Final Fantasy Wiki

Dark Behemoth is a Soul of Rebirth enemy in Final Fantasy II, appearing in the Unknown Palace. It is a palette swap of the Behemoth, meant to resemble the strongest species in Final Fantasy Tactics.

It also appears as a boss on the Ekmet Teloess floor of the Arcane Labyrinth.



Dark Behemoth is a tough enemy randomly found at the Unknown Palace. It also can be fought in the Arcane Labyrinth as early as the player obtains the Ekmet Teloess Key Term, and if fought that early, it truly becomes a fearsome foe.

Protect and Blink are mandatory, since the Dark Behemoth exclusively uses potent physical attacks. Magic is the weapon to use due to Dark Behemoth's weak Magic Defense. Physical attacks should be enhanced to the max, or they will not even scratch this enemy's high defense.



Behemoth is a beast mentioned in Job 40:15–24. In addition to mythological creatures, it is likened to dinosaurs, especially sauropods, as well as elephants, hippos, rhinos, and bison. Metaphorically, the term behemoth denotes "an extremely large or powerful entity".

Related enemies[]
