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Bartz, the adventurer, travels the world like a free-spirited wind. He was in the midst of a friendly race with Zidane to see who could get his crystal first— but he was caught in a trap and transported alone to an enemy stronghold. A new adventure begins for the mimic warrior—


Destiny Odyssey V, subtitled Journey, Courage, Friends, is a storyline in the original Dissidia Final Fantasy which follows the journey of Bartz on his quest for his crystal. Chronologically, it is tied with Zidane's chapter. This chapter has a difficulty rating of 4 stars.


Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)

Bartz wakes up after falling into a trap set up for him by Kefka and hides as Kefka arrives with Kuja. Kuja berates Kefka to failing to capture Zidane, who their trap was meant for, and Bartz decides to look around the villains' stronghold as Kefka and Kuja leave to concoct a new plan. Bartz eventually runs across The Emperor and Ultimecia speaking to Sephiroth, offering him an alliance. Sephiroth refuses, and the Emperor notices Bartz spying on them. Bartz flees, and the Emperor and Ultimecia decide to send Exdeath after him.

Bartz escapes and continues to search. Finding what appears to be his Crystal guarded by Exdeath, Bartz evades him and steals it, fleeing afterwards. Confident he has won the race with Zidane to retrieve his Crystal first, Bartz looks for a way back to him. Running across Golbez, he warns Bartz that he cannot find the Crystal simply by looking and attacks him. Bartz is victorious and flees as an earthquake occurs, not understanding Golbez's advice.

Bartz finds Zidane and Squall, and shows Zidane his Crystal. An annoyed Zidane reaches for it and vanishes with the Crystal. Exdeath appears and laughs that the Crystal Bartz found was a fake intended to transport Zidane to Kuja, and Bartz delivered it to him as Kuja predicted. Exdeath calls the manikins to attack and Squall and Bartz flee. Stopping to rest ahead, Squall returns Bartz's Chocobo feather good-luck charm and thanks him for it. Exdeath catches up to them and Bartz volunteers to fight him, tired of running. Bartz defeats Exdeath and his Crystal manifests from his Chocobo feather. Zidane then reappears running up to them, and Bartz runs forward to meet him.

Spoilers end here.

Level Bonus[]

DP First Prize Second Prize
0 100 gil 10 PP
1 300 gil 20 PP
2 600 gil 30 PP
3 1,000 gil 50 PP
4 Tonberry 80 PP
5 Flame Shield 120 PP
6 Ice Shield 200 PP
7+ Rosetta Stone 300 PP


Destiny Odyssey V-1[]

1 DFF Start     Imaginary Soldier    
2     Fallacious Wanderer     Longsword
3         Defeat one foe   Phantasmal Harlequin  
4   Phantasmal Girl       Fallacious Tree
5       Stigma of Chaos
"The wanderer sought treasure. Yet, in the hands of the enemy, he finds..."

The first stage is fairly simple, with only a few enemies barring the way to the Stigma of Chaos. The player begins with four Destiny Points.

Due to the simple stage design, earning the most DP possible is not difficult. Only the Phantasmal Girl at C4 and the Fallacious Tree at H4 give the player to earn more DP, so move to C3 to chain the Phantasmal Girl with the Fallacious Wanderer at C2 to open the locked area, then move to G4 and chain the Phantasmal Harlequin at G3 with the Fallacious Tree, ending the stage with three DP.

