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Chasm in the Rotting Land is a ten-floor Gateway found in the Confessions of the Creator Scenario in Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy. It is one of the three multi-floor gateways available on the southern continent, is located at Melmond Fens and accessible via the Cavern of Earth Teleport Stone. Clearing this gateway once awards the player with the accomplishment "Time Keeper". At the beginning of Confessions of the Creator, the mured Moogle is imprisoned here, and rescuing him is the player's first objective.

The Rare Chests contain Lv. 60 equipment components including: Darksteel Ingot, Gorgon Eye, Kujata Horn, Bismark Spine, Moore Log, Behemoth Leather, Carbuncle's Gem, Taharka Husk, Siren's Veil and Ixion's Mane. On the 5th/9th floor a Treasure Chest with a Flavor of Life/Force of the Resolute Equipment piece can be found.


Floor 1[]

  A B C D E F G H
1 DFF Start Booster Accessory x5 Warrior of Antiquity
2 Accessories Protected   Stigma of Chaos
3 Fleeting Flash AC
  • KP Chance: Win within 90 seconds
  • Bonus Line: Lv. 70
  • Rules: Enabled
  • Skills: Enabled

There are numerous chain skill and positioning combinations the player can use here to chain the two enemies if they wish. As the gateway is deep though, it may be better to save chain skills for lower floors where there are more enemies to chain. The tile at C2 appears once the Fleeting Flash at B3 is defeated.

Blue Emblem
Effects Booster Accessory x5
Blue Emblem
Effects Accessories Protected
Battle Piece
Manikin-Lightning Name Fleeting Flash Arena Orphan's Cradle Ω
Level 39 HP Varies (4,068-4,834) Attack Varies (77-81) Defense Varies (65-75)
Luck 29 Bravery Varies (417-594) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Man-Eater, Sirius, Estoc) Hand Varies (Chocobracelet, Battle Gloves, Sakura, Faerie Shield, Ice Shield)
Head Varies (Headgear, Green Beret, Heavy Helm) Armor Varies (Breastplate, Golden Vest)
Accessories Hyper Ring, HP = 100% x8
Bravery Attacks Launch, Smite, Blaze Rush, Ruin, Thundaga, Thunder, Blizzara, Watera
HP Attacks Flourish of Steel
Assist None Notes Defeat to make tile C2 appear.
Expert Battle Piece
Manikin-Gabranth Name Warrior of Antiquity Arena Sky Fortress Bahamut Ω
Level 72 HP Varies (7,118-7,345) Attack 129 Defense 124
Luck 46 Bravery Varies (800-827) Summon Zalera, the Death Seraph
Weapon Spica Hand Diamond Shield
Head Varies (Heike's Helm, Platinum Helm) Armor Varies (Diamond Armor, Diamond Vest)
Accessories Arcane Resin, Pearl Necklace, Dragonfly Orb, Attractorb, Break x6
Bravery Attacks Lunge, Sentence (midair), Circle of Judgement, Relentless Lunge, Aero (ground), Enrage, Dual Rend, Rupture, Vortex of Judgement
HP Attacks EX Charge (ground), EX Charge (midair), Execution, Innocence (ground), Innocence (midair), Hatred
Assist Idle Sky Pirate Notes

Floor 2[]

  A B C D E F G H
1 AC Physical Critical Rate Up Horror of Antiquity Destruction Resin
2 Stigma of Chaos   Fallacious Giant DFF Start
3 Delusory Dragoon Physical Critical Rate Up Magic Critical Rate Up
4 Lv

The enemies will appear once the player steps on tile D3. The player can use a Jump Chain at C3 or D2, or a Multichain at D3, to chain the enemies here, thus allowing use of either of the blue emblems.

Battle Piece
Manikin-Kain Name Delusory Dragoon Arena Lunar Subterrane Ω
Level 39 HP Varies (4,190-4,689) Attack Varies (74-82) Defense Varies (71-75)
Luck 29 Bravery Varies (424-450) Summon
Weapon Varies (Obelisk, Piercing Dagger, Scorpion, Sun Blade) Hand Varies (Faerie Shield, Ice Shield)
Head Sallet Armor Varies (Shell Armor, Linen Cuirass)
Accessories Hyper Ring, Near Loss x7
Bravery Attacks Spiral Blow, Cyclone (ground), Lance Burst, Lance Barrage, Crashing Dive, Celestial Shooter
HP Attacks Jump, Dragon's Fang (midair), Sky Rave, Rising Drive
Assist None Notes Defeat to make tile B2 appear
Treasure Chest
First Contents Lv. 60 armor component Subsequent Contents
Other Information
Blue Emblem
Effects Physical Critical Rate Up
Expert Battle Piece
Manikin-Gilgamesh Name Fallacious Giant Arena The Rift Ω
Level 74 HP Varies (7,153-7,421) Attack Varies (138-141) Defense Varies (127-129)
Luck 47 Bravery Varies (776-808) Summon Gilgamesh
Weapon Varies (Falchion, Enhancer, Valiant Knife, Defender, Heike's Blade, Radiant Lance, Royal Swordsman's Blade) Hand Diamond Shield
Head Diamond Helm Armor Rigid Chest Plate
Accessories Hyper Ring, After 15 Seconds, After 30 Seconds x5, After 45 Seconds, After 60 Seconds, After 90 Seconds
Bravery Attacks Cross Slash, Whirlwind Slash (ground), Wind Slash, Double Trouble, Tsubamegaeshi, Electrocute
HP Attacks Jump, Death Claw, Hurricane, Sword Dance, Missile
Assist Fallacious Tree Notes
Blue Emblem
Effects Physical Critical Rate Up
Expert Battle Piece
Manikin-Prishe Name Horror of Antiquity Arena Empyreal Paradox Ω
Level 73 HP Varies (6,930-7,673) Attack Varies (130-131) Defense Varies (124-126)
Luck 46 Bravery Varies (754-902) Summon Hecatoncheir
Weapon Varies (Ivory Pole, Gokuu Pole, Dream Harp) Hand Diamond Cuff
Head Varies (Chakra Band, Cat-ear Hood) Armor Varies (Ninja Gear, Hydra Mail, Diamond Vest)
Accessories Hyper Ring, No BRV Damage, HP = 100% x8
Bravery Attacks Combo-Combo, Shoulder Tackle-One Inch Punch, One Inch Punch-Combo, Holy
HP Attacks Asuran Fists, Auroral Uppercut
Assist Lady of Antiquity Notes
Blue Emblem
Effects Magic Critical Rate Up
Treasure Chest
First Contents Destruction Resin Subsequent Contents
Other Information

