Final Fantasy Wiki

Cure us!

Curaga from FFVI Pixel Remaster

Curaga in Final Fantasy VI (Pixel Remaster).

Curaga (ケアルガ, Kearuga?, lit. Carega), also known as Cure3, Cure 3, Cure III, Cure4, and Curaja, is a recurring healing spell from the Final Fantasy series.

Curaga is an advanced White Magic spell, usually obtained late in most titles. It is a more powerful form of Cure and Cura used to restore a large amount of hit points. In earlier titles featuring four tier Cure spells, Curaga often serves as the fourth tier of the line. However starting from Final Fantasy V, the four tier system would often be discarded, with Curaga being the third and strongest of Cure spells, only being outclassed by Full Cure.

In older titles featuring four tiers of Cure spells, Curaga is often localized under the name of "Curaja", with the recurring Curada spell in Japanese being localized as "Curaga" (see below). The Curaja spell is an entirely separate ability that did not properly make its series debut until Final Fantasy Tactics.


Final Fantasy[]

Fully restores one ally's HP.

White Wizard - CUR4

Curaja (CUR4 on the NES and Cure4 in Final Fantasy Origins) is a level 7 White Magic spell, which fully restores the HP of a single ally and removes all negative statuses except Stone and KO.

Mechanically, Curaja functions not by fully restoring HP but instead healing a fixed 999 HP, or 9,999 in releases prior to the pixel remaster. In most cases this is indistinguishable from fully restoring HP, as most Curaja users can't exceed 999 HP. The notable exception is Chaos; as a result, in the pixel remaster release Chaos uses a unique version of Curaja that continues to restore 9,999 HP, as the version used by players and other enemies was reduced to 999 HP and would be far less effective against his 20,000 HP.

The spell can be bought at Gaia and is learned by the White Wizard job class. In the Dawn of Souls and 20th Anniversary Edition releases it costs 35 MP to cast.

Final Fantasy III[]

WHM using Curaja from FFIII Pixel Remaster

Curaja in Final Fantasy III (Pixel Remaster).

Curaja is a level 7 White Magic spell. It restores HP to a single target, while also having the ability to be group-casted on all targets. The spell can also deal damage when used on undead foes. Curaja can be bought in the Invincible and in Doga's Village for 20,000 gil. It can be used by the White Mage, Devout, and Sage jobs in all versions.

In the original Famicom version, Curaja has set numerical value ranges on how much HP can be recovered with the spell, with the values being based on the user's job level. The following are Curaja's recover values from the Famicom release:[1]

Job level Recovery Value
1 - 19 220 - 440 HP
20 - 39 660 - 880 HP
40 - 59 1100 - 1540 HP
60 - 79 1540 - 1760 HP
80 - 98 1980 -2420 HP
99 2420 - 2860 HP

In the 3D and Pixel Remaster remakes, Curaja has been changed to have a spell power of 120, with the amount healed also being determined on the user's spirit stat. Additionally, the Onion Knight job can use the spell in the 3D remake. In the 3D remake, Curaja can also be used whenever the player uses the Devout's Holy Wand unique weapon as an item in battle, albeit being restricted to a single target cast.

Final Fantasy IV[]

Restores HP.


Curaja (Cure 4 in Easy Type) is the strongest White Magic healing spell that Rosa, Tellah, Porom, and Fusoya. It has a casting time of 0, and costs 40 MP to cast. In 2D versions it has a spell power of 288, and in 3D versions it has spell power of 128. It never misses. In the SNES version, any value greater than 16,384 healed from the spell will restore MP instead.

Final Fantasy IV -Interlude-[]

Curaja is a White Magic spell learned by Rosa (level 38) and Porom (level 48). It restores all HP to one or major HP to all allies, and can also be used to damage the undead. It costs 40 MP to cast.

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]

Curaja is the strongest White Magic healing spell. It can be learned by Rosa (level 45), Porom (level 48), Leonora (level 57), and Fusoya (default). It costs 40 MP to cast.

Final Fantasy V[]

Lenna using Curaga from FFV Pixel Remaster

Curaga in Final Fantasy V (Pixel Remaster).

