Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

Cokatolis is an enemy from Final Fantasy VII. They may inflict Slow-numb on a character with Petrify Smog, but because of their low HP, it is unlikely it will ultimately Petrify a character. If they do, and it becomes a problem, one can simply steal a Soft from the enemy to cure it.



# Formation
089 Row 1: Cokatolis, Needle Kiss A
Row 2: Needle Kiss B
502 Row 1: Cokatolis
Row 2: Bloatfloat A, Bloatfloat B
503 Row 1: Cokatolis A
Row 2: Cokatolis B
504 Row 1: Needle Kiss A, Needle Kiss B, Needle Kiss C
Row 2: Cokatolis[note 1]
505 Row 1: Cokatolis A
Row 2: Cokatolis B
506 Cokatolis (Back Attack)
512 Cokatolis
515 Cokatolis A, Cokatolis B, Cokatolis C (Attack from both sides)
  1. Covered by Needle Kiss B


Mt. Corel
Valley 502, 503
Railway 504, 505, 506 (Back Attack)
Bridge 515 (Attack from both sides)
Nest 512 (event)
Corel Area
Dirt 089

AI script[]

AI: Setup {

TempVar:AttackTurns = 8
TempVar:PetrifyUses = 2

} AI: Main {

If (Count == 0) Then
If ((1/4 Chance)
AND (At Least One Opponent doesn't have Slow-numb Status)
AND (At Least One Opponent doesn't have Petrify Status)) Then
Choose Random Opponent without both Slow-numb AND Petrify Status
Use Petrify Smog on Target
TempVar:PetrifyUses = TempVar:PetrifyUses - 1
Count = 1
} Else If (Count == 1) Then {
If ((At Least One Opponent doesn't have Slow-numb Status)
AND (At Least One Opponent doesn't have Petrify Status)) Then
Choose Random Opponent without both Slow-numb AND Petrify Status
1/2 Chance: Use <Beak> on Target
1/2 Chance: Use Bird Kick on Target
TempVar:AttackTurns = TempVar:AttackTurns - 1
If (TempVar:AttackTurns == 0) Then
Count = 2
} Else {
Count = 1
} Else {
If ((TempVar:PetrifyUses > 0) AND (1/3 Chance)) Then
If ((At Least One Opponent doesn't have Slow-numb Status)
AND (At Least One Opponent doesn't have Petrify Status)) Then
Choose Random Opponent without both Slow-numb AND Petrify Status
Use Petrify Smog on Target
TempVar:AttackTurns = 8
TempVar:PetrifyUses = TempVar:PetrifyUses - 1
} Else {
If ((At Least One Opponent doesn't have Slow-numb Status)
AND (At Least One Opponent doesn't have Petrify Status)) Then
Choose Random Opponent without both Slow-numb AND Petrify Status
1/2 Chance: Use <Beak> on Target
1/2 Chance: Use Bird Kick on Target
Count = 1




The Cockatrice is a creature from mythology. It is similar to the basilisk in appearance and ability, but also possesses flight. A cockatrice is born from an egg hatched by a rooster and incubated by a toad, and its gaze causes instant petrification.