Floor 3[]

  A B C D E F G H
1 AC Horror of Antiquity Booster Accessory x5
2 DFF Start Accessories Protected Lady of Antiquity Accessories Protected
3 Booster Accessory x5 Counterfeit Youth Warrior of Antiquity  
4 Accessories Protected Transient Gunner Chain Skill
5   Potion Stigma of Chaos

A Jump Chain at B2 will chain the five enemies

Blue Emblem
Effects Booster Accessory x5
Expert Battle Piece
Manikin-Prishe Name Horror of Antiquity Arena Empyreal Paradox Ω
Level 80 HP Varies (7,699-8,215) Attack Varies (137-138) Defense Varies (143-145)
Luck 50 Bravery Varies (822-975) Summon Hecatoncheir
Weapon Varies (Ivory Pole, Gokuu Pole, Dream Harp) Hand Thief Gloves
Head Tiger Mask Armor Varies (Mirage Vest, Valkyrie Plate)
Accessories Hyper Ring, No BRV Damage, HP = 100% x8
Bravery Attacks Combo-Combo, Shoulder Tackle-One Inch Punch, One Inch Punch-Combo, Holy
HP Attacks Asuran Fists, Nullifying Dropkick, Auroral Uppercut
Assist Lady of Antiquity Notes
Blue Emblem
Effects Accessories Protected
Battle Piece
Manikin-OK Name Counterfeit Youth Arena Crystal Tower Ω
Level 41 HP Varies (4,311-4,810) Attack Varies (70-76) Defense Varies (62-66)
Luck 30 Bravery Varies (468-503) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Pinwheel, Full Metal Staff, Mage Masher, Icebrand, Ice Rod) Hand Varies (Kodachi, Gauntlets, Mythril Bangle)
Head Varies (Beret, Gold Hairpin) Armor Varies (Enyo's Breastplate, Kenpo Gi, Bard's Tunic, Linen Cuirass)
Accessories Hyper Ring, Near Opponent x6
Bravery Attacks Multi Hit, Blizzard, Turbo Hit, Thunder, Extra Slice, Blizzaga, Extra Lunge, Thundaga
HP Attacks Wind Shear, Guiding Swipe
Assist None Notes
Blue Emblem
Effects Accessories Protected
Blue Emblem
Effects Booster Accessory x5
Expert Battle Piece
Manikin-Shantotto Name Lady of Antiquity Arena Empyreal Paradox Ω
Level 79 HP Varies (7,971-8,219) Attack 144 Defense Varies (136-137)
Luck 50 Bravery 875 Summon Carbuncle [Auto]
Weapon Cloud Staff Hand Imperial Guard
Head Tiger Mask Armor Varies (Sage's Robe, Black Garb)
Accessories Hyper Ring, HP = 100% x4, BRV ≥ Base Value x5
Bravery Attacks A Couple Attacks, Bind (ground), Retribution, Bio (midair), Stun (midair)
HP Attacks Spirit Magic: Fire, Spirit Magic: Thunder, Spirit Magic: Earth, Spirit Magic: Ice, Spirit Magic: Air, Spirit Magic: Water
Assist None Notes
Battle Piece
Manikin-Laguna Name Transient Gunner Arena Ultimecia's Castle Ω
Level 40 HP Varies (4,287-4,785) Attack Varies (73-75) Defense Varies (69-79)
Luck 30 Bravery Varies (438-544) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Triton's Dagger, Claymore, Icebrand, Vega) Hand Varies (Golden Shield, Gold Bangle)
Head Varies (Beret, Golden Helm) Armor Varies (Enyo's Breastplate, Bard's Tunic, Linen Cuirass, Kenpo Gi)
Accessories Zephyr Cloak, Heart's Ease, Near Loss x8
Bravery Attacks Machine Gun, Ricochet Shot, Homing Bazooka, Sticky Bomb, Shotgun
HP Attacks Ragnarok Blade
Assist None Notes Defeat to make tile C5 appear
Blue Emblem
Effects Accessories Protected
Expert Battle Piece
Manikin-Gabranth Name Warrior of Antiquity Arena Sky Fortress Bahamut Ω
Level 79 HP Varies (7,886-8,421) Attack Varies (139-142) Defense Varies (142-145)
Luck 49 Bravery Varies (781-909) Summon Zalera, the Death Seraph
Weapon Varies (Royal Swordsman's Blade, Antares, Defender, Falchion, Valiant Knife) Hand Varies (Thief Gloves, Riot Shield, Heike's Shield)
Head Varies (Heike's Helm, Platinum Helm) Armor Varies (Heike's Armor, Mirage Vest)
Accessories Arcane Resin, Pearl Necklace, Dragonfly Orb, Attractorb, Break x6
Bravery Attacks Lunge, Sentence (midair), Circle of Judgement, Relentless Lunge, Aero (ground), Enrage, Dual Rend, Rupture, Vortex of Judgement
HP Attacks EX Charge (ground), EX Charge (midair), Execution, Innocence (ground), Innocence (midair), Hatred
Assist Idle Sky Pirate Notes
Other Information
Treasure Chest
First Contents Chain skill Subsequent Contents
Other Information

Floor 4[]

  A B C D E F G H
1 Lv Ephemeral Summoner   Imaginary Brawler    
2 Magic Critical Rate Up Chain Skill  
3 Physical Critical Rate Up Imitation Despot Lv    
4 DFF Start Magic Critical Rate Up Stigma of Chaos     AC
5 Physical Critical Rate Up Party Battle     Imaginary Champion Diamond Ring

The tiles at F1 and F5 will appear once the Ephemeral Summoner at C1 is defeated, and tiles E4 and E6 appear when the Party Battle Piece at C5 is defeated. The player has two options to chain enemies here - a Jump Chain at B3 will chain four enemies with the Physical Critical Rate Up emblem, or a Multichain at B4 will chain four with a Magic Critical Rate Up emblem.