Battle Piece
Manikin-Bartz Name Falacious Wanderer Arena Order's Sanctuary
Level 1 HP 338 Attack 11 Defense 12
Luck 10 Bravery 49 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head Charred Helm Armor Rusted Armor
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Ascendant Lance, Storm Shot
HP Attacks None
DP Chance None Notes None
Battle Piece
Manikin-Terra Name Phantasmal Girl Arena Order's Sanctuary
Level 2 HP 1,061 Attack 13 Defense 12
Luck 11 Bravery 55 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head Charred Helm Armor None
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Blizzard Combo (ground), Blizzara (midair)
HP Attacks Meltdown
DP Chance Brave Break within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes None
Battle Piece
Manikin-Cloud Name Imaginary Soldier Arena World of Darkness
Level 2 HP 399 Attack 12 Defense 14
Luck 11 Bravery 55 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head Charred Helm Armor Rusted Armor
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Sonic Break, Rising Fang
HP Attacks Braver
DP Chance None Notes None
Locked Area
Unlock Condition(s) Defeat either the Phantasmal Girl at C4 or the Imaginary Soldier at D1.
Battle Piece
Manikin-Kefka Name Phantasmal Harlequin Arena World of Darkness
Level 1 HP 338 Attack 12 Defense 11
Luck 10 Bravery 95 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor Rusted Armor
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Ultima (ground), Meteor (midair)
HP Attacks Hyperdrive
DP Chance None Notes None
Treasure Chest
First Contents Longsword Subsequent Contents
Other Information None
Battle Piece
Manikin-Exdeath Name Fallacious Tree Arena Order's Sanctuary
Level 2 HP 1,061 Attack 12 Defense 15
Luck 11 Bravery 101 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Black Hole (ground)
HP Attacks Almagest (ground)
DP Chance Win within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes None

Destiny Odyssey V-2[]

1 Stigma of Chaos   Fallacious Tree   Defeat Imaginary Champion at G4   Phantasmal Girl  
2 Attain a two-star completion bonus     False Stalwart     740 gil
3 Leviathan Defeat 4 foes      
4     Transient Lion   Imaginary Champion  
5 DFF Start   Counterfeit Wraith         Potion
"The wandering wind... But, since time immemorial, such travels quickly come across trouble..."

This stage features tougher enemies than the first stage which must be defeated to gain access to the area where the Stigma of Chaos is located. The player begins with five Destiny Points.

To finish with DP, defeat the Transient Lion at D4 first, then defeat the Imaginary Champion at G4 to open the locked area at E1. With the path clear chain together the Fallacious Tree at C1 and the False Stalwart at D2, ending the stage with four DP total.

Special Locked Area
Unlock Condition(s) Attain a two-star completion bonus.
Summon Leviathan Other Information None
Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Exdeath Name Fallacious Tree Arena Kefka's Tower
Level 6 HP 1,303 Attack 16 Defense 19
Luck 13 Bravery 124 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories Gaia Ring, War Gong, BRV ≥ Base Value x8
Bravery Attacks Black Hole (ground)
HP Attacks Almagest (ground)
DP Chance Execute an EX Burst within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes None
Locked Area
Unlock Condition(s) Defeat 4 foes.
Battle Piece
Manikin-CoD Name Counterfeit Wraith Arena Kefka's Tower
Level 1 HP 338 Attack 10 Defense 12
Luck 10 Bravery 95 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor Rusted Armor
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Tentacle of Pain, Tentacle of Suffering
HP Attacks [Long Range] Particle Beam
DP Chance None Notes None
Battle Piece
Manikin-Garland Name False Stalwart Arena Kefka's Tower
Level 1 HP 1,000 Attack 13 Defense 14
Luck 10 Bravery 49 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head Charred Helm Armor None
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Round Edge, Chain Cast
HP Attacks Cyclone
DP Chance None Notes None
Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Squall Name Transient Lion Arena Order's Sanctuary
Level 5 HP 1,242 Attack 14 Defense 16
Luck 12 Bravery 118 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories Gaia Ring, War Gong, BRV ≥ Base Value x8
Bravery Attacks Solid Barrel, Heel Crush
HP Attacks Blasting Zone
DP Chance Win without losing HP for +1 DP. Notes Defeat to make Potion at H5 appear.
Locked Area
Unlock Condition(s) Defeat Imaginary Champion at G4.
Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Terra Name Phantasmal Girl Arena World of Darkness
Level 5 HP 1,242 Attack 16 Defense 15
Luck 12 Bravery 118 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories Gaia Ring, War Gong, BRV ≥ Base Value x8
Bravery Attacks Blizzard Combo (ground), Blizzara (midair)
HP Attacks Meltdown
DP Chance None Notes None
Battle Piece
Manikin-Sephiroth Name Imaginary Champion Arena World of Darkness
Level 2 HP 1,061 Attack 12 Defense 13
Luck 11 Bravery 101 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Reaper, Sudden Cruelty
HP Attacks Heaven's Light
DP Chance EX Burst within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes Defeat to open locked area at E1.
Treasure Chest
First Contents 740 gil Subsequent Contents
Other Information None
Other Information Appears when Transient Lion at D4 is defeated

