Final Fantasy Wiki

Cindy is an optional boss in Final Fantasy X. She is first summoned by Belgemine at Remiem Temple and fights alongside her sisters, Sandy and Mindy.

If the player acquires the Magus Sisters as aeons, Cindy will be fought as part of the game's final battles as well. In the International, PAL, and HD Remaster versions, Dark Cindy appears as a superboss.


Remiem Temple



Remiem Temple[]

Belgemine's Cindy has a wide variety of abilities, supporting the other two sisters with spells, such as Mighty Guard and Cura. Cindy's special attack is Camisade, where she drops to the ground and is propelled into the air by a massive burst of water before falling directly on the foe (similar to the Dragoon's Jump). The sisters' Overdrive is Delta Attack, executed by Cindy when all three are active and have full gauges. Cindy's Overdrive gauge increases by 5% when using White Wind or Mighty Guard, 10% when using another ability, and 5% when damaged. Cindy can be revived from KO, which will conceal her Overdrive gauge.

If all sisters have less than 50% HP, Cindy has a 1/4 chance of using White Wind. Otherwise, she will use Mighty Guard on her third and seventh turns, and has a 1/4 chance of using an offensive ability and a 3/4 chance of using a defensive ability on other turns. Cindy's defensive actions will have her buff all three sisters with Shell, then Protect, and finally Regen or Cura. Her offensive actions include Camisade, Holy, Drain, Osmose, Dispel, and Demi.


Inside Sin, Cindy will use Drain if under 66% HP, Curaga on Mindy or Sandy if they're below half HP, and Camisade. Her Overdrive gauge increases by 40~60% when targeted by Power Wave from a Yu Pagoda, 5~25% when targeted by an attack, 5~25% when using Drain, and 0~10% when using Camisade. Occasionally, her Overdrive gauge will fill up completely after being targeted by Power Wave or an attack.


Cindy is a feminine given name and the shortened version of the name "Cynthia".

A camisade is a military tactic where a surprise attack is launched against a sleeping enemy force.

Related enemies[]

Final Fantasy X-2[]