Treasure Chest
First Contents Lv. 60 armor component Subsequent Contents
Other Information
Blue Emblem
Effects Physical Critical Rate Up
Blue Emblem
Effects Magic Critical Rate Up
Blue Emblem
Effects Physical Critical Rate Up
Battle Piece
Manikin-Yuna Name Ephemeral Summoner Arena Dream's End Ω
Level 40 HP Varies (4,784-5,319) Attack Varies (75-77) Defense Varies (66-70)
Luck 30 Bravery Varies (420-539) Summon
Weapon Varies (Faerie Rod, Musk Stick, Power Staff, Battle Bamboo, Golden Staff) Hand Varies (Hyper Ring, Chocobracelet)
Head Bandana Armor Varies (Wizard's Robes, Bard's Tunic, Kenpo Hi, Sage's Surplice)
Accessories Hyper Ring, BRV ≥ Base Value x9
Bravery Attacks Meteor Strike, Aerospark, Energy Blast, Heavenly Strike, Sonic Wing, Impulse
HP Attacks Energy Ray, Thor's Hammer
Assist None Notes
Blue Emblem
Effects Magic Critical Rate Up
Expert Battle Piece
Manikin-Emperor Name Imitation Despot Arena Pandaemonium - Top Floor
Level 80 HP Varies (7,784-8,280) Attack 138 Defense Varies (140-141)
Luck 50 Bravery Varies (878-908) Summon
Weapon Varies (Staff of the Magi, Ivory Pole, Gokuu Pole) Hand Imperial Guard
Head Tiger Mask Armor Varies (Black Garb, Sage's Robe)
Accessories Hyper Ring, Far from Opponent x6
Bravery Attacks Landmine, Thunder Crest, Bombard, Mine, Light Crest (midair), Dynamite (midair)
HP Attacks Flare (ground), Flare (midair), Dreary Cell (midair)
Assist Notes
Party Battle Piece
Manikin-CoD Name Counterfeit Wraith Arena World of Darkness Ω
Level 80 HP Varies (8,032-8,280) Attack 142 Defense Varies (139-140)
Luck 50 Bravery 881 Summon Atomos
Weapon Cloud Staff Hand Imperial Guard
Head Tiger Mask Armor Varies (Black Garb, Sage's Robe)
Accessories Hyper Ring, HP = 100%, BRV ≥ Base Value x5
Bravery Attacks Tentacle of Pain, Tentacle of Scorn, Tentacle of Suffering, Tentacle of Spite
HP Attacks [Feint] Particle Beam, [Anti-air] Particle Beam, [Fusillade] Particle Beam, [0-Form] Particle Beam, [Wrath] Particle Beam
Assist Counterfeit Youth Notes
Party Battle Piece
Manikin-Golbez Name Delusory Warlock Arena Lunar Subterrane Ω
Level 81 HP Varies (8,007-8,542) Attack Varies (145-147) Defense 143
Luck 50 Bravery Varies (776-837) Summon Giant of Babil
Weapon Varies (Defender, Royal Swordsman's Blade, Radiant Lance) Hand Varies (Lustrous Shield, Royal Knight Army Shield, Januwiyah)
Head Close Helmet Armor Varies (Mirage Vest, Heike's Armor)
Accessories Hyper Ring, Near Loss x9
Bravery Attacks Rising Wave, Attack System (ground), Gravity Force, Gravity System, Float System
HP Attacks Nightglow, Genesis Rock, Sector Ray (midair), Cosmic Ray A, Cosmic Ray C, Cosmic Ray D
Assist Delusory Knight Notes
Treasure Chest
First Contents Lv. 60 armor component Subsequent Contents
Other Information
Battle Piece
Manikin-Tifa Name Imaginary Brawler Arena Planet's Core Ω
Level 40 HP Varies (4,019-4,748) Attack Varies (73-77) Defense Varies (68-72)
Luck 30 Bravery Varies (437-603) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Musk Stick, Sonic Knuckles, Faerie Rod, Golden Staff, Power Staff) Hand Varies (Chocobracelet, Sakura, Battle Glove)
Head Varies (Beret, Gold Hairpin) Armor Varies (Enyo's Breastplate, Linen Cuirass, Kenpo Gi)
Accessories After 15 Seconds x2, After 30 Seconds x3, After 45 Seconds x2, After 60 Seconds, After 90 Seconds
Bravery Attacks Beat Rush, Blizzara, Moonsault Kick, Dolphin Blow, Falcon Dive
HP Attacks
Assist None Notes
Treasure Chest
First Contents Chain Skill Subsequent Contents
Other Information
Expert Battle Piece
Manikin-Sephiroth Name Imaginary Champion Arena Planet's Core Ω
Level 82 HP 8,668 Attack 147 Defense 142
Luck 51 Bravery 878 Summon Bahamut
Weapon Heike's Blade Hand Lustrous Shield
Head Close Helmet Armor Valkyrie Plate
Accessories Arcane Resin, Pearl Necklace, Dragonfly Orb, Attractorb, Break x6
Bravery Attacks Reaper, Fervent Blow, Sudden Cruelty, Oblivion, Godspeed
HP Attacks Octaslash (ground), Hell's Gate, Scintilla (midair)
Assist Imaginary Soldier Notes
Treasure Chest
First Contents Diamond Ring Subsequent Contents
Other Information

Floor 5[]

  A B C D E F G H
1 Delusory Knight Potion Capricious Reaper/Flavor of Life Equipment piece  
3 Party Battle Booster Accessory x5 Accessories Protected DFF Start Accessories Protected Party Battle Moogle Summonstone Stigma of Chaos
4   AC  
5 Stage BRV Boost Diamond Ring D012 Phoenix Down Imaginary Soldier

The tiles at A2, A4, E2 and E4 appear when the Party Battle Piece at A3 is defeated. A Multichain at C3 will chain all enemies present with the blue emblem to protect breakable accessories. This floor contains the most enemies of the dungeon, so if the player has a KP Gambler, this is the optimum time to use it.

