Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

Halves target's level.


Dark Spark, also known as Black Shock, is a Blue Magic spell in Final Fantasy V. It halves the target's level, weakening their damage output.

Dark Spark can also be used by catching and releasing a Black Flame.


The earliest Dark Spark can be obtained is from a Black Flame on the Crescent area on the world map. It can also be obtained from Strapparer, Ushabti, Azulmagia, Hades, Shadow, and Druid. Shadow and Druid will not use the ability normally, and Control must be used.


Levels get rounded down. For example, if Dark Spark is used against a monster of level 23, the resulting level will be 11. (23/2=11.5)


Dark Spark halves the target's level. Because most damage formulae use the level in calculating damage output (in addition to other stats), it can be an effective way to reduce their damage output. Another way to use it could be to make the target vulnerable to level-based abilities, like Level 5 Death; this works against Atomos, for example. Dark Spark's main drawback is its prohibitively high MP cost, meaning it should be used rarely and only against larger enemies.

