Critical (クリティカル, Kuritikaru?), also known as Critical Attack, is a recurring enemy ability in the Final Fantasy series. It is commonly a more powerful physical attack, dealing roughly 1.5 to 2 times normal damage of the enemy's regular attack.
Final Fantasy V[]
Critical Attack is an enemy ability used by Behemoth, Berserker, Belphegor, Birostris, Blue Dragon, Cherie, Coral, Crystelle, Cure Beast, Cursed Being, Dark Aspic, Dechirer, Dhorme Chimera, Dragon Aevis, Executor, Flying Killer, Gel Fish, Gorgimera, Grass Tortoise, Gravitator, Great Dragon, Grenade, Hellraiser, Ice Commander, Ice Soldier, Iron Claw, King Behemoth, Lamia Queen, Land Turtle, Lemure, Little Chariot, Magic Dragon, Mammon, Mandrake, Moldwynd, Motor Trap, Mummy, Mykale, Necromancer, Neon, Nix, Oiseaurare, Orukat, Parthenope, Prototype, Red Dragon, Sahagin, Sea Devil, Shadow, Skeleton, Sleepy, Slug, Spizzner, The Damned, Thunder Anemone, Tot Aevis, Traveler, Triffid, Undead Husk, Undergrounder, Vilia, Weresnake, White Flame, Yellow Dragon, Zombie Dragon, and Zu. It deals double the damage of a regular attack.
Final Fantasy VI[]
Critical is an enemy ability used by Guard and Ahriman, which deals non-elemental physical damage.
Final Fantasy Dimensions[]
Critical is an enemy ability used by Bahamut, Lieutenant, Vata, Flan Princess, Hellhound, and Imperio. It deals double the damage of a regular physical attack.
Final Fantasy Artniks Dive[]
Final Fantasy All the Bravest[]
Critical is an enemy ability used by Jackanapes.