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Louisoix Leveilleur: Eorzea was destroyed by a force of unimaginable power raining down from the sky. It is the dawn of a new age!
The following article covers a subject from a previous version of Acolyte Archives that has since been removed.

Cid's Missions were a quest system which succeeded the previous Quests in Final Fantasy Record Keeper, retired with the May 30, 2018 server update.


Cid's Missions were initially issued as a means for players to get acquainted with basic elements of gameplay, rewarding players with small prizes upon the completion of key tasks, much as the original Quest system had done. Unlike the previous system, however, Cid's Missions did not require acceptance before completing them; simply viewing the mission brief and meeting its objective would reward the player. As the system developed, each of Cid's Missions would only appear in high-difficulty event battles, with some occasional exceptions for re-creating source-game scenarios with specific characters in the party lineup. Most often, the prizes for completing a Mission were high-level crafting materials and Motes.

Launch transition[]

As a side effect of the transition to Missions, any progress on previously queued Quests was discarded, though longtime players found a number of early Missions already completed, with their prizes ready to collect.

List of Cid's Missions[]

Wayfarer's Missions[]

Missions for new players.
Earn rewards to help in the early stages of the game.

Name Reward Added
Use a Common Relic Draw! (1 Free per Day) Blizzara×1 Initial
Complete the Mist Cave in the FFIV realm and recruit Kain! Mythril Saber (VII) ×1 Initial
Raise a hero to level 5! Mythril×1 Initial
Recruit a hero in the Hall of Rites!*(Note: This mission wasn't supposed to be activated prior to March 16, 2016. Players received credit for it under specific conditions when the leak was identified.) Gold Sword (VII)×1 Initial
Complete Fabul Castle in the FFIV realm and recruit Rydia! Ice Rod (IV) ×1 Initial
Create 1 ability! Scarletite×5 Initial
Upgrade a weapon to level 5! Fira×1 Initial
Complete Besaid in the FFX realm and recruit Wakka! Armor Break×1 Initial
Log in on 2 days! Mythril×1 Initial
Log in on 5 days! Mythril×1 Initial
Create Curaga! Mythril×1 August 16, 2017
Create Power Break! Mythril×1 August 16, 2017
Create Magic Break! Mythril×1 August 16, 2017
Create Faith! Mythril×1 August 16, 2017
Create Lifesiphon! Mythril×1 August 16, 2017
Create Banishing Strike! Mythril×1 August 16, 2017
Create Draw Fire! Mythril×1 August 16, 2017
Create Retaliate! Mythril×1 August 16, 2017
Create Wrath! Mythril×1 August 16, 2017
Create Entrust! Mythril×1 August 16, 2017
Create Protectga! Mythril×1 August 24, 2017
Create Shellga! Mythril×1 August 24, 2017
Create Power Breakdown! Mythril×1 August 24, 2017
Create Magic Breakdown! Mythril×1 August 24, 2017

Normal Missions[]

Ordinary missions.
Earn rewards to improve your party.

Name Reward Added
Use a Rare Relic Draw! Mythril×5 Initial
Complete 1 event dungeon! Mythril×1 Initial
Hone 1 ability! Mythril×1 Initial
Upgrade a weapon to level 10! Scarletite×10 Initial
Upgrade a weapon to level 20! Mythril×1 Initial
Combine 1 weapon! Mythril×1 Initial
Upgrade a piece of armor to level 10! Adamantite×10 Initial
Upgrade a piece of armor to level 20! Mythril×1 Initial
Combine 1 piece of armor! Mythril×1 Initial
Raise a hero to level 30! Growth Egg×5 Initial
Raise a hero to level 50! Mythril×1 Initial
Raise a hero to level 65! Mythril×1 Initial
Raise a hero to level 80! Mythril×1 Initial
Raise a hero to level 99! Mythril×1 October 11, 2016
Complete 1 Nightmare dungeon! Mythril×1 March 25, 2016
Complete a Daily Dungeon! Mythril×1 April 13, 2016
Complete 5 Daily Dungeons! Mythril×1 April 13, 2016
Complete 10 Daily Dungeons! Mythril×1 April 13, 2016

Special Missions[]

Event-related missions available for a limited time.


Updating with each event or cyclical dungeon, Cid would offer one or more Missions to complete for a rare crafting orb or Mote. Often, this required the player to assemble a complete party for the Realm represented in an active event AND to complete an Ultimate battle or higher. Far less frequently, the player would be required to complete a specific battle with the characters most closely tied to that battle. For example, in a Final Fantasy VIII battle versus Edea at Deling City, one might expect to bring only Squall, Rinoa, and Irvine into battle to claim the Mission prize; these three were present in the original fight.

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