Battle Piece
Manikin-Cecil Name Delusory Knight Arena Lunar Subterrane Ω
Level 40 HP Varies (4,870) Attack Varies (73-77) Defense Varies (68-73)
Luck 31 Bravery Varies (393-475) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Uchigatana, Icebrand, Zweihander, Claymore, Dwarven Axe, Ice Lance) Hand Varies (Shell Shield, Mythril Shield, Ice Armor, Gauntlets, Hard Shield)
Head Golden Helm Armor Varies (Linen Cuirass, Heavy Armor)
Accessories Zephyr Cloak, Heart's Ease, Near Loss x8
Bravery Attacks Valiant Blow, Shadow Lance, Dark Cannon, Nightfall, Radiant Wings
HP Attacks Soul Eater, Dark Flame, Saint's Fall, Paladin Force
Assist None Notes
Party Battle Piece
Manikin-Exdeath Name Fallacious Tree Arena The Rift Ω
Level 81 HP Varies (8,275-8,542) Attack Varies (143-146) Defense Varies (148-150)
Luck 50 Bravery Varies (793-889) Summon
Weapon Varies (Cloud Staff, Enhancer, Falchion, Defender, Royal Swordsman's Blade) Hand Varies (Riot Shield, Heike's Shield, Thief Gloves)
Head Varies (Heike's Helm, Platinum Helm) Armor Varies (Heike's Armor, Mirage Vest)
Accessories White Cape, Near Death x8
Bravery Attacks Turn Guard (ground), Reverse Polarity (ground), Reverse Polarity (midair), Hurricane (midair), Omni Block (midair)
HP Attacks Delta Attack (ground), Almagest (midair), Maelstrom (midair)
Assist Fallacious Wanderer Notes
Party Battle Piece
Manikin-Kefka Name Phantasmal Harlequin Arena Kefka's Tower Ω
Level 81 HP 8,092 Attack 145 Defense 140
Luck 50 Bravery 887 Summon Tiamat
Weapon Cloud Staff Hand Imperial Guard
Head Tiger Mask Armor Sage's Robe
Accessories Protect Stud, Near Death x8
Bravery Attacks Scatter Spray Blizzaga (ground), Ultima (ground), Lickity-Split Thundaga (ground), Extra-Crispy Firaga (midair), Meteor (midair)
HP Attacks Hyperdrive, Havoc Wing (midair)
Assist Phantasmal Girl Notes
Party Battle Piece
Manikin-Sephiroth Name Imaginary Champion Arena Planet's Core Ω
Level 82 HP Varies (8,086-8,603) Attack Varies (147-148) Defense Varies (142-143)
Luck 51 Bravery Varies (782-846) Summon Bahamut
Weapon Varies (Defender, Royal Swordsman's Blade, Heike's Blade) Hand Lustrous Shield
Head Close Helmet Armor Varies (Valkyrie Plate, Mirage Vest, Heike's Armor)
Accessories Arcane Resin, Pearl Necklace, Dragonfly Orb, Attractorb, Break x6
Bravery Attacks Reaper, Fervent Blow, Transience, Sudden Cruelty, Oblivion, Godspeed
HP Attacks Octaslash (ground), Hell's Gate, Scintilla (midair) , Heaven's Light
Assist Imaginary Soldier Notes
Purple Emblem
Effects Stage BRV Boost
Other Information
Blue Emblem
Effects Booster Accessory x5
Treasure Chest
First Contents Diamond Ring Subsequent Contents
Other Information
Blue Emblem
Effects Accessories Protected
Battle Piece
Manikin-Kuja Name Capricious Reaper Arena Crystal World Ω
Level 82 HP 8,315 Attack 144 Defense Varies (141-142)
Luck 51 Bravery Varies (896-928) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Valiant Knife. Cloud Staff) Hand Imperial Guard
Head Tiger Mask Armor Valkyrie Plate
Accessories Hyper Ring, Near Loss x9
Bravery Attacks Snatch Blow (ground), Burst Energy (ground), Ring Holy (ground), Remote Flare (midair), Strike Energy (midair), Snatch Shot (midair)
HP Attacks Ultima (midair), Seraphic Star (midair)
Assist Capricious Reaper Notes Drops random Flavor of Life equipment piece
Phoenix Down
Other Information
Blue Emblem
Effects Accessories Protected
Battle Piece
Manikin-Cloud Name Imaginary Soldier Arena Planet's Core Ω
Level 43 HP Varies (4,614-5,149) Attack Varies (82-84) Defense Varies (76-81)
Luck 31 Bravery Varies (489-586) Summon None
Weapon Estoc Hand Varies (Gold Bangle, Darksteel Shield, Golden Shield)
Head Varies (Red Cap, Crystal Helm) Armor Varies (Breastplate, Golden Vest)
Accessories Arcane Resin, Muscle Belt, Earring, EX Mode x7
Bravery Attacks Climhazzard, Fire, Slashing Blow, Aerial Fang, Rising Fang
HP Attacks Cross-Slash, Meteorain (ground), Omnislash Version 5
Assist None Notes
Party Battle Piece
Manikin-Lightning Name Fleeting Flash Arena Orphan's Cradle Ω
Level 39 HP Varies (4,336-4,640) Attack Varies (77-79) Defense Varies (69-75)
Luck 29 Bravery Varies (417-502) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Man-Eater, Estoc, Sirius) Hand Varies (Hyper Wrist, Faerie Shield, Ice Shield, Chocobracelet)
Head Varies (Winged Helm, Heavy Helm, Winged Helm, Green Beret, Twisted Headband) Armor Varies (Breastplate, Golden Vest)
Accessories Hyper Ring, HP = 100%
Bravery Attacks Launch, Blitz, Smite, Blaze Rush, Ruin, Thunder
HP Attacks Thunderfall, Flourish of Steel
Assist None Notes
Party Battle Piece
Manikin-Yuna Name Ephemeral Summoner Arena Dream's End Ω
Level 40 HP Varies (4,784-5,052) Attack Varies (75) Defense Varies (66-68)
Luck 30 Bravery Varies (509-539) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Battle Bamboo, Golden Staff, Musk Stick, Power Staff) Hand Varies (Hyper Wrist, Chocobracelet)
Head Bandana Armor Varies (Sage's Surplie, Bard's Tunic, Kenpo Gi, Wizard's Robes)
Accessories Hyper Ring, BRV ≥ Base Value x9
Bravery Attacks Energy Blast, Meteor Strike, Aerospark, Heavely Strike, Impulse, Sonic Wing
HP Attacks Hellfire, Diamond Dust
Assist None Notes
Party Battle Piece
Manikin-Laguna Name Transient Lion Arena Ultimecia's Castle Ω
Level 43 HP Varies (4,614-5,113) Attack Varies (79-81) Defense Varies (72-77)
Luck 31 Bravery Varies (473-557) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Sun Blade, Rapier) Hand Varies (Ice Shield, Chocobracelet, Divine Shield, Faerie Shield, Hyper Wrist, Ice Shield)
Head Varies (Sallet) Armor Varies (Breastplate, Golden Vest)
Accessories Force to Courage, Pearl Necklace, Attractorb, Near Loss x7
Bravery Attacks Solid Barrel, Thunder Barret, Fusillade, Beat Fang, Heel Crush, Mystic Flurry
HP Attacks Aerial Circle
Assist None Notes
Other Information The player views a different cutscene depending on if the party leader is a Warrior of Cosmos or a Warrior of Chaos. A unique cutscene players with Terra as the party leader.

