Final Fantasy Wiki

Strength, physical, and magic attacks are high. There is a 1/2 chance of the monster using Haymaker. When HP is low, it also releases Blast Punch, which delays turns.

Scan description

Defender Z is an enemy from Final Fantasy X. It is an ancient machina built by Bevelle for use in the Machina War 1000 years ago left wandering the ruins of Zanarkand. They are also encountered in pairs in the Omega Ruins.



As a derivative of the Defender X, Defender Z uses the same attacks: Haymaker, a powerful physical attack, and Blast Punch, an attack that halves the character's HP and causes Delay. Defender Z will use physical attacks and has a 33% chance to use Haymaker, which will either target Auron or the party member with the lowest HP if he isn't present. When below half HP, it has a chance to use Blast Punch and won't prioritize targets. If Provoked, it will use Blast Punch.

In the original JP/NA version, Defender Z drops weapons with Strength +3% instead of Distill Power.


The easiest way to defeat Defender Z is to hit them with Provoke, as Blast Punch cannot KO. They should then easily be defeated. Unlike Defender X, the Black Magic Demi is effective and able to do 9,999 damage due to Defender Z's high hit point total, ideally Doublecasted to deal nearly 20,000 damage each time.

Other appearances[]

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

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Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

FFRK Defender Z FFX
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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

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The Japanese name for the enemy terms it as "Zero-type". This draw upon the East Asian production model variant identifier suffix (, shiki?) or "-Type", that began to saw use in the 1920s in Japanese and Chinese manufacturing, particularly in the military industries.

Related enemies[]

Final Fantasy X-2[]

Final Fantasy X-2: Last Mission[]

  • YSLS-99
  • YSLS-Zero