Luck Room.
The Luck Room is a room of the Debug Room in Final Fantasy VII. It houses eleven characters. Upon entering the room, the background music changes to "The Oppressed".
Red XIII[]
Red XIII's options concern the train graveyard.
Option | Description |
MDS7ST2 | Sets the party to Cloud/Aeris/Tifa and warps to the south screen of the train graveyard just after escaping Don Corneo's mansion. |
MDS7ST1 | Sets the party to Cloud/Aeris/Tifa and warps to the north screen of the train graveyard just before the Sector 7 plate falling. |
Cancel | Closes the menu. |
Upon talking to Reeve, the background music will change to the end segment of "Mako Cannon - The Destruction of Shinra." His options will play various cutscenes about the Sister Ray.
Option | Description |
1 | Plays the cutscene where Scarlet names the Sister Ray, then warps to the City of the Ancients. |
2 | Plays the cutscene where Shinra fires the Sister Ray at Diamond Weapon. If the player is on disc 1, the incorrect FMVs will play. If the player is on disc 3, the game will crash.
Once the cutscenes finish, the player will be in the Highwind. Leaving the Highwind will place the player on their last location on the world map. |
3 | Plays the cutscene immediately after the Northern Crater barrier is destroyed. Upon trying to play the FMV, if the player is on disc 1, it will instead play the car video from the Shinra Building. If the player is on disc 3, the game will crash.
Once the cutscene finishes, the player will be in the Highwind. Leaving the Highwind will place the player on their last location on the world map. |
last 0-3 | Warps to the entrance to the Northern Crater. The party will be set to Cid/Barret/Red XIII, with their names set to "cid", "ballet", and "red13", respectively. Neither Cloud nor Cid's map sprite is visible. |
cancel | Closes the menu. |
Barret's options concern changing the party. After selecting a party, all characters' names will be changed to as they appear in the below options, but in all lowercase.
Page | Option | Description |
Page 1 ("Organize Party?") | Yes | Brings up the second page of options. |
No | Cancels out. | |
Page 2 ("First char") | Cloud | Sets first party member to Cloud, then brings up the third page of options. |
Tifa | Sets first party member to Tifa, then brings up the third page of options. | |
Cid | Sets first party member to Cid, then brings up the third page of options. | |
Pages 3 ("Second char") and 4 ("Third char") | Ballet | Barret joins the party. |
Tifa | Tifa joins the party. | |
Aerith | Aerith joins the party. | |
Red13 | Red XIII joins the party. | |
Yufi | Yuffie joins the party. | |
Ketcy | Cait Sith joins the party. | |
Cid | Cid joins the party. | |
Vincent | Vincent joins the party. | |
No one | Leaves an empty party slot. |
Icicle Inn NPC[]
This NPC's options involve the Great Glacier. Selecting any of the options will set the party to Cloud/Tifa/Barret.
Option | Description |
(Four invisible options) | Warp to the top of the mountain. |
HYOU3 | Warp to the Frostbite Cave Entrance, but the step counter will not be initialized properly, and Cloud will faint immediately. |
HYOU13-1(After) | Warps to the outside of Snow's Cave, but the step counter will not be initialized properly, and Cloud will faint immediately. |
HYOU13-1(Before) | Same as above. |
HYOU5-2 | Warps to the iceberg lake. Leaving this screen will cause Cloud to faint. |
Cait Sith[]
Cait Sith's options involve the wire climbing segment after the 7th Sector plate falls. All "WCRIMB" options set the party to Cloud/Tifa/Barret.
Climb Wire
After 7th Plate falling | ||
Option | Description | |
WCRIMB1(with Battery) | Warps to the first screen of the wire climbing segment. Three batteries are placed in the inventory, regardless of how many there were before. | |
WCRIMB1(without Battery) | Warps to same location as above, but any batteries in the inventory will be removed. | |
WCRIMB2 | Warps to the second screen of the wire climbing segment. Again, three batteries are placed in the inventory. | |
WCRIMB1 | Warps to the first screen of the wire climbing segment, but at the top of the screen, near where the player can climb up and use a battery to get an ether. | |
Cancel | Closes the menu. |
Fort Condor NPC[]
This NPC's options involve Fort Condor. All of the options are invisible except for "cancel."