Destiny Odyssey V-3[]

1   Leviathan [Auto] Fallacious Tree     Rosetta Stone
2     Phantasmal Harlequin     Imitation Liegeman  
3       Imaginary Soldier   Golbez
4     Transient Lion   Potion  
5 DFF Start   Ether Fallacious Tree   Capricious Reaper Shell Shield
"The sea dragon, ruler of the watery depths... His strength calls forth a new source of courage in the warrior."

At first glance, there appears to be a straight path to the Chaos Piece, but the Fallacious Tree at D1 is Berserk, forcing the player to fight both it and the Phantasmal Harlequin at C2 if they appear to pass. Though many of the enemies in this stage are high level, their placement makes it easy to chain them to conserve Destiny Points. The player begins with four Destiny Points.

To earn the most DP possible, move to D2, provoking the Fallacious Tree and Phantasmal Harlequin to attack. Then move to D3 and chain the Transient Lion at D4 with the Imaginary Soldier at E3. Finally, move to F5 and chain the stronger Fallacious Tree at E5 with the Capricious Reaper at G5, then move to the Chaos piece, allowing the player to end the stage with seven DP.

Summon Leviathan [Auto] Other Information None
Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Kefka Name Phantasmal Harlequin Arena Lunar Subterrane
Level 7 HP 1,364 Attack 18 Defense 17
Luck 13 Bravery 130 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories Gaia Ring, War Gong, BRV ≥ Base Value x8
Bravery Attacks Ultima (ground), Meteor (midair)
HP Attacks Hyperdrive
DP Chance Win without taking damage for +1 DP. Notes None
Other Information None
Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Exdeath Name Fallacious Tree Arena World of Darkness
Level 8 HP 1,424 Attack 18 Defense 21
Luck 14 Bravery 136 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories Gaia Ring, War Gong, BRV ≥ Base Value x8
Bravery Attacks Sword Dance (ground), Sword Dance (midair)
HP Attacks Delta Attack (midair)
DP Chance Get a critical hit within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes Defeat to make chest appear at G1. Is Berserk
Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Squall Name Transient Lion Arena World of Darkness
Level 3 HP 1,121 Attack 12 Defense 14
Luck 11 Bravery 107 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories Gaia Ring, War Gong, BRV ≥ Base Value x8
Bravery Attacks Solid Barrel, Heel Crush
HP Attacks Blasting Zone
DP Chance Inflict Break within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes None
