Final Fantasy Wiki

An imperial soldier. Watch out for the double Grudge attack.

Final Fantasy VI PlayStation Bestiary entry

The Commander is an enemy in Final Fantasy VI.



They are not terribly powerful, but attack in groups and can be a nuisance, since the player is only in command of Celes and Locke. Their special attack, Desperate Strike, sometimes lets them attack twice a turn.


An efficient way to kill them is to have Celes group-cast Blizzard on them, weakening them enough for follow-up normal attacks to defeat them. Alternatively, the player can equip Locke with a Gauntlet or Genji Glove, boosting his damage output enough to defeat them in one hit without the need for Celes's magic.


Number Enemies Encounter flags Introduction flag Musical theme Magic AP
Normal Back Surrounded Side
125 Commander x3 Y Y N Y Sides, individual Battle 2
373 Vector Hound x2, Commander Y Y Y Y Sides, individual Battle 0

AI script[]

Attack Turns:
1st Turn: Attack (100%)

If monster is by itself: Desperate Strike

Attack (66%) or Nothing (33%)


Commander is a common naval and air force officer rank. Commander is also used as a rank or title in other formal organizations, including several police forces.

Related enemies[]