Curaga is a Level 5 White Magic spell. It is the strongest curative spell, and can be used by White Mage or any job with lv 5 White Magic. It is bought in Moore for 6,000 gil, and costs 27 MP to cast. The Fairy Orc is the only enemy capable of casting this spell. The player may also use the spell by catching and releasing a Fairy Orc or Cure Beast. Curaga is one of the spells that can be cast from the Wonder Wand for free.

When cast as a single-target spell, it fully restores the target's HP, or sets HP to single-digits against an undead target. As a multi-target spell, it restores HP equal to (180...202) / 2 * ((level * magic) / 256 + 4), and damages undead targets for the same amount.

Final Fantasy VI[]

Curaga is the strongest healing spell learned by the espers Lakshmi at a x1 rate and Phoenix at a x2 rate. It costs 40 MP to cast, power of 66, and is vulnerable to Runic. Curaga can be cast by Cherry, Level 80 Magic, and the Holy Dragon in the Dragons' Den.

Final Fantasy VII[]


Cure3 in Final Fantasy VII.

Cure3 is the final spell in the Restore Materia learned after Regen is mastered, and costs 64 MP to cast. Cure 3's spell power is equal to the base magic damage plus 2860.

It is also used by 2-Faced, Shred, Scissors (Lower), and Jenova∙SYNTHESIS.

Cure 3 is available to Aeris in the 1996 demo release, and can be used for a cost of only 40 MP. Despite having Cure 3, she does not have Regen, but still has Cure and Cure 2.

Final Fantasy VII Remake[]

Curaga is the final ability of Healing Materia Healing Materia, which restores a major amount of HP to one party member. It costs 12 MP to cast.

The enemy Darkstar can cast the spell on Rufus if Rufus substains any damage before Darkstar is dispatched.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth[]

Curaga from FFVII Rebirth

Curaga is the third tier healing spell from Healing Materia Healing Materia. It heals a great amount of HP to a target for a cost of 12 MP and 1 ATB segment.

Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-[]

Curaga is a Curative Magic Materia. It costs 150 MP to cast.

Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-[]

Curaga restores a large amount of Zack's HP. It costs 26 MP to cast from the Curaga materia. It cannot be bought at the shop, but can be created through Materia Fusion by upgrading from lesser curative materia.

Final Fantasy VIII[]


Curaga in Final Fantasy VIII.

Curaga is the strongest curative spell. It can be obtained early, as Siren learns the L Mag-RF ability, and Tents, which can be bought at any normal shop, refine into Curagas. This means it can be junctioned early to boost HP.

Casting Curaga in battle increases compatibility with Carbuncle and Alexander by 0.2, but lowers compatibility with Eden by 0.2 as well.

Final Fantasy IX[]

FFIX Curaga

Curaga in Final Fantasy IX.

Curaga is the strongest curative White Magic spell learned by Dagger and Eiko. It costs 22 MP to cast and 155 AP to learn, and can be learned from Wizard Rod, Whale Whisker, Hamelin, and Angel Flute. It can be reflected and will work with Return Magic should enemies cast it on the player party.

It is also an enemy ability used by Hilgigars, Trance Kuja, Necron, and Ozma.

With the support ability Concentrate the spell heals for even more.

Final Fantasy X[]

FFX Curaga

Curaga in Final Fantasy X.

Curaga is the strongest curative spell and is located on Yuna's section of the Sphere Grid, however, every character is capable of accessing it. It costs 20 MP to cast. Curaga can be cast by Hornet, Jumbo Flan, Neslug, Sanctuary Keeper, Yunalesca in her last two forms, as well as the final boss.

Final Fantasy X-2[]

FFX-2 Curaga

Curaga in Final Fantasy X-2.

Curaga is a powerful curative spell part of the White Magic skillset, second only to Full-Cure. It is used via the White Mage dressphere or can be cast from Healing Wind, Heart Reborn, Healing Light, Immortal Soul, and Wishbringer Garment Grids after spherechanging through certain nodes. It costs 20 MP to cast and 80 AP to learn, and can be learned after learning Cura.