Battle Piece
Manikin-Cloud Name Imaginary Soldier Arena Lunar Subterrane
Level 3 HP 1,121 Attack 13 Defense 15
Luck 11 Bravery 107 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Sonic Break, Rising Fang
HP Attacks Braver
DP Chance Win within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes None
Ultimate Battle Piece
Manikin-Exdeath Name Fallacious Tree Arena Order's Sanctuary
Level 26 HP Varies*(3,519, 3,621) Attack 52 Defense 55
Luck 23 Bravery 297 Summon None
Weapon Rod of Wisdom Hand Varies*(Knight Helm, Barbut)
Head Varies*(Knight's Shield, Flame Shield) Armor Varies*(Mythril Armor, Mythril Vest, Ice Armor)
Accessories Gaia Ring, War Gong, BRV ≥ Base Value x8
Bravery Attacks Reverse Polarity (ground), High Block (midair), Reverse Polarity (midair)
HP Attacks Almagest (ground), Delta Attack (ground)
DP Chance Win battle for +2 DP. Notes Appears after attaining a three-star completion bonus.
Strange Battle Piece
Manikin-Firion Name Imitation Liegeman Arena Order's Sanctuary
Level 8 HP 1 Attack 19 Defense 13
Luck 14 Bravery Varies*(165, 204) Summon Tiamat
Weapon None Hand Cracked Shield
Head Varies*(Heavy Helm, Toque Blanche) Armor Rusted Armor
Accessories The Rotten, Soul of the Sovereign
Bravery Attacks Rope Knife
HP Attacks Straightarrow (midair)
DP Chance None Notes None
Other Information Appears when Capricious Reaper at G5 is defeated.
Treasure Chest
First Contents Rosetta Stone Subsequent Contents
Other Information Appears when Fallacious Tree at D1 is defeated.
Expert Battle Piece
Manikin-Kuja Name Capricious Reaper Arena Order's Sanctuary
Level 16 HP 2,624 Attack 38 Defense 36
Luck 18 Bravery Varies*(250, 267) Summon None
Weapon Varies*(Power Staff, Mythril Rod+, Snowscepter, Mage Masher) Hand Plumed Hat
Head Power Armlet Armor Poncho
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Burst Energy, Strike Energy, Snatch Shot, Remote Flare, Snatch Blow
HP Attacks None
DP Chance Win battle for +1 DP. Notes Defeat to make Potion at F4 appear.
Chaos Piece
GolbezDissidiaRender Name Golbez Arena Lunar Subterrane
Level 10 HP 1,545 Attack 20 Defense 22
Luck 15 Bravery 147 Summon None
Weapon Rod Hand None
Head None Armor Bronze Armor
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Rising Wave, Attack System, Gravity Force, Float System, Gravity System
HP Attacks Nightglow, Cosmic Ray A, Genesis Rock, Cosmic Ray C, Cosmic Ray D
DP Chance None Notes Defeat to complete the stage.
Treasure Chest
First Contents Shell Shield Subsequent Contents
Other Information None

