Final Fantasy Wiki

Attacks with Rush and Mega Volt.

Final Fantasy VI PlayStation Bestiary entry

The Delta Beetle, also called Delta Bug, is an enemy in Final Fantasy VI fought in Serpent Trench.



It has high Defense but low Magic Defense, and its special attack, Slam, is a slightly stronger normal attack. Delta Beetles often attack in groups. They are weak to Fire Fire.


Sabin's Rising Phoenix works well against them, as it hits their weakness to fire and does magical damage to exploit their low magic defenses. Fira spells also work, but the trip over the Serpent Trench is long, so the player should try to conserve their MP.


Number Enemies Encounter flags Introduction flag Musical theme Magic AP
Normal Back Surrounded Side
214 Devoahan, Delta Beetle x2 Y Y N Y Sides, individual Battle 1
217 Delta Beetle x4 Y Y Y Y Sides, individual Battle 1
218 Vampire Thorn x2, Delta Beetle Y Y Y Y Sides, individual Battle 1

AI script[]

Attack Turns:
1st Turn: Attack (100%)
2nd Turn: Attack (66%) or Slam (33%)
3rd Turn: Attack (66%) or Megavolt (33%)

Other appearances[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

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Delta, Δ or δ, is a letter in the Greek alphabet, and also used as a mathematical symbol. The monster is likely called this because of its triangular shape, much like the capital letter.

"Bug" is another name for insects.

Related enemies[]