Curaga can be cast by Angra Mainyu, Balivarha (Oversoul - Fiend Arena), Barong (Fiend Arena), Dark Elemental (Oversoul), Gemini (Oversoul), Seymour (Fiend Arena), and YSLS-99 (Fiend Arena).

Final Fantasy X-2: Last Mission[]

Curaga can be used with the White Mage dressphere, and costs 5 MP to cast. It restores HP to one dressphere or base character. It is the only way the player can recover HP aside from items or the HP Heal Over Time auto-ability.

Final Fantasy XI[]

Curaga is a White Magic spell available to White Mages at level 16, being the first of the area-of-effect Curaga spells. It heals all party members in a limited area when used, having a similar potency to that of the default Cure spell. Upgraded versions may be learned at higher levels.

Final Fantasy XII[]

Curaja restores a large amount of HP to all allies in range, and can deal high damage to groups of undead enemies when cast on them.

In the original version, Curaja is a White Magick 6 license that costs 45 LP to learn and (initially) 68 MP to use. The spell can be bought at Balfonheim Port after the events in Draklor Laboratory for 11,700 gil.

In the Zodiac versions, Curaja is a White Magick 9 license and can be used by the White Mage, Monk, and Knight. The Monk must unlock a 75 LP Quickening license first, and the Knight must acquire the license for Hashmal.

Final Fantasy XIII[]

Odin using Curaga from FFXIII

Odin using Curaga on Lightning.

Curaga is an ability exclusive to all Eidolons, except Hecatoncheir. It fully restores the summoner's HP and costs 1 ATB segment. It is used whenever the summoner's HP falls below 70%.

It is also an enemy ability used by Stiria that functions the same, fully recovering Snow's HP.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII[]

Curaga is an EP ability available by default that fully restores Lightning's HP. It takes 2 EP to use on Normal/Hard mode and 1 EP on Easy mode. It can be used both in and out of battle.

Final Fantasy XIV[]

Cure III icon.

Cure III is a White Mage White Mage spell available after completing the O Brother, Where Art Thou O Brother, Where Art Thou quest at level 40. The ability restores the HP of a targeted party member and all party members within range of the selected target. While it can be cast from a distance, Cure III has a significantly smaller area of effect than other AoE heals like Medica Medica. This makes it less reliable in common circumstances where the party is spread out, but for mechanics such as stack markers that require the party to group together Cure III is preferred due to its much greater potency.

When used on targets with the Confession Confession status granted by Plenary Indulgence Plenary Indulgence, Cure III will trigger an additional heal on the target.

Curaga icon (original).

Curaga appeared as a Conjurer ability available at level 46. The ability restored HP to all party members within range of the target. The spell had a casting time of 3 seconds and a recasting time of 10 seconds.

Final Fantasy XV[]

Curaga exclusively appears as a player ability in the Final Fantasy XV: Comrades multiplayer mode. The spell restores a large amount of HP to all allies within range. In order to obtain the ability, players must upgrade the Panacea Shield in Lestallum until it reaches both 70 Magic and Spirit stats.

Final Fantasy XVI[]

Young Joshua Rosfield in the prologue is briefly playable and can use Curaga.

Final Fantasy Tactics[]

White Magick that soothes injuries, restoring HP.


Blessing breeze, blow in energy! Cure3!

Upon casting (PlayStation)

White Mages can cast Curaga. It costs 450 JP to learn, 16 MP to use and has a speed of 15. It restores a great amount of HP to allies in a cross-shaped area.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance[]

FFTA Curaga

Curaga in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

Heals a great deal of HP. Deals damage to zombies.


Curaga restores a great amount of HP to allies in a cross-shaped area. It can be learned by White Mages from the Spring Staff for 300 AP. It heals varying amounts of HP depending on the user's and target's stats. It costs 16 MP to cast, has a Magic Power of 80, is Holy-elemental, and has a range of 4 and vertical reach of 3. It is stealable through the ability Steal: Ability.

Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift[]

The Spring Staff teaches Curaga to White Mages for 300 AP. The spell costs 18 MP to cast and restores a great amount of HP in a cross-shaped area.