Floor 6[]

  A B C D E F G H
1 Lv
2 Transient Witch
3 KP +1
4 Delusory Knight Initial BRV 0 DFF Start Initial BRV Boost Capricious Reaper   Stigma of Chaos
5 Stage BRV Boost
6 Imaitation Liegeman
7 AC

The tile at F4 appears when the Capricious Reaper at E4 is defeated. A Straight Chain at D4 will chain the enemies here.

Battle Piece
Manikin-Cecil Name Delusory Knight Arena Lunar Subterrane Ω
Level 42 HP Varies (4,639-4,870) Attack Varies (73-77) Defense Varies (65-73)
Luck 31 Bravery Varies (372-470) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Uchigatana, Icebrand, Zweihander, Nodachi, Dwarven Axe, Ice Lance) Hand Varies (Shell Shield, Gauntlets, Mythril Shield, Hard Shield)
Head Golden Helm Armor Varies (Linen Cuirass, Shell Armor, Heavy Armor, Ice Armor)
Accessories Zephyr Cloak, Heart's Ease, Near Loss x8
Bravery Attacks Valiant Blow, Shadow Lance, Dark Cannon, Nightfall, Radiant Wings
HP Attacks Soul Eater, Dark Flame, Saint's Fall, Paladin Force
Assist None Notes
Purple Emblem
Effects Initial BRV 0
Treasure Chest
First Contents Lv. 60 armor component Subsequent Contents
Other Information
Expert Battle Piece
Manikin-Ultimecia Name Transient Witch Arena Ultimecia's Castle Ω
Level 82 HP 8,401 Attack 146 Defense Varies (139-140)
Luck 51 Bravery Varies (861-893) Summon Kraken
Weapon Varies (Valiant Knife, Cloud Staff) Hand Imperial Guard
Head Tiger Mask Armor Black Garb
Accessories Iifa Dew, Force to Courage, Attractorb, Pearl Necklace, Near Loss 6x
Bravery Attacks Knight's Blade (ground), Knight's Axe (midair), Knight's Arrow (midair), Knight's Spear (midair)
HP Attacks Apocalypse (midair), Shockwave Pulsay (midair)
Assist Transient Lion Notes
Purple Emblem
Effects KP +1
Purple Emblem
Effects Initial BRV Boost
Purple Emblem
Effects Stage BRV Boost
Battle Piece
Manikin-Firion Name Imitation Liegeman Arena Pandaemonium Ω
Level 42 HP Varies (4,311-5,113) Attack Varies (77-83) Defense Varies (70-77)
Luck 30 Bravery Varies (426-545) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Faerie Rod, Battle Bamboo, Golden Staff, Sun Blade, Rapier, Deathsckle, Scorpion, Sonic Knuckles) Hand Varies (Faerie Shield, Chocobracelet, Ice Shield)
Head Varies (Sallet, Bandana) Armor Varies (Bard's Tunic, Kenpo Gi, Linen Cuirass, Enyo's Breastplate)
Accessories Hyper Ring, HP = 100% x8
Bravery Attacks Rope Knife, Lance Combo, Swordslash (midair), Magic Arts: Bolt, Magic Arts: Flame
HP Attacks Lord of Arms, Straightarrow (midair), Weaponsmaster
Assist None Notes
Hard Battle Piece
Manikin-Kuja Name Capricious Reaper Arena Crystal World Ω
Level 52 HP Varies (5,194-5,947) Attack 95 Defense Varies (88-90)
Luck 36 Bravery Varies (665-748) Summon
Weapon Varies (Zephyr Pole, Air Knife, Rune Staff) Hand Precious Watch
Head Varies (Lamia's Tiara, Dark Hat, Headguard) Armor Black Belt's Gi
Accessories Hyper Ring, Near Loss x7
Bravery Attacks Snatch Blow (ground), Burst Energy (midair), Snatch Shot (midair), Remote Flare (midair)
HP Attacks Flare Star (ground), Ultima (midair), Seraphic Star (midair), Force Symphony
Assist None Notes

Floor 7[]

  A B C D E F G H
1   Ephemeral Summoner
2 Imaginary Soldier  
3 DFF Start   Initial BRV 0
4 KP Silver Cup     Stage BRV Boost Party Battle   Stigma of Chaos
5 AC   KP +1
6 Fallacious Tree Initial BRV Boost   Ephemeral Phantom
7 Transient Lion  

Use a Cross Chain at D4 to chain all enemies at once and use the Silver Cup afterwards to double the KP earned in the gateway. The tiles at D6 and F4 appear when the Party Battle Piece at E4 is defeated, the tile at B4 appears when the Fallacious Tree at B6 is defeated.

