The unit cannot tell friend from foe, attacking indiscriminately. Remove with Remedy, Esuna, or by dealing damage.
Description (The War of the Lions)
Confuse, also known as Confusion in the PS translation, is a status in Final Fantasy Tactics. Confused characters are shown randomly flailing their arms. They will take random actions, some of which make no sense (such as commence an action on an empty space); there are cases where these random acts come at a player's chagrin (like a Ninja's Throw Knight Sword command or a Chemist throwing away an Elixir).
Evasion percentages of targets attacked by a Confused unit will be doubled. Confusion also prevents the use of reaction abilities and special effect-generating move abilities like Move-HP Up and Move-Get Exp. Confusion will be cancelled if the afflicted character takes damage.
Ability | Celestial Void (Sky Mantra), Confuse (Spellblade), Corporeal Void (Nether Mantra), Delirium (Mystic Arts), Divine Ruination (Holy Sword), Forbidden Dance (Dance), Muramasa (Iaido), Tremor (Geomancy) |
Weapon | Lamia's Harp |
Enemy abilities[]
Ability | Description | Enemy |
Bad Breath | Malboro | |
Befuddle | Adrammelech, Belias | |
Confuseja | Zalera | |
Grand Cross | Ultima the Arch Seraph, Ultima the High Seraph | |
Level Drain | Mindflayer | |
Mind Blast | Mindflayer | |
Toot | pig |
Accessory | Nu Khai Armband, Onion Gloves |
Armor | Acacia Hat, Barette, Ribbon |
Ability | Dragon's Gift (Dragon), Purification (Martial Arts) |
Item | Remedy |
Spell | Dispelna (Holy Magicks), Esuna (White Magicks) |
Mechanics | Take damage |