Final Fantasy Wiki

Causes sudden death


Death is an indirect Magic spell in Final Fantasy VII. It is granted by the Destruct Materia at level three. It attempts to inflict Instant Death on an enemy. If successful, and if the enemy is not immune, they will die. The spell has a 44% success rate.


Magic Materia Destruct Materia, Master Magic
Effect 44% chance of inflicting Instant Death
MP cost 30
Compatible Support Materia Added Cut
Final Attack
HP Absorb
Magic Counter
MP Absorb
MP Turbo
Quadra Magic
Sneak Attack
Steal as well


Grim Reaper from the Death spell.

Death can be used by characters with the Destruct Materia at level 3. It has a 44% chance to cause Instant Death on a target. If successful, it will instantly kill them. Its main drawbacks are its low success rate, and the fact that many larger enemies are simply immune to the spell. This makes it risky to cast. The spell's animation summons a Grim Reaper to dispose of the target.

When compared with Remove, Death has a much lower success rate, but also below a third of the MP cost. Unlike Remove, Death will still provide rewards. Many other alternatives to Death exist. Kiss of Death with inflict Death on all enemies with a 68% success rate, while Death Sentence, L5 Death, and Roulette from the Enemy Skill Materia can also instantly kill enemies. A greater alternative is Odin, who, when summoned, has a 92% chance to kill all enemies not immune to Instant Death, and still deals damage if the target does resist Death.

Death can be amplified by linking the Destruct Materia with a few Support Materia. All Materia allows it to attempt to kill all enemies, and Sneak Attack provides a chance to instantly kill an enemy before the battle begins. Other Support Materia are less effective, though Added Cut and Steal as well will guarantee that a turn using Death is not wasted if unsuccessful by performing another action.

Though many enemy attacks inflict Instant Death, none use the Death spell.