KP Silver Cup
Other Information Doubles current KP
Battle Piece
Manikin-Squall Name Transient Lion Arena Ultimecia's Castle Ω
Level 43 HP Varies (4,614-4,882) Attack Varies (75-81) Defense Varies (72-79)
Luck 31 Bravery Varies (473-557) Summon
Weapon Varies (Piercing Dagger, Gold Sword, Rapier, Sun Blade) Hand Varies (Ice Shield, Divine Shield, Faerie Shield, Hyper Wrist, Chocobracelet)
Head Sallet Armor Varies (Golden Vest, Beastplate)
Accessories Force to Courage, Pearl Necklace, Attractorb, Near Loss x7
Bravery Attacks
HP Attacks
Assist None Notes
Battle Piece
Manikin-Cloud Name Imaginary Soldier Arena Planet's Core Ω
Level 43 HP Varies (4,514-4,882) Attack Varies (82-84) Defense Varies (76-83)
Luck 31 Bravery Varies (489-615) Summon None
Weapon Estoc Hand Varies (Gold Bangle, Darksteel Shield, Golden Shield)
Head Varies (Red Cap, Crystal Helm) Armor Varies (Breastplate, Golden Vest)
Accessories Arcane Resin, Muscle Belt, Earring, EX Mode x7
Bravery Attacks Climhazzard, Sonic Break, Fire, Slashing Blow, Rising Fang, Aerial Fang
HP Attacks Braver
Assist None Notes
Strange Battle Piece
Manikin-Exdeath Name Fallacious Tree Arena The Rift Ω
Level 100 HP 1 Attack 110 Defense 106
Luck 60 Bravery 1,090 Summon Bahamut
Weapon None Hand Cracked Shield
Head Grand Helm Armor Rusted Armor
Accessories Arcane Resin, The Rotten, Hyper Ring, Near Opponent x5
Bravery Attacks Omni Guard (ground)
HP Attacks Grand Cross (midair)
Assist None Notes
Purple Emblem
Effects Initial BRV Boost
Purple Emblem
Effects Stage BRV Boost
Purple Emblem
Effects Initial BRV 0
Party Battle Piece
Manikin-Vaan Name Idle Sky Pirate Arena Sky Fortress Bahamut Ω
Level 39 HP Varies (4,190-4,761) Attack Varies (73-81) Defense Varies (67-74)
Luck 31 Bravery Varies (415-534) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Sun Blade, Piercing Dagger, Scorpion, Death Sickle, Sonic Knuckle, Rapier, Gold Sword, Obelisk) Hand Varies (Ice Shield, Faerie Shield, Hyper Wrist, Chocobracelet)
Head Varies (Bandana, Sallet) Armor Varies (Kenpo Gi, Enyo's Breastplate, Bard's Tunic, Linen Cuirass)
Accessories Arcane Resin, Muscle Belt, Earring, EX Mode x7
Bravery Attacks
HP Attacks Cataclysm, Torrent, Inferno, Windburst
Assist None Notes
Party Battle Piece
Manikin-Kain Name Delusory Dragoon Arena Lunar Subterrane Ω
Level 39 HP Varies (4,190-4,689) Attack Varies (76-82) Defense Varies (71-73)
Luck 29 Bravery Varies (424-450) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Scorpion, Gold Sword, Sun Blade) Hand Varies (Faerie Shield, Divine Shield, Ice Shield)
Head Sallet Armor Varies (Shell Armor, Ice Armor, Heavy Armor, Linen Cuirass)
Accessories Hyper Ring, Near Loss x7
Bravery Attacks Spiral Blow, Lance Burst, Cyclone (ground), Lance Barrage, Crashing Dive, Celestial Shooter
HP Attacks Jump, Dragon's Fang (midair), Sky Rave
Assist None Notes
Purple Emblem
Effects KP +1
Expert Battle Piece
Manikin-Jecht Name Ephemeral Phantom Arena Dream's End Ω
Level 82 HP Varies (8,068-8,336) Attack 149 Defense Varies (146-147)
Luck 51 Bravery Varies (799-896) Summon Malboro
Weapon Varies (Royal Swordsman's Blade, Defender) Hand Heike's Shield
Head Varies (Heike's Helm, Tiger Mask, Platinum Helm) Armor Varies (Valkyrie Plate, Mirage Vest)
Accessories Hyper Ring, Near Loss x9
Bravery Attacks Jecht Rush, Jecht Block (ground), Jecht Stream, Jecht Block (midair)
HP Attacks Triumphant Grasp, Jecht Beam (midair)
Assist Ephemeral Vision Notes
Battle Piece
Manikin-Yuna Name Ephemeral Summoner Arena Dream's End Ω
Level 40 HP Varies (4,553-5,319) Attack Varies (75-77) Defense Varies (66-70)
Luck 30 Bravery Varies (420-539) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Musk Stick, Battle Bamboo, Faerie Rod) Hand Varies (Hyper Wrist, Chocobracelet)
Head Bandana Armor Varies (Wizard's Robes, Kenpo Gi, Bard's Tunic, Sage's Surplice)
Accessories Hyper Ring, BRV ≥ Base Value x9
Bravery Attacks Meteor Strike, Aerospark, Sonic Wings, Heavenly Strike, Impulse
HP Attacks Hellfire, Energy Ray, Mega Flare
Assist None Notes

Floor 8[]

  A B C D E F G H
1 Lv Imaginary Soldier
2   Initial BRV 0   Counterfeit Wraith D012 Phoenix Down
3 DFF Start Initial BRV 0 Initial BRV Boost
4 Phantasmal Girl   Party Battle AC
5 Lv Initial BRV Boost Delusory Warlock Lv
6 Stigma of Chaos    

Use a Jump Chain at C3 or a Multichain at C2 to chain four of the five enemies present, triggering either of the two Initial BRV 0 emblems. The tile at C6 appears when the Party Battle Piece at C4 appears.

