Final Fantasy Wiki

Attacks with QuartzPike and L.3 Muddle.

Final Fantasy VI PlayStation Bestiary entry

Dante is an enemy in Final Fantasy VI.



Like his three palette swap counterparts (Test Rider, Death Rider and Hell's Rider), Dante always attacks the party alone and, like other enemies in the area, he can confuse the party. Dante has a lot of HP, and his special attack, Crystal Lance, deals moderate damage. He is weak to Poison Poison, so Bio spells do heavy damage against him. Additionally, Dante can be defeated by using curative items or spells on him, as he is undead.

He can be morphed into Thunder Shields, which can then be bet in the Coliseum to win Genji Shields, one of the best equipment pieces in the game.


Number Enemies Encounter flags Introduction flag Musical theme Magic AP
Normal Back Surrounded Side
233 Dante Y Y N Y Sides, individual Battle 2

AI script[]

Attack Turns:
1st Turn: Attack (66%) or Crystal Lance (33%)
2nd Turn: Attack (100%)

If attacked by "Magic": Lv. 3 Confuse (33%)

Other appearances[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Dante from FFBE enemy sprite

The Dante appears as a boss encountered during the "Figaro Castle" Final Fantasy VI event, though it uses the same sprite as the common Dante encountered outside of VI content.



Dante likely refers to Dante's The Divine Comedy where Dante travels to heaven, purgatory, and hell. It is one of the many references to the Divine Comedy in Final Fantasy VI.

Related enemies[]
