The Ceratoraptor is an enemy in Final Fantasy XIII. It is found in the Sulyya Springs as a normal encounter. The Ceratoraptor also appears in Missions 16 and 59.
Ceratoraptor can call four Ceratosaurs using the ability Courtship Dance. Swamp Water inflicts Deprotect on a party member.
Ceratoraptors are best defeated first to prevent them from calling allies. It is easy to stun these enemies by ganging up on them, which prevents them from attacking.
In battles with multiple targets, especially with Ceratoraptors continually calling for more allies, it is useful to spam spells like Firaga and Ruinga, because it halts all enemies' actions and stops them from overwhelming the party.
Other appearances[]
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

The name is a portmanteau of "Ceratosaur" and "raptor."
Ceratosaur is the common name for the many dinosaurs of the infraorder Ceratosauria.
Birds of prey, also known as raptors, hunt and feed on other animals. The term "raptor" is derived from the Latin word rapere (meaning to seize or take by force). These birds are characterized by keen vision that allows them to detect prey during flight and powerful talons and beaks.
The term "raptor" may also refer to a small dinosaur with the same characteristics as a bird of prey, such as the Velociraptor.