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Final Fantasy Wiki
FFVII Debug Room - Pine Tree

Pine tree Room.

The Pine Tree Room houses eight characters.


Sephiroth's options concern FMVs. Selecting an option will play the specific FMV, and in the PlayStation version the game will check to see if the correct disc is inserted before playing. Selecting an option may cause the game to crash in the PC and Steam versions.

Page Option Description
Page 1 use Brings up second page of options.
cancel Cancels out.
<Blank> Returns to the lobby.
Page 2 South Reactor Cloud falls after Mako Reactor 5 explodes.
<Blank Space> Destruction of Sector 7.
NIVLHAIM tragedy The Makonoid in the Nibel Reactor, followed by Sephiroth's destruction of the town.
<Blank Space> The failed rocket launch in Cid's flashback.
Gold Saucer The ride to the Gold Saucer, and scenes from the date.
take off Tiny Bronco The Tiny Bronco taking off and crashing.
AERITH death Aeris's death and her body being laid to rest.
SEPHIROTH Scenes at the Northern Crater and the Weapons awakening.
WEAPON attack Sapphire Weapon attacking Junon.
CLOUD psychoanalusis Mideel's destruction and parts of Cloud's subconscious.
<Blank Space> The successful rocket launch.
METEO intercept failure The rocket crashing into Meteor.
Shoot The Sister Ray at Midgar.

Gray haired NPC[]

The NPC's options concern Kalm.

Page Option Description
Page 1 Cancel Cancels out.
First come Asks the player to set their party, then warps them to Kalm.
After armagedon Brings up second page of options.
Page 2 "Check oldman's event?" Yes Brings up third page of options.
No Warps to Kalm after Meteor has been summoned.
Page 3 get GUIDE BOOK Gives the player the Guide Book, then brings up options page again.
get DESERT ROSE Gives the player the Desert Rose, then brings up options page again.
get EARTH HARP Gives the player the Earth Harp, then brings up options page again.
event start Warps to Kalm after Meteor has been summoned; the player will have the three items to give to the Traveller.


Rude's options concern meeting with the Turks at Mythril Mine.

Page Option Description
Page 1: "SOUTH DUNGEON" Cancel Cancels out.
Meet TARCKS Brings up second page of options.
We can't go Warps to the entrance of the Mythril Mine.
Page 2: "Join AERITH?" Yes Warps to the screen before meeting with the Turks. Aeris will be in the party.
No Warps to the screen before meeting with the Turks. Aeris will not be in the party.


The sailor's options are fairly random but some concern adding optional characters to the party.

Page Option Description
Page 1 Last Dungeon Brings up second page of options.
HIGHWAY minigame Warps to the motorcycle minigame when escaping Midgar.
Shinra AirShip Warps to the Gelnika.
Page 2 join YUFI Adds Yuffie to the team and brings up third page of options.
join VINCENT Adds Vincent to the team and brings up third page of options.
join BOTH Adds both Yuffie and Vincent to the team and brings up third page of options.
join cancel Brings up party select screen, then the third page of options.
Page 3: "SAVE CRYSTAL......" Give 99!! Gives 99 Save Crystals, then warps to the deck of the Highwind before descending into the Northern Cave.
No need Warps to the Northern Cave.


Option Description
Decline Church Warps to the back of the Sector 5 slums church.
Forgotten Relm Warps to the Corral Valley.
Go to NorthLand Warps to the scene after the battle with Jenova∙LIFE.


Shera's options mostly concern Rocket Town.

Page Option Description
Page 1 Meet CID Brings up second page of options.
METEO intercept Warps to Rocket Town before the rocket launch.
Rocket at Space Warps to the inside of the rocket before the launch.
Page 2: "SETUP DEBUG STATUS" DEBUG mode Brings up party select, then warps to the initial visit to Rocket Town.
NORMAL mode Functions the same as above.
CD Emulator Check Cannot be selected.

Old NPC[]

The NPC's options concern Gongaga.

Option Description
Cancel Cancels out.
Meet TARCKS Warps to the paths towards the town and the meeting with the Turks.
Who am I? Warps to the scene at the Inn following the events at the Temple of the Ancients.

Red Shinra Soldier[]

The soldier's options mostly concern train-related events.

Page Option Description
Page 1: (Sector 5 Reactor) Cancel Cancels out.
Tunnel Brings up second page of options.
5th Reactor Warps to the outside bridge of the Sector 5 reactor before the battle with Airbuster.
Menu 2: "LEVEL of TORIYAMA EVENT" Perfect! Warps one screen away from the reactor.
Normal Warps three screens away from the reactor.
Oh, NO!! Warps five screens away from the reactor.