Final Fantasy Wiki

Chocobo Intel, also known as chocobo wrangling, is a minigame in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, and one of many types of World Intel. One Chocobo Intel objective appears in each region of the game, and is used to obtain that region's chocobo by wrangling. The first of these in the grasslands region is mandatory in chapter 2, "A New Journey Begins".

The minigame is a stealth minigame where the player controls Cloud Strife. In it, the player must sneak past a group of chocobos to find the target chocobo, which they must wrangle by sneaking up on them.

There are no Chocobo Intel objectives in the Corel Region or the Gongaga Region, where their chocobos are instead obtained through other means.

How to play[]

The minigame is a stealth mission wherein Cloud must sneak past all chocobos to reach an objective. Cloud can roll, and throw any rocks picked up to either distract chocobos or move switches. Cloud can hide in rocks or behind objects to remain out of a chocobo's line of sight.

Chocobo status will be indicated on-screen and above the chocobo's head. If a chocobo spots Cloud, there is a short amount of time for Cloud to escape their view before they will alert the others and require the minigame be retried.

These chocobos often have a set pattern in their movement, where some will turn and patrol periodically while others remain stationary. Observing them can help predict their movement patterns and determine if it is possible to sneak past them or if they must be distracted.



Chocobo Intel: All-Rounders of the Grasslands, in the grasslands, is mandatory in the quest "Chocobo Wrangling". The target chocobo is Piko, a yellow chocobo.

There are two chocobos in front of Piko. The chocobos will not detect Cloud when he is hidden amongst the grass, meaning he only needs to sneak past them in the areas between. The first will face one way and does not turn around, meaning it can be avoided by sneaking behind it. The second will turn around every now and then, giving the opportunity to quickly sneak past to the next batch of grass when it is turned.

Piko will normally be facing toward the grass in front, but the grass contains several rocks. Picking one up and throwing it behind Piko will cause Piko to be distracted, giving the opportunity to sneak up on Piko and wrangle.

Junon Region[]

Chocobo Intel: Birds of the Mountain is the Junon Region's objective to obtain Belle, the mountain chocobo. It is required for the odd job "Stuck in a Rut", but can be obtained at any point when found on the map. The intel objective is found just north of Gabe's Ranch, and can also be unlocked by completing Activation Intel 1: Seabreeze Tower.

Upon beginning, flipping the switch on the right will cause the train to move, which Cloud can follow and hide behind to avoid the first chocobo. This will lead to an area with rocks which should be picked up and another switch for a cart just ahead. Flipping it will cause another cart to come toward Cloud, and flipping it again allows Cloud to hide behind it for the final portion of the objective.

The final area involves one switch and one cart around a track, with several chocobos in the middle. Throw a rock toward the switch in the middle to get the cart moving, then hide behind to its right side. Continue on this side until reaching the other side of the track, where a chocobo can be found. At this point, instead hide behind the left side of the cart until that chocobo has been passed, then quickly hide behind the right side of the cart so Belle does not see Cloud. As the cart reaches Belle, wrangle her to complete the objective.

Cosmo Canyon Region[]

Chocobo Intel: Cosmo Canyon's Soaring Birds is the Cosmo Canyon Region's objective to obtain Aponi, the sky chocobo. This is automatically required for the "Bonds of Trust" odd job, but can be completed on its own.

From where the objective starts, grab the cart and begin pushing it when the chocobo next to it has turned away. Push it to the box, avoid the chocobo, then run to its other side and pull it to the end of the track. Pull the lever and begin pushing or pulling the cart all the way to the end of this track, hiding behind it whenever chocobos look at Cloud, and picking up the rocks when available.

After pushing the cart near to the end of this throw a rock to distract the chocobo by the lever and pull it, allowing the cart to switch tracks. Push this cart, distracting chocobos with rocks on the way, to Aponi. Throw a rock to distract her, and wrangle.

Nibel Region[]

Chocobo Intel: Feathered Waverunners is the Region's objective to obtain Selena, the ocean chocobo. This is automatically required for the "Esoteric Secrets of the Elders" odd job, but can be completed on its own. This objectibe is slightly different, as it mostly involves guiding the chocobo by throwing rather than stealth. The chocobo must be guided while avoiding the shrinking and expanding cacti on the path.

From the start, run to the top of the hill and grab the chocobo bait, then reach the cliff overlooking Selena. A path of chocobo tracks on the ground highlight paths Selena can be guided toward by throwing bait down toward her. Throw them along the path up to a fork in the road; at the first fork, it doesn;t matter which path is taken, as long as the bait is thrown after the cacti deflate so Selena can cross safely. Following this is another set of inflating/deflating cacti, which Selena can be guided past by throwing bait right after the cactus in front of her begins deflating.

After the irst two paths is a larger set of inflating/deflating cacti. Wait until the first set have deflating and throw bait toward them, then toward the next set as they deflate, and finally throw the next bait after the third set start to deflate, leading to some open space. For the next two sets, throw bait after they start to deflate to guide Selena toward the grass beneath the cliff. At this point, run down with Cloud and wrangle her to complete the objective.