CONDOR1 | ||
Page | Option | Description |
Page 1 | 1 | Brings up the second page of options, then warps to the entrance to Fort Condor. The NPC will be standing there as if it is your first time visiting. |
2 | Brings up the second page of options, then warps to main area of Fort Condor, near the man who gives the Huge Materia. | |
3 | Brings up the second page of options, then warps to the entrance to Fort Condor, without the NPC. | |
4 | Same as the first option. | |
5 | Same as the second option. | |
6 | Brings up the second page of options, then warps to the upper room of Fort Condor. The cutscene will play as if you just completed the final minigame. Upon playing the FMV, if the player is on disc 1, it will instead play the FMV from the Nibelheim flashback of the bridge breaking. If the player is on disc 3, the game will crash. Going outside will allow the player to collect the Phoenix materia. | |
7 | Warps to the same location as option two, without bringing up the second menu. | |
8 | Warps to the upper room of Fort Condor. | |
9 | No visible effect. | |
10 | No visible effect. | |
Page 2 | 1 | Sets the party leader to Cloud, the party to Cloud/Tifa/Cid, then warps to the above specified location. |
2 | Sets the party leader to Tifa. If, from the first menu, the first option was selected, the other two party members will be set to Red XIII and Barret. Otherwise, they will be set to Cid and Cait Sith. Afterwards, warps to the above specified location. | |
3 | Sets the party leader to Cid. If, from the first menu, the first option was selected, the other two party members will be set to Red XIII and Barret. Otherwise, they will be set to Cait Sith and Vincent. Afterwards, warps to the above specified location. | |
cancel | Leaves the party as-is, then warps to the above specified location. |
Aerith's options concern Wall Market. The first two options will attempt to set the plot flags appropriate for the crossdressing segment, but if the player enters from a later point in the game, the flags will be set incorrectly and the player will not be able to progress through Don Corneo's mansion.
Option | Description |
MRKT1 | Sets the party to Cloud/Aerith and warps to northern Wall Market. Entering the clothing shop will allow the player to change into "Miss" Cloud. |
MRKT2(After) | Sets the party to Cloud/Aerith and warps to southern Wall Market. The cutscene will play as if entering Wall Market for the first time. |
MRKT2(Before) | Sets the party to Cloud/Tifa/Cait Sith and warps to southern Wall Market. |
Tifa's options involve various debug functions. All options are invisible.
Option | Description |
1 | Gives the player 300 gil. |
2 | Gives the player 131,072 gil. |
3 | Completely fills out the player's items and materia. |
4 | Starts battle ID #999, which is a battle with five test enemies. |
5 | Resets game time, sets party to just Cloud, and removes all items from the inventory. |
6 | Deactivates encounters. |
7 | Activates encounters. |
8 | Closes the menu. |
Yuffie's options allow the player to watch FMVs. A variable is set upon entering the room, and is incremented each time the player watches an FMV or selects "plus," which changes what FMV will play.
(0-50) movie | ||
Option | Description | |
look | Plays an FMV depending on the FMV variable and what disc the player is currently on. Usually crashes on disc 3. | |
plus | Increments the FMV variable. | |
cancel | Closes the menu. |
This NPC's options concern the Fort Condor minigame. Each option (except for "cancel") initiate a glitched version of the minigame with the units not aligned correctly with the background, making it more difficult to play. Beating the minigame returns the player to the debug room.
Option | Description |
1 | Initiates the minigame at difficulty level 1. |
2 | Initiates the minigame at difficulty level 2. |
3 | Initiates the minigame at difficulty level 3. |
4 | Initiates the minigame at difficulty level 4. |
5 | Initiates the minigame at difficulty level 5. |
6 | Initiates the minigame at difficulty level 6. |
last | Initiates the final round of the minigame. |
cancel | Closes the menu. |
Talking to Cid will initiate a battle with CMD.Grand Horn. After winning the battle, a menu will open, with options concerning Wall Market. However, like with Aerith's menu, the plot flags will not be set correctly.
Option | Description |
Man | Sets party to Cloud/Aerith and warps to the Wall Market gym, just before obtaining the wig. Inventory is emptied. |
Be girl | Sets party to Cloud/Aerith and warps to southern Wall Market, as "Miss" Cloud, behind the load trigger. Stepping forward will prompt Aerith to stop Cloud and ask if he is trying to leave. If entered from a later point in the game, the player will be unable to progress through Don Corneo's mansion and thus will be unable to leave Wall Market. |