Battle Piece
Manikin-Terra Name Phantasmal Girl Arena Phantom Train
Level 42 HP Varies (4,334-4,833) Attack Varies (73-75) Defense Varies (66-68)
Luck 31 Bravery Varies (453-508) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Rod of Wisdom, Gaia Bell, Mage Masher, Triton's Dagger, Ice Rod) Hand Mythril Bangle
Head Varies (Beret, Gold Hairpin) Armor Varies (Wizard's Robes, Bard's Tunic, Kenpo Gi)
Accessories Hyper Ring, After 15 Seconds x2, After 30 Seconds x3, After 45 Seconds x2, After 60 Seconds, After 90 Seconds
Bravery Attacks Blizzard Combo (ground), Meteor, Blizzara (midair), Thundara, Holy Combo
HP Attacks
Assist None Notes
Treasure Chest
First Contents Lv. 60 armor component Subsequent Contents
Other Information
Treasure Chest
First Contents Lv. 60 armor component Subsequent Contents
Other Information
Battle Piece
Manikin-Cloud Name Imaginary Soldier Arena Planet's Core Ω
Level 43 HP Varies (4,614-5,149) Attack Varies (82-84) Defense Varies (76-81)
Luck 31 Bravery Varies (489-615) Summon None
Weapon Estoc Hand Varies (Gold Bangle, Darksteel Shield, Golden Shield)
Head Varies (Red Cap, Crystal Helm) Armor Varies (Breastplate, Golden Vest)
Accessories Arcane Resin, Muscle Belt, Earring, EX Mode x7
Bravery Attacks Sonic Break, Climhazzard, Slashing Blow, Aerial Fang
HP Attacks Cross-Slash, Braver, Omnislash Version 5
Assist None Notes
Purple Emblem
Effects Initial BRV 0
Purple Emblem
Effects Initial BRV 0
Party Battle Piece
Manikin-Lightning Name Fleeting Flash Arena Orphan's Cradle Ω
Level 39 HP Varies (4,068-4,871) Attack Varies (77-81) Defense Varies (65-73)
Luck 29 Bravery Varies (417-594) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Man-Eater, Sirus, Estoc) Hand Varies (Ice Shield, Battle Gloves, Faerie Shield, Crocobracelet, Sakura)
Head Varies (Heavy Helm, Headgear, Winged Helm, Twisted Headband, Green Beret) Armor Varies (Breastplate, Golden Vest)
Accessories Hyper Ring, HP = 100% x8
Bravery Attacks Launch, Blitz, Smite, Blaze Rush, Ruin, Aero, Thunder, Watera, Blizzara, Cure (ground)
HP Attacks Razor Gale, Crushing Blow
Assist None Notes
Party Battle Piece
Manikin-Vaan Name Idle Sky Pirate Arena Sky Fortress Bahamut Ω
Level 39 HP Varies (4,190-4,761) Attack Varies (73-81) Defense Varies (67-74)
Luck 31 Bravery Varies (415-534) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Sun Blade, Scorpion, Death Sickle, Sonic Knuckle, Rapier, Gold Sword, Power Staff, Obelisk, Battle Bamboo, Musk Stick) Hand Varies (Ice Shield, Faerie Shield, Hyper Wrist, Chocobracelet)
Head Varies (Bandana, Sallet) Armor Varies (Kenpo Gi, Enyo's Breastplate, Bard's Tunic, Linen Cuirass)
Accessories Arcane Resin, Muscle Belt, Earring, EX Mode x7
Bravery Attacks Greatsword (ground)
HP Attacks Cataclysm, Torrent, Inferno, Windburst
Assist None Notes
Party Battle Piece
Manikin-Kain Name Delusory Dragoon Arena Lunar Subterrane Ω
Level 39 HP Varies (4,190-4,689) Attack Varies (76-82) Defense Varies (71-73)
Luck 29 Bravery Varies (424-450) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Scorpion, Gold Sword, Sun Blade) Hand Varies (Faerie Shield, Divine Shield, Ice Shield)
Head Sallet Armor Varies (Shell Armor, Ice Armor, Heavy Armor, Linen Cuirass)
Accessories Hyper Ring, Near Loss x7
Bravery Attacks Spiral Blow, Lance Burst, Cyclone (ground), Lance Barrage, Crashing Dive, Celestial Shooter
HP Attacks Jump, Dragon's Fang (midair), Sky Rave
Assist None Notes
Purple Emblem
Effects Initial BRV Boost
Purple Emblem
Effects Initial BRV Boost
Expert Battle Piece
Manikin-Golbez Name Delusory Warlock Arena Lunar Subterrane Ω
Level 81 HP Varies (8,007-8,542) Attack Varies (145-147) Defense 143
Luck 50 Bravery Varies (776-837) Summon Giant of Babil
Weapon Varies (Defender, Royal Swordsman's Blade, Radiant Lance) Hand Varies (Lustrous Shield, Royal Knight Army Shield, Januwiyah)
Head Close Helmet Armor Varies (Mirage Vest, Heike's Armor)
Accessories Hyper Ring, Near Loss x9
Bravery Attacks Rising Wave, Glare Hand, Attack System (ground), Gravity Force, Gravity System, Float System
HP Attacks Nightglow, Genesis Rock, Sector Ray (midair), Cosmic Ray A, Cosmic Ray C, Cosmic Ray D
Assist Delusory Knight Notes
Expert Battle Piece
Manikin-CoD Name Counterfeit Wraith Arena World of Darkness Ω
Level 80 HP Varies (8,032-8,280) Attack 142 Defense Varies (139-140)
Luck 50 Bravery 881 Summon Atomos
Weapon Cloud Staff Hand Imperial Guard
Head Tiger Mask Armor Varies (Black Garb, Sage's Robe)
Accessories Hyper Ring, HP = 100%, BRV ≥ Base Value x5
Bravery Attacks Tentacle of Pain, Tentacle of Scorn, Tentacle of Suffering, Tentacle of Spite
HP Attacks [Feint] Particle Beam, [Anti-air] Particle Beam, [Fusillade] Particle Beam, [0-Form] Particle Beam, [Wrath] Particle Beam
Assist Counterfeit Youth Notes
Treasure Chest
First Contents Lv. 60 armor component Subsequent Contents
Other Information
Phoenix Down
Other Information

Floor 9[]

  A B C D E F G H I
1 Chain Skill Party Battle Chain Skill
2 DFF Start Initial BRV 0 Delusory Dragoon  
3   Initial BRV Boost Stage BRV Boost Initial BRV Boost
Capricious Thief
  Stage BRV Boost
4     KP +1 KP +1 False Stalwart   Stigma of Chaos
5 Delusory Warlock   Iifa Leaf AC
6 Force of the Resolute Equipment piece

The tiles at G2 and H4 appear when the Expert Battle Piece at G4 is defeated. If the player defeats the Battle Piece at E3, they can fight their Assist at G5 to clear the square, allowing them to use a Straight Chain there to chain two of the remaining enemies and the Party Battle Piece, for 25 KP. The Battle Piece at C2 will not be needed for this chain, so if the player lacks a Straight Chain they can defeat it and hope to find a Straight Chain in the chest at C1.