Destiny Odyssey V-4[]

1   Fallacious Tree     Phantasmal Girl   Imaginary Champion  
3 DFF Start   Counterfeit Wraith   Defeat Counterfeit Wraith at D3 Eucalyptus
4       False Stalwart  
5   Imitation Liegeman   Buckler Attain a two-star completion bonus Rosetta Stone Stigma of Chaos
"Neither sight nor feel gives any clue to its true identity. Can the wind reveal the truth?"

In this stage, the player may either open the Locked Area and reach the Stigma of Chaos, or go a different route, defeating the battle pieces at the top of the stage. The player begins with five Destiny Points.

Earning a high amount of DP is unlikely in this stage due to the placement of the Battle Pieces making chains difficult. To earn the most DP, defeat the Fallacious Tree at B1 first, then move to D2 and defeat the Counterfeit Wraith. Now defeat the False Stalwart at F4, then move to F1 and chain the Phantasmal Girl at E1 and the Imaginary Champion at G1, opening the path to the end of the stage with five DP. If the player has the Jump Skill they can shorten the path by jumping over the Phantasmal Girl, letting them end the stage with five DP still but letting them skip the False Stalwart and Counterfeit Wraith.

Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Exdeath Name Fallacious Tree Arena Kefka's Tower
Level 10 HP 1,545 Attack 20 Defense 23
Luck 15 Bravery 147 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories Gaia Ring, War Gong, BRV ≥ Base Value x8
Bravery Attacks Black Hole (ground)
HP Attacks Almagest (ground)
DP Chance Win without taking damage for +1 DP. Notes None
Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Firion Name Imitation Liegeman Arena Lunar Subterrane
Level 8 HP 1 Attack 19 Defense 12
Luck 14 Bravery Varies*(165, 204) Summon Tiamat
Weapon None Hand Cracked Shield
Head Varies*(Toque Blanche, Heavy Helm) Armor Rusted Armor
Accessories The Rotten, Soul of the Sovereign
Bravery Attacks Rope Knife,
HP Attacks Straightarrow (midair)
DP Chance None Notes None
Battle Piece
Manikin-CoD Name Counterfeit Wraith Arena Ultimecia's Castle
Level 4 HP 1,182 Attack 13 Defense 15
Luck 12 Bravery 113 Summon Phoenix [Manual]
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Tentacle of Pain, Tentacle of Suffering
HP Attacks [Long Range] Particle Beam
DP Chance Win within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes Defeat to open locked area at G3.
Treasure Chest
First Contents Buckler Subsequent Contents
Other Information None
Battle Piece
Manikin-Terra Name Phantasmal Girl Arena Ultimecia's Castle
Level 5 HP 1,242 Attack 16 Defense 15
Luck 12 Bravery 118 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Blizzard Combo (ground), Blizzara (midair)
HP Attacks Meltdown
DP Chance Critical hit within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes None
Battle Piece
Manikin-Garland Name False Stalwart Arena Lunar Subterrane
Level 10 HP 1,545 Attack 22 Defense 23
Luck 15 Bravery 147 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories Gaia Ring, War Gong, BRV ≥ Base Value x8
Bravery Attacks Round Edge, Chain Cast
HP Attacks Cyclone
DP Chance Win without losing HP for +1 DP. Notes None
Special Locked Area
Unlock Condition(s) Attain a two-star completion bonus
Battle Piece
Manikin-Sephiroth Name Imaginary Champion Arena
Level 11 HP 1,606 Attack 21 Defense 22
Luck 15 Bravery 153 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories Gaia Ring, War Gong, BRV ≥ Base Value x8
Bravery Attacks Reaper, Sudden Cruelty
HP Attacks Heaven's Light
DP Chance Inflict Break within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes None
Locked Area
Unlock Condition(s) Defeat Counterfeit Wraith at D3.
Treasure Chest
First Contents Rosetta Stone Subsequent Contents
Other Information None
Treasure Chest
First Contents Eucalyptus Subsequent Contents
Other Information None

Destiny Odyssey V-5[]

1 Cyan Drop   Imaginary Champion Mythril White Drop  
2         Imitation Despot  
3 Exdeath   False Stalwart   Fallacious Wanderer Counterfeit Wraith    
4     Phantasmal Harlequin      
5   Delusory Warlock     Transient Lion   Potion DFF Start
"The wandering wind... Thoughts of his friends return, as surely as the dawn breaks on a new day."

Due to the events of the previous cutscene, there are many battle pieces on the stage, though they all do not need to be defeated. Bartz faces off with Exdeath at the end of the stage. The player begins with four Destiny Points.

To earn the most DP, move to G3 and chain the Counterfeit Wraith at F3 and the Imitation Despot at G2 to earn two more DP, then move to D3 and chain all three adjacent enemies, including the Fallacious Wanderer at E3 that only appears when the player attains a three-star completion bonus on the storyline. This results in a total of eight DP, minus one more DP needed to move to the Chaos Piece and face Exdeath.

