Final Fantasy Wiki

Deshell is an ailment ability for Lightning in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. It is the base form of the Deshell spells, dealing non-elemental magic damage and inflicting the status of the same name to a single foe that decreases their magic resistance by 33%. Its upgraded form is the Deshellga ability.

Deshell is also used when the player casts the Disaster ailment ability. A physical variant can also be randomly performed when using the Nightmare garb's Siren Strike ability.


The Passion Rouge garb purchasable from Dead Dunes Station has Deshell Lv. 2 as its locked ability.

Deshell is also an ability drop from several enemies - Goblots with a 7.5% chance, Gaunt, Triffids, and Fanatics with a 15% rate, and the Gaunt Ω with a 100% chance. The enemies drop different levels of the ability on the following days and difficulties:

Enemy Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Lv. 5
Goblot Day 1 - 6 (Easy/Normal) Day 7 - 9 (Easy/Normal) Day 10 - 13 (Easy/Normal) Day 1 - 6 (Hard) Day 7 - 12 (Hard)
Gaunt Day 1 - 6 (Easy/Normal) Day 7 - 9 (Easy/Normal) Day 10 - 13 (Easy/Normal) Day 1 - 6 (Hard) Day 7 - 12 (Hard)
Gaunt Ω - Day 1 - 6 (Easy/Normal) Day 7 - 9 (Easy/Normal) Day 10 - 13 (Easy/Normal) Day 1 - 13 (Hard)
Triffid Day 1 - 6 (Easy/Normal) Day 7 - 9 (Easy/Normal) Day 10 - 13 (Easy/Normal) Day 1 - 6 (Hard) Day 7 - 12 (Hard)
Fanatic Day 1 - 6 (Easy/Normal) Day 7 - 9 (Easy/Normal) Day 10 - 13 (Easy/Normal) Day 1 - 6 (Hard) Day 7 - 12 (Hard)


When used, Lightning conjures a mass of pink energy that breaks an enemy's defenses, dealing magic non-elemental damage and inflicting the Deshell status for 30 seconds, with its duration depending on its ability level. The ability has an ATB cost of 25 at level 1, with the lowest ATB cost at level 5 decreasing to 15.

Deshell has a set potency of 0.20 at all levels, with increases of 0.04 - 0.06 being naturally available through synthesis passives. Its potency can also be further increased by equipping rapier weapons and the Skeleton's Earrings accessories. Like other ailment abilities, Deshell has no stagger power, meaning it cannot increase or stabilize an enemy's stagger wave.

Deshell is also used by the Gaunt, Gaunt Ω, Grendel, and Parandus enemies. It is also used by the final boss during their first phase.


Ability version[]

Growth chart
Level Power Duration Synthesis Needed to Max Level Up Malistone
Lv. 1 0.20 30 s 2 Bronze
Lv. 2 0.20 45 s 2 Silver
Lv. 3 0.20 60 s 2 Mythril
Lv. 4 0.20 75 s 4 Adamant
Lv. 5 0.20 90 s N/A N/A

Deshell abilities can have the following passives:

  • Maximum HP +600
  • Status Ailment Damage +25%
  • ATB Recovery +10
  • Critical: Faith (40 secs)
  • Critical: Faith+Haste (60 secs) (Chaos variant drop)
  • Deprotect Chaser (Rare synthesis only, 20% chance)

Locked versions[]

The locked versions available to garbs have unique stats and passives, these versions of Deshell cannot be upgraded.

Command ATB Cost Power Duration Passive
Deshell Lv. 2
(Passion Rouge)
25 x0.20 60 s None


Deshell is best to have equipped to Lightning at all times. Players should opt to use Deshell and Deprotect together at the beginning of every encounter, allowing Lightning to easily deal more damage to her foes and increase their stagger waves with magic chains from the start of a battle. Due to its locked weaker potency and debuff duration, it is recommended to have equipped to a defense-oriented schema, since it will be one of the few moves performed in combat.

Deshell is especially helpful to have during the Dead Dunes main scenario, since it causes Fang to use Deshell Hunter over her default Ruin spell, allowing her to deal extra magic damage to foes with the Deshell status and help sustain a foe's stagger wave.