Final Fantasy Tactics S[]

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Final Fantasy Type-0[]

Curaga is the fully charged form of Cure. It restores HP to the entire party. It requires a Defense Magic stat of 70.

Final Fantasy Agito[]

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Final Fantasy Legend III[]

Cure3 recover 100% of a character's HP, it can also be used to attack undead. It cost 24 MP to use, and it can be bought for 5,500 GP in Floatland Town (Floatland), Darius (Pureland), and Knaya (Pureland).

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles[]

Curaga is a spell that restores all HP by stacking three Cure spells. It can only be used in multiplayer mode.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates[]

Curaga is cast by piling three Cure spells. Curaga +1 can also be cast by piling two Cura +1 spells. Curaga restores 600 HP, while Curaga +1 restores 800 HP.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King[]

Curaga is a level 20 restoration ability for the White Mage class, and caps at level 100. It restores all allies' HP, can be used once per battle, can be used up to three times a day, and requires two turns to cast.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time[]

Curaga is cast by stacking three Cure spells and restores a large sum of HP depending on character stats.

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light[]

FF4HoL Curaga Slot

Curaga is a White Magic spell heals the entire party. It costs 4 AP to cast. It can be given to any character by having a Curaga Tome in the character's inventory. The spell can be purchased for 5,000 gil after darkness flood the world in Guera, Urbeth, and Arbor.

Final Fantasy Dimensions[]

Curaga is the highest leveled healing spell. It can restore a large amount of HP to one person as well as the entire party. It costs 10,000 gil and costs 36 MP to cast.

Final Fantasy Dimensions II[]

Curaga I-III are magic support abilities available for Aemo. The spells can be learned from her version of the Lakshmi signet. All Curaga spells restore a large amount of HP to a single party member and cost 28 MP to use.

Dissidia Final Fantasy (2008)[]

Curaga is a story mode skill that fully recovers the character's HP.

Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy[]

Curaga is a story mode skill that recovers the HP of the entire party when used.

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

Bahamut uses Curaga as a boss.

Braska can use Curaga as his S1, having already learnt it when recruited. When all passives are taken into account, Curaga restores a large amount of party HP while also restoring BRV with overflow. Braska's inbuilt Overdrive meter will increase by 1 with use.

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Theatrhythm Final Fantasy[]

Curaga is an ability that activates automatically when the character falls below 50% HP, and recovers 40% of their HP. However, it only activates once per stage. It is learned by Minwu (level 75), Cecil (level 65), and Yuna (level 70). Any character can learn Curaga through a Curaga Scroll.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call[]

Curaga is a reactive ability that costs 20 CP to equip. It is activated when HP gauge drops below 50%. It recovers 40% of the HP gauge and will only trigger once during a stage. It is learned by Minwu (level 65), Rosa (level 65), Garnet (level 35), Eiko (level 60), Yuna (level 60), Y'shtola (level 70), Orlandeau (level 45), and Rem (level 70). It can be taught to any character by using the Curaga Scroll.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy All-Star Carnival[]

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Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

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Pictlogica Final Fantasy ≒[]

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Final Fantasy Artniks[]

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Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Icon in Final Fantasy Record Keeper.

Curaja is a 4★ White Magic. It restores a very large amount of HP to one target, it can initially be used four times and it can be honed to rank 5. It can be created by using Greater White Orb x5, Greater Wind Orb x3, Greater Holy Orb x3, and 10000 gil.

In the global English localization, Curaga is used as the name for the Curada ability.

Final Fantasy Explorers[]

Restore a large amount of HP to the area around a locked ally, or yourself if no ally is locked.

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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Curaga is an obtainable White Magic ability for players, while also being an ability naturally learned by specific Visions. It restores HP to a single target with the following formula: 1000 HP x 3.4. Players can obtain Curaga through the Tome of Lakshmi, or by trading 200 Star Quartz to the Fat Chocobo in Duggle Village.

