The Crystal Warriors, also known as the Ark Angels, are a group of five beings created by the Zilart in Final Fantasy XI. While seemingly anachronistic, since the Zilart exist before the five enlightened races, the Crystal Warriors are formed from the same stuff that formed into the five enlightened races, thus explaining their similarities.
In the beginning of the Rise of the Zilart chapter the adventurer confronts Kam'lanaut and Eald'narche after defeating the Shadow Lord. The two Zilart brothers summon the Crystal Warriors to assist them in their plans, namely getting rid of the adventurer and Zeid, Lion, and Aldo.
While Raogrimm slows down and distracts them, the heroes escape with their lives.
Later, when the adventurer gains access to the region of Tu'Lia, the Ark Angels can be fought one at a time in separate boss battles. The Ark Angels can also be fought in a separate boss battle with all five together with a separate quest from the original mission.
The player must defeat any one of the Crystal Warriors for Zilart Mission 14: Ark Angels.
Alternatively, the player can engage all five at once for the quest Divine Might, which also counts towards completing the mission.
Musical themes[]
"Fighters of the Crystal" plays in all battles with the Crystal Warriors, whether individually or the entire group.
Other appearances[]
Final Fantasy XIV[]
The Ark Angels are fought in the alliance raid Jeuno: The First Walk, introduced in the expansion Dawntrail. They are the third boss fight, fought together as five enemies. Additionally, the Ark Angels are the design basis for the gear obtained in the raid.