Purple Emblem
Effects Initial BRV 0
Treasure Chest
First Contents Chain skill Subsequent Contents
Other Information
Battle Piece
Manikin-Kain Name Delusory Dragoon Arena Lunar Subterrane Ω
Level 39 HP Varies (4,190-4,689) Attack Varies (74-82) Defense Varies (71-75)
Luck 29 Bravery Varies (424-450) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Obelisk, Piercing Dagger, Scorpion, Rapier, Sun Blade, Gold Sword) Hand Varies (Faerie Shield, Ice Shield, Divine Shield, Battle Gloves)
Head Sallet Armor Varies (Shell Armor, Linen Cuirass, Ice Armor, Heavy Armor)
Accessories Hyper Ring, Near Loss x7
Bravery Attacks Spiral Blow, Cyclone (ground), Lance Burst, Lance Barrage, Crashing Dive, Celestial Shooter
HP Attacks Jump, Dragon's Fang (midair), Sky Rave, Rising Drive
Assist None Notes
Purple Emblem
Effects Initial BRV Boost
Purple Emblem
Effects KP +1
Expert Battle Piece
Manikin-Golbez Name Delusory Warlock Arena Lunar Subterrane Ω
Level 81 HP Varies (8,007-8,542) Attack Varies (145-147) Defense 143
Luck 50 Bravery Varies (776-837) Summon Giant of Babil
Weapon Varies (Defender, Royal Swordsman's Blade, Radiant Lance) Hand Varies (Lustrous Shield, Royal Knight Army Shield, Januwiyah)
Head Close Helmet Armor Varies (Mirage Vest, Heike's Armor)
Accessories Hyper Ring, Near Loss x9
Bravery Attacks Rising Wave, Attack System (ground), Gravity Force, Gravity System, Float System
HP Attacks Nightglow, Genesis Rock, Sector Ray (midair), Cosmic Ray A, Cosmic Ray C, Cosmic Ray D
Assist Delusory Knight Notes
Treasure Chest
First Contents Random Force of the Resolute equipment piece Subsequent Contents
Other Information
Purple Emblem
Effects Stage BRV Boost
Battle Piece
Manikin-Zidane Name Capricious Thief Arena M.S. Prima Vista
Level 43 HP Varies (4,273-5,149) Attack Varies (80-88) Defense Varies (74-78)
Luck 31 Bravery Varies (527-652) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Estoc, Moonring Blade, Man-Eater) Hand Varies (Gold Bangle, Shinobi-Gatana, Gold Armlet)
Head Varies (Crystal Hairpin, Red Cap) Armor Varies (Breastplate, Golden Vest)
Accessories Pearl Necklace, Dragonfly Orb, Attractorb, Break x6
Bravery Attacks Rumble Rush, Booster 8, Scoop Art (ground), Vortex, Tempest, Storm Impulse
HP Attacks Stellar Circle 5, Free Energy, Meo Twister A, Meo Twister B
Assist None Notes Standing on an Initial BRV Boost emblem
Purple Emblem
Effects KP +1
Treasure Chest
First Contents Iifa Leaf Subsequent Contents
Other Information
Party Battle Piece
Manikin-Bartz Name Fallacious Wanderer Arena The Rift Ω
Level 42 HP Varies (3,966-5,137) Attack Varies (72-78) Defense Varies (72-81)
Luck 31 Bravery Varies (454-589) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Nodachi, Dwarven Axe, Diamond Bell, Triton's Dagger, Zweihander, Claymore, Capella, Full Metal Staff, Darksteel Claws) Hand Varies (Gold Bangle, Gold Armlet, Golden Shield, Shinobi-Gatana, Darksteel Shield)
Head Varies (Golden Helm, Gold Hairpin, Beret) Armor Varies (Enyo's Breastplate, Heavy Armor, Wizard's Robes, Shell Armor, Bard's Tunic, Linen Cuirass)
Accessories Hyper Ring, Near Opponent x6
Bravery Attacks Holy, Rush Impact, Slide Shooter
HP Attacks Hellfire, Luminous Shard, Ragnarok Blade
Assist None Notes
Party Battle Piece
Manikin-Terra Name Phantasmal Girl Arena Phantom Train
Level 42 HP Varies (4,334-4,833) Attack Varies (73-75) Defense Varies (66-68)
Luck 31 Bravery Varies (453-508) Summon None
Weapon Varies (Rod of Wisdom, Gaia Bell, Diamond Bell, Mage Masher, Triton's Dagger, Ice Rod, Full Metal Staff) Hand Mythril Bangle
Head Varies (Beret, Gold Hairpin) Armor Varies (Wizard's Robes, Bard's Tunic, Kenpo Gi)
Accessories Hyper Ring, After 15 Seconds x2, After 30 Seconds x3, After 45 Seconds x2, After 60 Seconds, After 90 Seconds
Bravery Attacks Blizzard Combo (ground), Meteor, Blizzara (midair), Thundara, Holy Combo
HP Attacks
Assist None Notes
Party Battle Piece
Manikin-Jecht Name Ephemeral Phantom Arena Dream's End Ω
Level 82 HP Varies (8,068-8,336) Attack 149 Defense Varies (146-147)
Luck 51 Bravery Varies (799-896) Summon Malboro
Weapon Varies (Royal Swordsman's Blade, Defender) Hand Heike's Shield
Head Varies (Heike's Helm, Tiger Mask, Platinum Helm) Armor Varies (Valkyrie Plate, Mirage Vest)
Accessories Hyper Ring, Near Loss x9
Bravery Attacks Jecht Rush, Jecht Block (ground), Jecht Stream, Jecht Block (midair)
HP Attacks Triumphant Grasp, Jecht Beam (midair)
Assist Ephemeral Vision Notes
Purple Emblem
Effects Stage BRV Boost
Expert Battle Piece
Manikin-Garland Name False Stalwart Arena [[|Chaos Shrine Ω]]
Level 80 HP Varies (7,947-8,482) Attack Varies (145-146) Defense Varies (146-147)
Luck 50 Bravery Varies (787-851) Summon Behemoth
Weapon Varies (Radiant Lance, Royal Swordsman's Blade, Defender) Hand Varies (Riot Shield, Thief Gloves, Heike's Shield, Riot Shield)
Head Varies (Platinum Helm, Heike's Helm) Armor Varies (Mirage Vest, Heike's Armor)
Accessories Hyper Ring, No BRV Damage, HP = 100% x8
Bravery Attacks Round Edge, Lance Charge, Highbringer, Bardiche, Twin Swords, Twist Drill
HP Attacks Earthquake, Flare
Assist False Hero Notes
Treasure Chest
First Contents Chain skill Subsequent Contents
Other Information

Floor 10[]

  A B C D E F G H
1 Lv Fallacious Tree/Lv Lv
3 AC DFF Start     Mured Moogle

The player can move to the Moogle icon to end the dungeon immediately, or open the red chest to claim a few final treasures.

Treasure Chest
First Contents Lv. 60 armor component Subsequent Contents
Other Information
Battle Piece
Manikin-Exdeath Name Fallacious Tree Arena The Rift Ω
Level 90 HP 8,427 Attack 157 Defense 163
Luck 50 Bravery 1,035 Summon
Weapon Staff of Light Hand Hades Gloves
Head Hypnocrown Armor Luminous Robes
Accessories Hyper Ring, Booster, Berserker Rings, Sturm und Drang, Aerial, Maintain Assist, Full Assist Gauge, Pre-EX Mode, Pre-EX Revenge, Summon Unused
Bravery Attacks Turn Guard (ground), Reverse Polarity (ground), Reverse Polarity (midair), Hurricane (midair), Omni Block (midair)
HP Attacks Delta Attack (ground), Almagest (midair), Maelstrom (midair)
Assist Fallacious Wanderer Notes
Treasure Chest
First Contents Lv. 60 armor component Subsequent Contents
Other Information