In addition, Curaga +1 and Curaga +2 can be learned for several visions through unit Awakening. Curada +2 restores HP to a single target with the following formula: 1600 HP x 3.4.[2]

War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Curaga is an advance White Magic spell available to those with the White Mage job. Curaga restores a moderate amount of HP to all allies within range. The spell costs 34 TP to perform, has a height range of 2, and can only be used 3 times in battle.

World of Final Fantasy[]

Curaga is an active ability that restores HP to all allies for 7 AP. It can be used by Kaguya Flan and Magic Pot.

Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin[]

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Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon[]

Curaga is a level 7 White Mage spell, learned for 600 JP and costing 3 SP to use. It restores all HP and cures all statuses to Chocobo.

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]

One of Porom's cards can use Curaga. For the activation cost of discarding another Porom card, Curaga prevents the next damage that would be dealt to a Forward during the turn it is used.

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Non-Final Fantasy appearances[]

Other Square Enix titles[]

Chrono Trigger Cure II

Cure II in Chrono Trigger.

Curaga has appeared in other Square Enix titles as an ability, referencing the Final Fantasy version of the spell.

The original Game Boy version of SaGa 3 (known as the Final Fantasy Legend III in the west) includes Cure3 (ケアルガ, Kearuga?, lit. Carega) as the final form of Cure White Magic. The Japanese-exclusive 3D remake of SaGa 3 features Curaga as the second to last tier of healing magic, restoring HP to all party members. Curaga is only outclassed by the Full Cure spell.

Cure II appears in Chrono Trigger as a magic tech for Marle and Frog, serving as the upgraded version of the default Cure spell. It restores a large amount of HP to a single ally. The spell also appears in the Chrono series's spiritual successor, I Am Setsuna, as a spritnite ability for Setsuna, even carrying over the same tier suffixes in Japanese.

Curaga from BDII

Curaga from Bravely Default II.

Curaga, along with its lower tier spells Cure and Cura, appears as a spell in the Kingdom Hearts series. Like Final Fantasy, the spell is the final tier of Cure magic that restores a large amount of HP to party members. Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep also features a unique version of Curaga known as Group Curaga (フレンドケアルガ, Furendo Kearuga?, lit. Friend Carega), which heals multiple party members for the purpose of multiplayer gameplay.

Curaga is featured as a recurring White Magic spell in the Bravely series, serving as the strongest healing White Magic spell in all titles. Curaga is often the fourth tier of Cure magic in titles associated with the first Bravely Default. However, Bravely Default II abandons the Curada spell of its predecessors, making Curaga the third and final tier available for White Mages in the title.

The Final Fantasy Brave Exvius version of Curaga also appears in the defunct mobile title, Valkyrie Anatomia, as a spell used by Fina as a Healer.

Behind the scenes[]

FFRK Curaja

Curaga erroneously referred to as "Curaja" in Final Fantasy Record Keeper.

In Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy IV, and Final Fantasy XII, what is called Curaga in English is originally Curada (ケアルダ, Kearuda?, lit. Careda) in the Japanese versions, while the legitimate Curaga becomes the fourth tier Cure spell. Due to later titles only featuring three tiers of Cure magic, localization teams often have retained the suffix -"ga" for third tier spells in general, with the fourth tier Cure spell becoming Curaja, adopting the tier system from Final Fantasy Tactics. More recent titles have tried to rectify this decision with both Final Fantasy Brave Exvius titles and several installments of the Bravely series using Curada in the English localizations as the third tier, with Curaga being the final tier.

Due to the changes between the Japanese and English names for the later Cure spells, has led to errors in mobile crossover titles such as Final Fantasy Record Keeper, with some bosses from titles with three tier Cure spells having their Curaga spells translated as Curaja.



The word curaga distinctly means "to take charge" or "to take responsibility" or "manage" in Latin. In several Eastern European languages, including Russian, Ukrainian, and Lithuanian, the word curaga can be translated as "dried apricots".

In the Final Fantasy series naming tradition, starting from Final Fantasy VIII, the -ga suffix is added to spell names to denote the third and often the highest level of that type of spell.


  1. Final Fantasy III Volume 3 Complete Capture Edition, p.157
  2. Exvius Wiki (n.d.) . Curaga. Gamepedia. Archived from the original on 8th May 2021.