Bravery 153 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories Gaia Ring, Guardian Bangle, Far from Opponent x8
Bravery Attacks Sword Dance
HP Attacks Delta Attack
DP Chance None Notes Spawns when Phantasmal Girl at E5 is defeated.
Treasure Chest
First Contents Mythril Subsequent Contents
Other Information Spawns after attaining a four-star completion bonus
Battle Piece
Manikin-Jecht Name Ephemeral Phantom Arena The Rift
Level 6 HP 1,303 Attack 18 Defense 18
Luck 13 Bravery 124 Summon Atomos
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Jecht Rush, Jecht Block (midair)
HP Attacks Jecht Blade
DP Chance Win within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes Spawns when Imaginary Champion at G1 is defeated. Defeat to unlock locked area at C3
Ultimate Battle Piece
Manikin-Squall Name Transient Lion Arena Ultimecia's Castle
Level 28 HP Varies*(3,271, 3,368) Attack Varies*(55, 56) Defense 53
Luck 24 Bravery Varies*(303, 320, 342) Summon Bahamut
Weapon Varies*(Boomerang, Chakram, Mythril Sword, Mythril Sword+) Hand Varies*(Silver Bangles, Knight's Shield, Flame Shield)
Head Varies*(Heavy Helm, Toque Blanche) Armor Poncho
Accessories Gaia Ring, Hyper Ring, Near Opponent x8
Bravery Attacks Solid Barrel, Fusillade, Thunder Barret, Heel Crush, Beat Fang, Mystic Flurry
HP Attacks Aerial Circle, Rough Divide
DP Chance Win battle for +2 DP. Notes Spawns after attaining a three-star completion bonus
Treasure Chest
First Contents Guard Ring Subsequent Contents
Other Information None
Battle Piece
Manikin-Terra Name Phantasmal Girl Arena Ultimecia's Castle
Level 5 HP 1,242 Attack 16 Defense 15
Luck 12 Bravery 72 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head Charred Helm Armor None
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Fire, Blizzara (midair)
HP Attacks Flood
DP Chance None Notes Defeat to spawn Fallacious Tree at C4
Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Sephiroth Name Imaginary Champion Arena Pandaemonium
Level 6 HP 641 Attack 16 Defense 17
Luck 13 Bravery 124 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor Rusted Armor
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Fervent Blow, Oblivion
HP Attacks Hell's Gate
DP Chance Win without taking damage for +1 DP. Notes Defeat to spawn Phantasmal Harlequin at C2 and Ephemeral Phantom at D3
Strange Battle Piece
Manikin-Bartz Name Fallacious Wanderer Arena Order's Sanctuary
Level 11 HP 1 Attack 21 Defense 22
Luck 15 Bravery 3,213 Summon Odin [Manual]
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories Soul of the Destroyer, The Rotten
Bravery Attacks
HP Attacks Wind Shear
DP Chance Get a critical hit within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes Defeat to spawn Phantasmal Girl at E5 and unlock locked area at C5