Treasure Chest
First Contents Cyan Drop Subsequent Contents
Other Information Appears when Delusory Warlock at B5 is defeated
Hard Battle Piece
Exdeath Render Name Exdeath Arena The Rift
Level 15 HP 2,458 Attack 33 Defense 29
Luck 17 Bravery 230 Summon Atomos
Weapon Oak Staff Hand None
Head Iron Helm Armor Iron Armor
Accessories Gaia Ring, Phoenix Down, HP = 1, Near Death, Near Loss
Bravery Attacks Black Hole (ground), Reverse Polarity (ground), High Block (ground), Reverse Polarity (midair), High Block (midair), Omni Block (midair)
HP Attacks Delta Attack (ground), Almagest (ground), Grand Cross (ground), Delta Attack (midair)
DP Chance None Notes Defeat to complete the stage.
Chaos Piece
Manikin-Golbez Name Delusory Warlock Arena Lunar Subterrane
Level 12 HP 1,667 Attack 22 Defense 24
Luck 16 Bravery 159 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories Gaia Ring, War Gong, BRV ≥ Base Value x8
Bravery Attacks Rising, Gravity Force
HP Attacks
DP Chance None Notes Defeat to make chest at A1 appear.
Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Sephiroth Name Imaginary Champion Arena Kefka's Tower
Level 13 HP 1,727 Attack 23 Defense 24
Luck 16 Bravery 165 Summon Titan
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories Gaia Ring, War Gong, BRV ≥ Base Value x8
Bravery Attacks None
HP Attacks Heaven's Light
DP Chance None Notes None
Battle Piece
Manikin-Garland Name False Stalwart Arena Kefka's Tower
Level 7 HP 1,364 Attack 19 Defense 20
Luck 13 Bravery 130 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks None
HP Attacks Cyclone
DP Chance Execute an EX Burst within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes None
Treasure Chest
First Contents Mythril Subsequent Contents
Other Information Appears after attaining a four-star completion bonus
Battle Piece
Manikin-Kefka Name Phantasmal Harlequin Arena The Rift
Level 12 HP 1,667 Attack 23 Defense 22
Luck 16 Bravery 159 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories Gaia Ring, War Gong, BRV ≥ Base Value x8
Bravery Attacks Ultima (ground), Meteor (midair)
HP Attacks Hyperdrive
DP Chance Win without foe getting an EX Core for +1 DP. Notes Defeat to make Potion at G5 appear.
Battle Piece
Manikin-Bartz Name Fallacious Wanderer Arena The Rift
Level 29 HP Varies*(3,391, 3,491, 3,671, 3,684) Attack Varies*(62, 63) Defense Varies*(57, 58, 59)
Luck 24 Bravery Varies*(341, 357, 366, 383, 385) Summon Leviathan [Auto]
Weapon Varies*(Claymore, Pinwheel, Saber, Uchigatana, Frying Pan) Hand Varies*(Ice Shield, Mythril Bangle, Kodachi, Mythril Shield, Gauntlets)
Head Varies*(Beret, Golden Helm) Armor Varies*(Ice Armor, Mythril Vest, Mythril Armor, Silk Robes, Silken Shirt)
Accessories Gaia Ring, War Gong, BRV ≥ Base Value x8
Bravery Attacks Solid Ascension, Holy, Storm Shot, Slidehazzard
HP Attacks Soul Eater, Paladin Force, Wind Shear
DP Chance Win battle for +2 DP. Notes Appears after attaining a three-star completion bonus
Battle Piece
Manikin-Squall Name Transient Lion Arena Ultimecia's Castle
Level 7 HP 1,364 Attack 16 Defense 18
Luck 13 Bravery 130 Summon
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Solid Barrel, Heel Crush
HP Attacks None
DP Chance None Notes None
Treasure Chest
First Contents White Drop Subsequent Contents
Other Information None
Battle Piece
Manikin-CoD Name Counterfeit Wraith Arena Lunar Subterrane
Level 7 HP 1,364 Attack 16 Defense 18
Luck 13 Bravery 130 Summon
Weapon None Hand None
Head None Armor None
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Tentacle of Pain, Tentacle of Suffering
HP Attacks [Long Range] Particle Beam
DP Chance Get a critical hit within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes None
Battle Piece
Manikin-Emperor Name Imitation Despot Arena
Level 6 HP 1,303 Attack 16 Defense 18
Luck 13 Bravery 171 Summon None
Weapon None Hand None
Head Plumed Hat Armor None
Accessories None
Bravery Attacks Thunder Crest, Dynamite (midair)
HP Attacks
DP Chance Win within 10 seconds for +1 DP. Notes None
Other Information Appears when Phantasmal Harlequin at D4 is defeated.