Cure is a magic spell in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. It is provided by Healing Materia, and is the mid-tier curative spell above Cure and below Curaga. It has a moderate heal, with a mid-tier MP cost and a manageable cast time.
It is also used by the Twin Brain.
Cura has a 9 MP cost and a moderate cast time. It is usable by a level 2 healing materia, and can be a very strong heal depending on the caster's Magic attribute. Casters at higher levels and with a great Magic attribute can likely get close to a full heal on one party member simply from casting Cura, without needing to use Curaga, although its MP cost can still be prohibitive particularly early on.
Cura becomes a greater spell to cast as party members' MP pool and Magic attribute increase. The spell is more ATB-efficient than Cure, and its MP cost becomes more manageable. Another major benefit it has over Curaga is its faster cast time. Curaga's cast time can be dangerous (when healing materia is not paired with Swiftcast Materia) in difficult situations, where Cura can be cast much quicker.
Cura can be cast on the entire party when healing materia is paired with Magnify Materia. Though this likely will not give everyone a full heal (even when magnify is fully leveled and the caster has high Magic), it is still often potent enough to be cast without needing to cast Curaga. At early levels,
Magic Efficiency Materia can be a great benefit as it will reduce the spell's cost, which can help party members with low MP pools. The spell can also be improved as usual by
Magic Focus Materia if needed, though there may be a better use for this materia.