In Final Fantasy XIV, the Chronicles of a New Era - Omega are quests dealing with the Omega raid series.
Omega Quests[]
The following quests are the main story of the Omega raid series, and take place after Stormblood:
The Hunt for Omega
Into the Deltascape
A Catastrophe Waiting
The Croak Queen
A Void at All Costs
The Anomaly
Return to the Rift
No Slowing Down
An Unfinished Masterpiece
Won't Let You Pass
Test World of Ruin
In the Beginning, There Was Chaos
And Like Fire Was His Mane
In the End, There Is Omega
To Kweh under Distant Skies
Omega: Beyond the Rift[]
The following quests are the epilogue of the Omega raid series, and take place after Endwalker: