Final Fantasy Wiki

Contre Sixte is a Red Mage Red Mage ability from Final Fantasy XIV that deals heavy damage in an area of effect.


Base mechanics
  • Deals unaspected physical damage with a potency of 400 to target and nearby enemies
Formulae Base damage formula:


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Patch history[]

Version Changes
Stormblood Added with 300 potency
Potency reduced by 10% for second enemy hit, 20% for third, 30% for fourth, 40% for fifth, and 50% for all remaining enemies.
Patch 4.4 Base potency increased to 350.
Shadowbringers Potency dropoff changed to 50% reduced potency for all enemies hit past the first.
Enhanced Contre Sixte added.
Patch 5.1 Base potency increased to 380.
Patch 5.2 Potency increased to 400 with no dropoff.