Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

Champions (セイヴァー召喚, Seivā shōkan?) are unique allies Lann and Reynn can summon to assist them during battle in World of Final Fantasy. They are all characters from other games in the Final Fantasy series, save for one. Inhabitants of Grymoire, Champions are individuals called "Mediums" who have learned to channel their hidden power.

Lann and Reynn can awaken Champions by unlocking their respective Champion Medals, after they have met the necessary conditions. The twins can then trade in Arma Gem Arma Gems to the Girl Who Forgot Her Name to obtain them, for two Arma Gems each. A maximum of three Champion Medals can be equipped at any given time, from the Champion Medals menu.

Champions can be summoned in battle by selecting the Champions command. They can only be called after the Champion Gauge has been filled to the required number of stars (up to three). The Champion Gauge fills when the player's stacks take and inflict damage in battle. In Nine Wood Hills, the player may occasionally find a Pixie Stone atop Serafie's head; these items fill the player's Champion Gauge by 1. When starting a match at The Coliseum, the Champion Gauge becomes empty, but reverts back to what it was after the match.

In the Maxima version, the player can unlock Champion Jewels that allow Lann and Reynn to take on the appearance of most Champions (as well as new ones), and are also given an active, passive ability, and/or a stat boost. While equipped with a Champion Jewel, Champion Medals and Mega Mirages cannot be used, however.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)

When fighting against the final boss Exnine Bahamut and Enna Kros, the player cannot summon Champions as the Champions command is disabled.

Spoilers end here.

List of Champions[]

Champion Ability Unlock Condition(s) Gauge Cost Music
Warrior of Light Oversoul Meet the Girl Who Forgot Her Name during Chapter 5. 1★ "Battle" from Final Fantasy
Inflict neutral physical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Defense ↑ to all allies.
Refia Healing Light Complete Chapter 7. 1★ "Battle 1" from Final Fantasy III
Restore HP and remove status ailments from all allies.
Tifa Final Heaven Complete Chapter 10. 1★ "Let the Battles Begin!" from Final Fantasy VII
Inflict neutral physical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Strength ↑ to all allies.
Snow Sovereign Fist Complete Chapter 12. 1★ "Snow's Theme" from Final Fantasy XIII
Inflicts Ice-elemental magic damage to all enemies. Grants Defense ↑ to all allies.
Lightning Gestalt Drive Complete Chapter 13. 2★ "Blinded By Light" from Final Fantasy XIII
Inflict neutral physical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Strength ↑ to all allies.
Squall Lion Heart Complete Chapter 14. 1★ "Don't Be Afraid" from Final Fantasy VIII
Inflict neutral physical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Accuracy ↑ to all allies.
Shelke Countertek Complete Chapter 15. 1★ "A Girl Named Shelke" from Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-
Restore HP and remove negative status effects from all allies. Also removes positive status effects from all enemies.
Bartz Clash on Big Bridge Complete Chapter 16. 2★ "Clash on the Big Bridge" from Final Fantasy V
Inflict neutral physical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Accuracy ↑ and Evasion ↑ to all allies.
Cloud Omnislash Complete Chapter 17. 2★ "Fight On!" from Final Fantasy VII
Inflict neutral physical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Strength ↑ to all allies.
Celes World of Final Fantasy Complete Chapter 17. 2★ "Battle to the Death" from Final Fantasy VI
Inflict Ice-elemental magic damage and Oblivion to one enemy, ignoring defense. Restores AP to all allies.
Tidus Blitz Ace Complete Chapter 18. 1★ "To Zanarkand" / "Blitz Off!" from Final Fantasy X
Inflict neutral physical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Evasion ↑ to all allies.
Shantotto Magic Burst! Complete Chapter 18. 1★ "Awakening" from Final Fantasy XI
Inflict magical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Magic ↑ to all allies.
Yuna Sending Complete Chapter 20. 1★ "The Sending" from Final Fantasy X
Revive KO'd allies and fully restore HP.
Terra Magitek Laser Complete Chapter 20. 1★ "The Decisive Battle" from Final Fantasy VI
Inflict neutral magical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Magic ↑ to all allies.
Sephiroth Super Nova Downloadable content (pre-order bonus also included with Day One Edition). Available in Maxima version. 1★ "One-Winged Angel" from Final Fantasy VII
Inflict neutral physical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Grants Strength ↑ to all allies.
Sora Ragnarok Time-limited downloadable content (no longer available). 2★ ?
Inflict light-elemental magical damage to one enemy, ignoring defense. Bestows Regen to all allies.
Balthier Tides of Fate Downloadable content. Available in Maxima version. 2★ "The Fates" from Final Fantasy XII
Inflict water-elemental magical damage to all enemies, bypassing defense. Has high topple strength.

